Error report v46
Cluuey opened this issue ยท 10 comments
This error popped up in Battle for Dazar'alor, I haven't had a chance to go back but I disabled the addon as I couldn't see loot in the dungeon journal either.
[C]: in function `EJ_SelectInstance'
BonusRollPreview\BonusRollPreview-80000.46-Release.lua:128: in function `StartEncounter'
BonusRollPreview\BonusRollPreview-80000.46-Release.lua:98: in function <BonusRollPreview\BonusRollPreview.lua:54>
I just noticed the following error in BugSack was the dungeon journal and thought that might help you.
I don't know if it will but more information is normally better than too little.
[C]: in function `EJ_SelectInstance'
...zzard_EncounterJournal\Blizzard_EncounterJournal-1.0.lua:631: in function `EncounterJournal_DisplayInstance'
...zzard_EncounterJournal\Blizzard_EncounterJournal-1.0.lua:2286: in function `EncounterJournal_OpenJournal'
FrameXML\LootFrame.lua:852: in function <FrameXML\LootFrame.lua:834>
(*temporary) = 0
Please try the latest version from GitHub, I don't raid any more so I can't test until LFR becomes available.
That's because the addon is missing the InstanceID of Battle of Dazar'alor raid in this file:
Something like:
[XXXX] = 14, -- Raid: Battle of Dazar'alor
Will do.
I guess that will be some time tomorrow but I'm in Oz so much later than US players.
@Cluuey Had a chance to test yet?
Sorry I haven't got back to you, I've been unwell.
I had meant to ask how to use the version from here as just downloading the zip file, extracting it and changing the folder name, didn't work.
It gave errors about missing the Wasabi library.
So I replaced the file gixxpunk mentioned above, but that didn't work either.
Then I got sick and hadn't looked into it further.
Looking now I'll grab the missing libs directories from the previous version and see if it works.
For this change, you only need to replace BonusRollPreview.lua with the one from GitHub.
I didn't get any errors the other night, so I'd say you've sorted this out.
Thanks. :-)