
501k Downloads None of the information other than gold shows up in summary

BigFire321 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Version I've selected Shadowland currency I want to display in the summary page. None of them show up except for gold/money. Also, after the first character, the rest of my characters cannot load the mod.


OK that kinda fix the problem. Right now, with that fix, everytime I login a character, the character's currently gold amount is added to the daily total.


Just wanted to post an update. Under the pull requests - christophknuth posted a fix that allows the latest version of the addon to be used. I'm currently using it and haven't had any errors thus far.


I'm still only getting gold as display, albeit the alts not showing up is resolved. I'm using TitanPanel to dock the broker_currency.


Initially when I posted - it wasn't exhibiting that behavior. When I logged back in just a few minutes ago - no currencies are showing in the mouseover summary list (as stated above). Label me annoyed - I thought it was finally fixed. Reverted back.


I tracked the display issue to OptionIcons and BrokerIcons being declared and used but never initialized in tooltip.lua

Broker_Currency.lua has the same variables populated so I made them members of the Broker_Currency object and use those to initialize the ones in tooltip.lua that made most of the currencies show except for the money (gold, silver, & copper)

Add this 2 lines right before the last "end" in Broker_Currency.lua

Broker_Currency.OptionIcons = OptionIcons
Broker_Currency.BrokerIcons = BrokerIcons

and change lines 45 & 46 of tooltip.lua from:
local OptionIcons = {}
local BrokerIcons = {}
local OptionIcons = Broker_Currency.OptionIcons
local BrokerIcons = Broker_Currency.BrokerIcons

As it turns out something is zeroing out the character's money specifically on logout, as it is correctly saved on /reload and I haven't been able to figure out when or why it is happening