BLU | Better Level Up!

BLU | Better Level Up!


Standard WoW "Work Complete" Orc sound request

Closed this issue ยท 11 comments


Title says it all :)


Nice! This is a great suggestion, I'll add this to the next build!


Awesome... It's great for completing quests! Looking forward to it! :)


I'm going to re-open this so I don't forget to add this in v5.0.0.


I keep checking for the update! The suspense is killing me! :)


I have been pushing harder on this code than in WoW. I have a release candidate for v5.
Once I verify all functionality, I'll push this as a main branch release.

I would like to direct your attention to Release: v5.0.0-alpha.6.

- Added - Localization strings for all user-facing text - [localization.lua]
- Added - New debug messages for comprehensive tracking - [initialization.lua, utils.lua, localization.lua]
- Added - New initialization logic for addon - [initialization.lua, utils.lua, localization.lua]
- Added - New sound categories and corresponding muting logic - [sounds.lua]
- Added - Slash command handling with dynamic response messages - [initialization.lua, utils.lua, localization.lua]
- Added - Slash commands `/blu debug`, `/blu welcome`, `/blu help` - [initialization.lua, utils.lua, localization.lua]

- Fixed - Errors related to sound ID selection and volume handling - [sounds.lua]
- Fixed - Initialization bugs caused by incorrect scoping and event registration - [initialization.lua, utils.lua]
- Fixed - Localization issues and missing strings - [localization.lua]

- Removed - Obsolete sound entries and updated muting lists accordingly - [sounds.lua]
- Removed - Redundant and outdated files related to specific game versions - [cata.lua, vanilla.lua, options_c.lua, options_v.lua, retail.lua]

- Restructured - Color alternation logic for options panel dynamically based on available groups - [initialization.lua]
- Restructured - Event registration and handling logic to support different WoW versions - [initialization.lua, utils.lua]
- Restructured - Separated core functionalities into [initialization.lua, utils.lua, localization.lua] for modular design
- Restructured - Removed deprecated files and consolidated sound management - [core.lua, cata.lua, vanilla.lua, options_c.lua, options_v.lua, retail.lua]

- Updated - .toc files to reflect version increment to v5.0.0 - [BLU.toc, BLU_Cata.toc, BLU_Vanilla.toc]
- Updated - GitHub Actions workflow for more precise versioning and changelog parsing - [release.yml]
- Updated - README to include new features and compatibility with 'The War Within' - []
- Updated - Refactored sound management for better maintainability - [sounds.lua]

You da man! I just grabbed the alpha, I'll check it out later when I get a chance to play (doing work stuff right now booooo)! :)


But it says "Job's Done!" instead of "Work Complete!" ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Work Complete!


- Added - Dynamic game version handling for Retail, Cataclysm, and Vanilla - [initialization.lua, utils.lua]
- Added - Localization strings for all user-facing text - [localization.lua]
- Added - New debug messages for comprehensive tracking - [initialization.lua, utils.lua, localization.lua]
- Added - Slash command handling with dynamic response messages for `/blu debug`, `/blu welcome`, and `/blu help` - [initialization.lua, utils.lua, localization.lua]
- Added - Sound categories and corresponding muting logic - [sounds.lua]
- Added - New custom sound entries for `warcraft_3-2` and adjusted ordering in the `sounds` table - [sounds.lua]
- Added - New custom sound entries for `warcraft_3-3` and adjusted ordering in the `sounds` table - [sounds.lua]
- Added - New [] guide for adding and managing custom sounds - [/docs]

- Fixed - Errors related to sound ID selection and volume handling - [sounds.lua]
- Fixed - Initialization bugs caused by incorrect scoping and event registration - [initialization.lua, utils.lua]
- Fixed - Localization issues and missing strings - [localization.lua]
- Fixed - Issue where default sounds for "Quest Accepted" and "Quest Complete" were both playing the achievement sound - [core.lua]

- Removed - Redundant and outdated files specific to older game versions - [cata.lua, vanilla.lua, options_c.lua, options_v.lua, retail.lua]
- Removed - Redundant `HandleEvent` function from `core.lua` to streamline the codebase - [core.lua]

- Restructured - Event registration and handling logic to support multiple WoW versions - [initialization.lua, utils.lua]
- Restructured - Core functionalities into dedicated files for modular design - [initialization.lua, utils.lua, localization.lua]
- Restructured - Sound management, removing deprecated files and consolidating logic - [sounds.lua]
- Restructured - Color alternation logic for options panel dynamically based on available groups - [initialization.lua]

- Updated - Sound selection logic to ensure correct sounds are played based on the provided sound ID - [utils.lua]
- Updated - Debug messages for sound selection and playback to be more descriptive and consistent - [utils.lua]
- Updated - Centralized sound handling logic in `utils.lua` to improve code maintainability - [utils.lua]
- Updated - `.toc` files to reflect version increment to v5.0.0 - [BLU.toc, BLU_Cata.toc, BLU_Vanilla.toc]
- Updated - GitHub Actions workflow for precise versioning and changelog parsing - [release.yml]
- Updated - README to include new features and compatibility with 'The War Within' - []



So, I finally got to play more today, and thought I do really like the addition of Work Complete... I realized that it is only happening when actually turning in a quest. One of the things that an old addon used to do was to say it when you finished collecting a certain amount of an item as well. Like if you are supposed to kill Trolls until you collect 10 Troll Skulls, once you collected 10/10 it would say "Work Complete". I always found it useful because then you didn't even have to watch how far along you were, you just knew you were done when you heard the "Work Complete" :) Do you think you could make an option to add sounds when you finish a quest like that as well? Thanks again!