

Winds pronunciation incorrect

steev opened this issue · 7 comments


The TTS seems to get winds wrong. It uses the pronunciation like winding a clock, instead of a gust of wind.

The incorrect sounds seem to be 181956y, 218124 and 242017.


I've added support for IPA notation so should be fixed in the next update.


Where was support for IPA added? The soundfile generation logic appears to be entirely absent from the repo, what makes outside contributions very difficult.


The syntax for IPA notation isn't set in stone, but for now it would be winds=wɪndz. To add or update sounds, edit the file under tools/sounds.txt.

I'll see if I can include the script in the repository, Curse is a bit picky about which files types can be present for the packager to make a release.


I'll see if I can include the script in the repository, Curse is a bit picky about which files types can be present for the packager to make a release.


Fixed the pronunciation of "winds" and added the LINQPad script used to automate TTS.


The syntax for IPA notation isn't set in stone, but for now it would be winds=wɪndz. To add or update sounds, edit the file under tools/sounds.txt.

Would IPA only be used for heteronyms? How does the script distinguish between IPA and non-IPA text in sounds.txt? Does it follow // convention?


Oh do you literally type winds=wɪndz? That works I guess.