Broker: Cash

Broker: Cash


LUA error for a while now

CTauthor opened this issue · 4 comments


Receive following LUA error EVERY TIME my cursor passes over Broker Cash:

Message: ...\AddOns\Broker_Cash\Libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua:543: attempt to call method 'GetBackdrop' (a nil value)
Time: Fri Nov 26 15:23:30 2021
Count: 1
Stack: ...\AddOns\Broker_Cash\Libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua:543: attempt to call method 'GetBackdrop' (a nil value)
[string "@interface\AddOns\Broker_Cash\Libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua"]:543: in function <...\AddOns\Broker_Cash\Libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua:539>
[string "@interface\AddOns\Broker_Cash\Libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua"]:132: in function Acquire' [string "@Interface\AddOns\Broker_Cash\Broker_Cash.lua"]:730: in function ShowMainTooltip'
[string "@interface\AddOns\Broker_Cash\Broker_Cash.lua"]:966: in function OnEnter' [string "@Interface\AddOns\Bazooka\Bazooka.lua"]:1583: in function showTip'
[string "@interface\AddOns\Bazooka\Bazooka.lua"]:1388: in function <Interface\AddOns\Bazooka\Bazooka.lua:1379>

Locals: tooltip = {
0 =
scrollChild = {
scrollFrame = {
key = "Broker_Cash_MainTooltip"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = GameTooltip {
0 =
textLeft1Font = "GameTooltipHeaderText"
ItemTooltip = {
SetHyperlink = defined =[C]:-1
SetGuildBankItem = defined =[C]:-1
updateTooltipTimer = 0.100000
Hide = defined =[C]:-1
TextRight1 = GameTooltipTextRight1 {
hasMoney = 1
ClearLines = defined =[C]:-1
SetSocketGem = defined =[C]:-1
SetUnitBuff = defined =[C]:-1
TopOverlay = {
SetUnitDebuff = defined =[C]:-1
comparing = false
SetLootItem = defined =[C]:-1
SetQuestItem = defined @interface\AddOns\Altoholic\Services\Tooltip.lua:546
TextLeft1 = GameTooltipTextLeft1 {
waitingForData = false
SetTrainerService = defined =[C]:-1
numMoneyFrames = 1
SetInboxItem = defined =[C]:-1
SetExistingSocketGem = defined =[C]:-1
SetRecipeReagentItem = defined @interface\AddOns\Altoholic\Services\Tooltip.lua:546
SetBuybackItem = defined =[C]:-1
shoppingTooltips =

SetCurrencyToken = defined @interface\AddOns\Altoholic\Services\Tooltip.lua:546
SetMerchantItem = defined =[C]:-1
SetQuestLogItem = defined @interface\AddOns\Altoholic\Services\Tooltip.lua:546
SetBackpackToken = defined =[C]:-1
BottomOverlay = {
SetMerchantCostItem = defined =[C]:-1
SetTradePlayerItem = defined =[C]:-1
textRight1Font = "GameTooltipHeaderText"
SetSendMailItem = defined =[C]:-1
Show = defined =[C]:-1
NineSlice = {
textLeft2Font = "GameTooltipText"
SetLootRollItem = defined =[C]:-1
TextRight2 = GameTooltipTextRight2 {
TextLeft2 = GameTooltipTextLeft2 {
SetUnitAura = defined =[C]:-1
layoutType = "TooltipDefaultLayout"
CIMI_tooltipWritten = false
SetBagItem = defined =[C]:-1
needsReset = true
SetTradeTargetItem = defined =[C]:-1
SetInventoryItem = defined =[C]:-1
textRight2Font = "GameTooltipText"
SetRecipeResultItem = defined @interface\AddOns\Altoholic\Services\Tooltip.lua:546
(*temporary) = "attempt to call method 'GetBackdrop' (a nil value)"
GameTooltip = GameTooltip {
0 =
textLeft1Font = "GameTooltipHeaderText"
ItemTooltip = {
SetHyperlink = defined =[C]:-1
SetGuildBankItem = defined =[C]:-1
updateTooltipTimer = 0.100000
Hide = defined =[C]:-1
TextRight1 = GameTooltipTextRight1 {
hasMoney = 1
ClearLines = defined =[C]:-1
SetSocketGem = defined =[C]:-1
SetUnitBuff = defined =[C]:-1
TopOverlay = {
SetUnitDebuff = defined =[C]:-1
comparing = false
SetLootItem = defined =[C]:-1
SetQuestItem = defined @interface\AddOns\Altoholic\Services\Tooltip.lua:546


Message: ...\AddOns\Broker_Cash\Libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua:543: attempt to call method 'GetBackdrop' (a nil value)
Time: Fri Nov 26 15:23:37 2021
Count: 2
Stack: ...\AddOns\Broker_Cash\Libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua:543: attempt to call method 'GetBackdrop' (a nil value)
[string "@interface\AddOns\Broker_Cash\Libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua"]:543: in function <...\AddOns\Broker_Cash\Libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua:539>
[string "@interface\AddOns\Broker_Cash\Libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua"]:132: in function Acquire' [string "@Interface\AddOns\Broker_Cash\Broker_Cash.lua"]:730: in function ShowMainTooltip'
[string "@interface\AddOns\Broker_Cash\Broker_Cash.lua"]:966: in function OnEnter' [string "@Interface\AddOns\Bazooka\Bazooka.lua"]:1583: in function showTip'
[string "@interface\AddOns\Bazooka\Bazooka.lua"]:2170: in function ?' [string "@Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:119: in function <...ore\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:119> [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "@Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:29: in function <...ore\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:25> [string "@Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:64: in function Fire'
[string "@interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0.lua"]:120: in function <...\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0.lua:119>



Apologies, I don't play WoW anymore so there is not much I can do.

My understanding is the problem comes from the LibQTip-1.0 library bundled with BrokerCash. You may try to download and install the latest version which is said to fix this problem :

Once installed, it should replace the outdated version in BrokerCash.

Please tell me if this worked for you.

It´s work fine in Patch 9.1.5 and 9.2
thx for the link


Still waiting for ANY feedback!


As a side note, it may also be worth installing the lastest Ace3 :


Apologies, I don't play WoW anymore so there is not much I can do.

My understanding is the problem comes from the LibQTip-1.0 library bundled with BrokerCash. You may try to download and install the latest version which is said to fix this problem :

Once installed, it should replace the outdated version in BrokerCash.

Please tell me if this worked for you.