BoE labels in Bags

BoE labels in Bags


Labels for White/Grey BoE Xmog Items

FortyOneNY opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Now that grey and white items can be learned for transmog and many are BoE, it would be nice to have the labels on them as well.


I tried changing this myself, but it doesn't seem as simple as changing some numbers in a few spots. I do not know .lua, really just winging it xD

This would be a lovely feature though!


If you remove a tiny piece of code on line 95 of the main.lua file it will work the way you requested as it won't look at quality anymore and will only look to see if the item can be bound or not...

Instead of
if (itemQuality and itemQuality > 1) and (bindType == 2 or bindType == 3) then

line 95 of main.lua should read
if (bindType == 2 or bindType == 3) then
