Broker: Cash

Broker: Cash


realm total is wrong

Daeveren opened this issue ยท 3 comments




Could you please elaborate? A simple screenshot won't help me identifying the problem here.

  • are you a new user or did you upgrade from a previous version?
  • did you faction/realm/name change your Priesto toon?
  • do you have other toons on other realms and are the total for these realms wrong also?
    I'll be happy to help you, but you have to help me first. ;)

Fixed in 2.0.3. Thanks for your help!


Sure. New user. This happened once each new char was being added to the database. I spotted it first after logging my 2nd character, Priesto - as can be seen from the photo, Priesto's gold has been added to the list, it's just not counted in the Total. After I've logged a 3rd char, the total for the first 2 chars is correctly being shown, but 3rd is missing. That's all there is.
I don't have the addon anymore, deleted it as it's not what I'm looking for.
Hope this helps you figure what was wrong there.