BLU | Better Level Up!

BLU | Better Level Up!


[5.0.5] Battle Pet level up alert firing randomly

Closed this issue ยท 3 comments


While playing, I've encountered the sound effect for "Battle Pet Level-Up!" repeatedly, at random times. So far there's no obvious commonality to times that it's sounded, but something appears to be overzealous in finding opportunities for it to trigger. ๐Ÿ˜„

N.B. AFAIK the addon is still working appropriately when my battle pets do actually level up. The misfires are happening on top of that, not instead of it.


SoulCookie! Thank you for your concise and detailed issue submission. You're a huge help!

Alright, up and at-em here. I just pushed v5.0.6 I think I fixed it?


Ok, v5.0.6 doesn't function properly counter to my thinking. I have v5.0.7 working and will be pushed soon.

Blizzard does not make it easy to track when pets level up. Players get their own event handlers fired off by the api. So do pets, but only in battles... LOL


FWIW, I'm still getting the random pet-level-up sounds in v5.0.7.