


Lua Error

karlito22 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Hello there, i'm really in love with your addon but recently since 9.1 release and the new torment in m+ i keep getting a huge lua error in the middle of my screen and some times when i mouse over to heal i keep getting it and when i click close it instantly pop again until i do /reload ui I've noticed it happened mostly after i kill tormented and i try to loot the orb to pick an anima power and some time's in raid as well but rarely in raid mostly in M+ i did try to delete the addon and re download it , it kept happening and i always update any way i can get a help or a fix or you guys working on it, in advance thanks so much + for clarification i play with blizzard ui nothing else and some other addons


It would help if you can paste the error here for us.

Download these two addons if you want to stop getting error pop-ups.
They will save the errors off into a place for review later. If you paste the error in this Issue ticket, we can try to debug it.