[FEATURE]Flip/invert action bar layout. Change the growth/anchor point
Zxkarie opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Default wow UI is anchored left to right, grows upwards when more rows added. It'd be nice for a mirror/right anchor to be added. Also the extra rows to grow underneath. This is just the horizontal bar view.
This image is a poor photoshop jobby btw.
Here's a link to the wow forums where people are asking for the same thing but this thread mentions vertical mirroring.
Since currently i am setting the anchors manually (hard coded) it should be possible with some code to make sure all buttons are oriented th correct way afterwards.
Still might take some time since on DF launch i'll don't have much time for the first week :D
Another question coming to my mind... Wouldn't it be enough to be able to configure mirror vertical
and mirror horizontal
on each bar?
Since for example mirror vertical
on a horizontal bar would lead to the bar growing down. If you then would want to flip the sides you'd have to enable mirror horizontal