


[BUG] Pet status text & player name OFF by default, but options dont reflect this

Rezy942 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Description / reproduce

When first loading up addon, default (fresh) profile, you will see that player name and pet status text are gone.

You go to Miscelaneous -> Pet -> hide status text is UNCHECKED
Also, miscelaneous -> player -> hide player name is UNCHECKED and overwrite name field is EMPTY. The cause is overwrite name field. Addon reads the field incorrectly so the name is EMPTY. To fix, user has to click in the field, and enter again. Then addon correctly reads it as nothing, so full name appears again.

Even now, i struggle to make my pet status text to show up again. Even though the option is unchecked. Reload and toggling options on and off doesnt help it seems.

Expected Behaviour

Pet hide status text should follow UNCHECKED by default, right now it doesnt listen to this setting (initially).
"overwrite field" should not delete player name by default. Addon should ignore this field unless the value is not empty.

Optional Context (e.g. Screenshots)


Thank you


Did you reload after creating a new profile? Some settings will only work properly after you reload.


Yes, after a reload same issues. Full restart of game. No addons.
I cant pinpoint it exactly, i just know that these 2 settings arent working properly.
Edit* i even deleted addon config in WTF folders and still same behavior.


Version 1.31.1-beta should fix that behaviour.

