minor bug with targeting border
klepp0906 opened this issue · 3 comments
seems if you disable "color out of combat" (which i do as i prefer the default blizzard colors for out of combat mobs and that seems like the ideal way to do so while keeping threat coloring) then the white border you get when targeting mobs does not persist.
it will display for a brief second when initially targeting a mob, then disappear. if the mob is in combat, it persists however.
Oh! yeah it colors border black when resetFrame is called after combat ends, should be fixed now if you want to try it out :)
Just download/save the file above, overriding your current NamePlatesThreat.lua - it's for the upcoming 10.0.5 patch.
y for a brief second when initially targeting a mob, then disappear. if the mob is in combat, it persists ho
will give it a go today, thank you for the fix! (and addon!)