BLU | Better Level Up!

BLU | Better Level Up!


Option to have high and low level volumes

Canguy421 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Your latest change to BLU has made the level up sound really low, example being when I discovered an area and dinged, the discover of the area sound was 3 times louder then the ding sound. previous versions had it more defined "louder" as a level up , same as reputation /achievements. I love the addon and all your better addons, I just prefer hearing it over other game sounds, Thanks for consideration


Ok so I have looked into this.. The volume normalization made it so that BLU sounds shouldn't be louder than WoW..
I may do a pass and increase db on the sounds themselves however, you can increase your master volume, and then lower the other sliders.. That will make BLU sounds louder.


Okay, I will do another pass on volume levels soon. As far as volume sliders.. that is planned for a future update.




Thought I'd give you a heads up. I'm working on v4 and it has volume sliders.