


Polymorph not handled as "CC"/ wrong size

lvxku opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Game Version:

10.0.5 live Build 48317


Despite all of mage's polymorph spell versions being listed under the "Crowd Control" category in options,
it is currently not being handled as a CC spell and also ignores custom size overrides.




Have "Dispellable CC","Other CC","Dispellable PvE","Warning Debuffs" at e.g. 100% and "Offensive Debuffs","Other Debuffs" at a smaller, in my case 50%, size

poly example
polymorph settings example


Seems to definitely be a common problem as streamers with a similar bigdebuffs setup have the same issue e.g. Trillebartom:


I'm having trouble reproducing this issue. Could you send me your BigDebuffs.lua that's located in your SavedVariables folder?


Does it do this even without the Mainline file edited? It appears in your screenshot that the children spell IDs for Polymorph were removed from the parent. I don't think a clean install should show each Polymorph spell individually like that


Yea, this happens regardless. Removing the parent attribute and having them handled as individual CCs was just my first attempt at fixing this :(


I haven't had a chance to see if I can replicate the problem yet. I did try to see if I could notice anything wrong with the spell IDs, typos, or any duplicates and I didn't notice anything so far. I went on Wowhead and noticed that Polymorph has a flag for a Boss Aura. I didn't find this flag for any of the other IDs in the addon I went to check for so this could be doing it since some of the code was edited in the taint issue fix update.


Thanks for the info, I think this should be fixed. @citna you were right, I wonder why they added that flag to polymorph.


Glad I could help. Yeah, it doesn't make a lot of sense and Polymorphs (Mass Polymorph included) seemed to be the only IDs with the flag that I noticed scanning multiple spells. I figured maybe other dispellable CC from Vanilla may share the flag but didn't find any in the addon.


This is my setup (git won't allow a *.lua upload directly):


I can replicate this happening on 11.17 and I do see it on streamer's UIs on the latest version. When testing with forced custom sizes, I can make the Polymorph appear smaller but I cannot get it to be the same size as say Ring of Frost (another dispellable CC) while being affected by both.
I think it has to do with Polymorph having the BossAura flag ( ).


I have set dispellable debuffs to 95% which fits my raid frames perfecty. Any dispellable debuff besides polymorph shows with the full size. Polymorph for some reason shows a smaller icon