


FPS Stuttering issues related to this

WuhbGaming opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Someone made a post about it, definitely functions BigDebuffs uses

Any way to circumvent this? Constant reloading on every single arena gets old quickly.


yea i had to disable bigdebuffs for now

only way to stop the freezing and lagging cant do constant reload mid pvp sadge


they fixed it probably. now i dont need reload every damn arena match at start


Still occurs but you can at least almost for sure make it through an entire match(shuffle) now before it becomes unbearable.


Can you post the lua error you're getting now?


Can you/anyone explain what the fix was?

When 10.0.5 went live, I was getting horrible horrible FPS drops/freezing. Using debuggers, I also thought BigDebuffs was one of the culprits, but it didn't seem to be only BigDebuffs since the problems persisted even with it disabled.

Not too long after 10.0.5 went live, a ton of addons updated and things seemed to get better, but the problem still seemed to happen, especially right when enemies would come out of stealth in PvP.

Anyway, before the supposed BigDebuffs FPS fix, things just seem to have resolved themselves without disabling any other addons. Not sure if it was another addon update, but I would love to know generally what caused the issue!


I believe one of the issues was a call to CompactUnitFrame_SetMaxBuffs, which directly modifies the frame's maxBuffs value, causing taint. Another potential cause was extra/unneeded code in the CompactUnitFrame_UpdateAuras hook.

I am unable to produce any taint or errors after this fix, so if any of you are still getting lua errors please post them here.


Left it on as long as I could bear, this is what I could find out:
No errors but still severe and unplayable frames/stutters sometime through the 2nd or 3rd+ shuffle if you don't reload
(Tested a handful of times)

After turning it off I made it through about 12-13 matches before I started noticing any hiccups, (but at least playable, I'm sure they would have gotten just as bad eventaully.)

Edit: Testing latest update now

Edit2: SeemsGood


Good to hear, thanks for your help.