


wrong anchor/positioning nameplate-icon

rulezxy opened this issue · 7 comments



I noticed some issues with the anchors of the nameplate icons:
(?) correlation

Icon appears at partyframes most likely in correlation with friendly nameplate-icon.

Displacement for enemy nameplate icon/anchor/size probably in correlation with friendly nameplate-anchors.


According to the frame stack, the first one is the party unit frame - not the nameplate, so that seems to be working correctly. you should be able to simply disable (or move the anchor) under Unit Frames > Party:

Looks like the class icon is generated by your nameplate addon, so you should be able to move the general anchor (for enemies) to overlap that (though I can't guarantee that it will show in front):

And then make sure the separate anchor is enabled for friendly nameplates:

Let me know if you're still having issues after applying these settings!


First one could probably be correct but I dont remeber issues with that option in the past.
But maybe since it was enabled and I also play with raidframe-styled partyframes it could have caused the issue.

I dont play with a nameplate addon or anything like that.

These are the default nameplates just modified and the class Icon is generated by a code not related to an nameplate addon:

And yes I also have different Anchorpoints for enemy/global and friendly.

Here u can see that one enemy icon is at the correct position (on class icon) and the other one is wrong (top middle):
(see Blessing of Freedom)


Hmm I see.. I guess my solution was optimistic. It seems there are limitations on what addons are allowed to do in combat, and one of those things is changing frame anchors... I have no idea how to solve this now 😬


The problem (as I understand it) is that we can only set the anchors for nameplates out of combat, so when a new nameplate is displayed after entering combat can only take the last set anchor. I don't know if there's any way to get around this because this is a limitation imposed on blizzard's end.
I haven't tried it, but I'm pretty sure if you for example comment out line 816 --if InCombatLockdown() then return end (which would allow the anchoring function to happen in combat) you'll probably get an error saying something like "addon action has been blocked" if not frame taint/lua errors


At least it seems u fixed my issue with the raidframes :)

Why not completely separate friendly from enemy/general nameplate options?

It should fix the anchor issue and allows to also set/check different Spells but I am not sure how much rework it is.


I mean I get that and I am way too bad with lua (just ripping of codes/editing) but I it should be possible to make different anchorspoints if you can separate the function but maybe I am just too confident.


I am way too bad with lua (just ripping of codes/editing)

same with me ;)

I guess it's probably possible to set up 2 frames on each nameplate, and then send the aura to the correct frame - although I get the feeling that is easier said than done