BigWigs_WrathOfTheLichKing - The Wrath of the Lich King content pack for BigWigs

LUA error while doing Onyxia 60

Nillx opened this issue · 3 comments


Got this error today while killing Onyxia 60lvl

1x ...ddOns\BigWigs_WrathOfTheLichKing\Coliseum\Beasts.lua:25: attempt to call global 'EJ_GetCreatureInfo' (a nil value)
[string "@BigWigs_WrathOfTheLichKing\Coliseum\Beasts.lua"]:25: in main chunk
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@BigWigs\Loader.lua"]:284: in function <BigWigs\Loader.lua:264>
[string "@BigWigs\Loader.lua"]:296: in function <BigWigs\Loader.lua:291>
[string "@BigWigs\Loader.lua"]:308: in function <BigWigs\Loader.lua:306>
[string "@BigWigs\Loader.lua"]:1194: in function `?'
[string "@BigWigs\Loader.lua"]:1015: in function <BigWigs\Loader.lua:1014>

mod = <table> {
 journalId = 1618
 RegisterMessage = <function> defined @BigWigs\Loader.lua:900
 UnregisterMessage = <function> defined @BigWigs\Loader.lua:921
 displayName = "The Northrend Beasts"
 enableMobs = <table> {
 name = "BigWigs_Bosses_The Beasts of Northrend"
 instanceId = 649
 RegisterEvent = <function> defined @BigWigs_Core\Core.lua:64
 moduleName = "The Beasts of Northrend"
 UnregisterEvent = <function> defined @BigWigs_Core\Core.lua:71
 SendMessage = <function> defined @BigWigs\Loader.lua:935
CL = <table> {
 on_group = "%s on GROUP"
 small_add = "Small Add"
 marker = "%s Marker"
 traps = "Traps"
 near = "%s near YOU"
 marker_npc_desc = "Mark %s with %s, requires promoted or leader."
 laser = "Laser"
 removed_from = "%s removed from %s"
 removed_after = "%s removed after %.1fs"
 amount_one = "%dB"
 rticon = "%s ({rt%d})"
 knockback = "Knockback"
 amount_two = "%dM"
 no = "No %s"
 over = "%s Over"
 you = "%s on YOU"
 count = "%s (%d)"
 stack = "%dx %s on %s"
 removed = "%s Removed"
 interrupted_by = "%s interrupted by %s"
 focus_only = "|cffff0000Focus target alerts only.|r "
 mob_killed = "%s killed (%d/%d)"
 count_icon = "%s (%d|T13700%d:0|t)"
 intermission = "Intermission"
 marker_player_desc = "Mark players affected by %s with %s, requires promoted or leader."
 phase = "Phase %d"
 buff_other = "Buff on %s: %s"
 big_adds = "Big Adds"
 bombs = "Bombs"
 stage = "Stage %d"
 add = "Add"
 big_add = "Big Add"
 general = "General"
 shield = "Shield"
 duration = "%s for %s sec"
 underyou = "%s under YOU"
 meteor = "Meteor"
 add_killed = "Add killed (%d/%d)"
 fear = "Fear"
 teleport = "Teleport"
 spawned = "%s Spawned"
 trash = "Trash"
 next_add = "Next Add"
 bomb = "Bomb"
 stackyou = "%dx %s on YOU"
 custom_sec = "%s in %d sec"
 soon = "%s soon"
 custom_min = "%s in %d min"
 link_with_icon = "Linked with |T13700%d:0|t%s"
 add_spawned = "Add Spawned"
 fixate = "Fixate"
 custom_start_s = "%s engaged - %s in %d sec"
 cancelled = "%s Cancelled"
 interrupted = "%s Interrupted"
 link_both = "%s linked with %s"
 count_rticon = "%s (%d{rt%d})"
 you_icon = "%s on |T13700%d:0|tYOU"
 onboss = "%s on BOSS"
 adds = "Adds"
 tank_combo = "Tank Combo"
 cast = "<Cast: %s>"
 amount_three = "%dK"
 link_removed = "Link removed"
 beams = "Beams"
 incoming = "%s Incoming"
 custom_end = "%s goes %s"
 link_short = "Linked: %s"
 link_with = "Linked with %s"
 other = "%s: %s"
 link = "Link"
 mythic = "Mythic mode"
 normal = "Normal mode"
 seconds = "%.1fs"
 spawning = "%s Spawning"
 mob_remaining = "%s killed, %d remaining"
 removed_by = "%s removed by %s"
 percent = "%d%% - %s"
 explosion = "Explosion"
 active = "Active"
 heroic = "Heroic mode"
 small_adds = "Small Adds"
 beam = "Beam"
 buff_boss = "Buff on BOSS: %s"
 add_remaining = "Add killed, %d remaining"
 casting = "Casting %s"
 custom_start = "%s engaged - %s in %d min"
 on = "%s on %s"
snobolledWarned = <table> {
sprayTimer = nil
handle_Jormungars = nil
icehowl = nil
jormungars = nil
gormok = nil
_ = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = 1618
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'EJ_GetCreatureInfo' (a nil value)"


This addon is for retail.


Oh fair enough.


This should no longer be an issue as we're also using this addon for classic now.