


Potential solution for Dragonflight Changes to Milling/Prospecting/Unraveling

TeiranDragon opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Hey there. You mentioned in your addon description that if a way to programmatically Mill/Prospect/Unravel was found, you might be able to update to work with the new Dragonflight profession systems.

Well, I have a macro template that can do it, and maybe you can incorporate the method into the addon.

Here's a macro that finds a stack of Mystic Sapphire rank 2s in my bags, and then performs a repeated Crushing attempt on that stack.

/run for bg=0,5 do for s=1,C_Container.GetContainerNumSlots(bg) do local lnk=ItemLocation:CreateFromBagAndSlot(bg,s) if lnk:IsValid() and C_Item.GetItemID(lnk) == 192841 then C_TradeSkillUI.CraftSalvage(395696,500,lnk) return end end end

Same macro, just spaced out some:

/run for bg=0,5 do
for s=1,C_Container.GetContainerNumSlots(bg) do
local lnk=ItemLocation:CreateFromBagAndSlot(bg,s)
if lnk:IsValid() and C_Item.GetItemID(lnk) == 192841 then

The "C_Item.GetItemID(lnk) == 192841" part is what defines it as Mystic Sapphire rank 2, and the
profession call is C_TradeSkillUI.CraftSalvage(395696,500,lnk), with 395696 being the spell id for crushing, 500 being the number of times to do it, and the lnk being the variable holding the stack found earlier.

I have other macros that do unraveling and prospecting with the same method. not sure how cleanly you can translate the macro acceptable code to an addon, but I figured I'd send it to you and see if it helps.


Thanks for sharing. I'm not sure how viable this is, but I can try to find some time to take a look. If you, or anyone else, wants to post a PR with this implemented into the mod, I'd be happy to merge it.