BLU | Better Level Up!

BLU | Better Level Up!


Kill sound + unreal tournament audio request

Closed this issue · 1 comments


Just wanted to request pvp kill sound customizations with sounds from the classic Unreal Tournament like "Double killll" ...etc.



This could turn into a larger project. I have a few ideas to split this addon. Most of the functionality that BLU provides can be achieved with WeakAuras and DBM. However, what makes BLU stand out is my focus on ease of use and base game integration. BLU is also the only addon that allows for individual volume control of default event sounds. The reason people don’t use these other addons to achieve what BLU does, such as changing event sounds, is that it’s not very easy or straightforward.

A PvP-oriented version of BLU is in the timeline, as well as a build-out for an addon that allows for sounds on a per-reputation/renown-faction basis. Another fork could be better menu sounds.

Again, this will be a bit of work—tracking and resetting kill sprees, etc.—but it does sound like fun, and I can definitely see this being added somewhere down the line.

Adding an event trigger for PvP kills and a few PvP-themed sound files would be a quicker implementation. If you have suggestions for ‘single kill’ sounds, that would be helpful.