


Thunderclap replaced by missing

Rusher1337 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


here is the fix:

-- @see:

local WarriorClassSpells = {
[1] = {
['battle_shout:1'] = {
name = 'Battle Shout',
rank = 1,
id = 6673,
level = 1,
cost = 10,
replaced_by = { 5242, 6192, 11549, 11550, 11551 }
[4] = {
['charge:1'] = {
name = 'Charge',
rank = 1,
id = 100,
cost = 100,
level = 4,
replaced_by = { 6178, 11578 }
['rend:1'] = {
name = 'Rend',
rank = 1,
id = 772,
level = 4,
cost = 100,
replaced_by = { 6546, 6547, 6548, 11572, 11573 }
[6] = {
['thunder_clap:1'] = {
name = 'Thunder Clap',
rank = 1,
id = 6343,
level = 6,
cost = 100,
replaced_by = { 8198, 8204, 8205, 11580, 11581 }
['parry'] = {
name = 'Parry',
rank = 1,
id = 3127,
level = 6,
cost = 100,
[8] = {
['hamstring:1'] = {
name = 'Hamstring',
rank = 1,
id = 1715,
level = 8,
cost = 200,
replaced_by = { 7372, 7373 }
['heroic_strike:2'] = {
name = 'Heroic Strike',
rank = 2,
id = 284,
level = 8,
cost = 200,
replaced_by = { 285, 1608, 11564, 11565, 11566, 11567, 25286 }
[10] = {
['rend:2'] = {
name = 'Rend',
rank = 2,
id = 6546,
level = 10,
cost = 600,
replaced_by = { 6547, 6548, 11572, 11573 }
['bloodrage'] = {
name = 'Bloodrage',
rank = 0,
id = 2687,
level = 10,
cost = 600
['sunder_armor:1'] = {
name = 'Sunder Armor',
rank = 1,
id = 7386,
level = 10,
cost = 'quest',
replaced_by = { 7405, 8380, 11596, 11597 },
quest_name = 'Path of Defense'
['defensive_stance'] = {
name = 'Defensive Stance',
rank = 1,
id = 71,
level = 10,
cost = 'quest',
quest_name = 'Path of Defense'
['taunt'] = {
name = 'Taunt',
rank = 1,
id = 355,
level = 10,
cost = 'quest',
quest_name = 'Path of Defense'
[12] = {
['overpower:1'] = {
name = 'Overpower',
rank = 1,
id = 7384,
level = 12,
cost = 1000,
replaced_by = { 7887, 11584, 11585 }
['battle_shout:2'] = {
name = 'Battle Shout',
rank = 2,
id = 5242,
level = 12,
cost = 1000,
replaced_by = { 6192, 11549, 11550, 11551 }
['shield_bash:1'] = {
name = 'Shield Bash',
rank = 1,
id = 72,
level = 12,
cost = 1000,
replaced_by = { 1671, 1672 }
[14] = {
['demoralizing_shout:1'] = {
name = 'Demoralizing Shout',
rank = 1,
id = 1160,
level = 14,
cost = 1500,
replaced_by = { 6190, 11554, 11555, 11556 }
['revenge:1'] = {
name = 'Revenge',
rank = 1,
id = 6572,
level = 14,
cost = 1500,
replaced_by = { 6574, 7379, 11600, 11601, 25288 }
[16] = {
['heroic_strike:3'] = {
name = 'Heroic Strike',
rank = 3,
id = 285,
level = 16,
cost = 2000,
replaced_by = { 1608, 11564, 11565, 11566, 11567, 25286 }
['mocking_blow:1'] = {
name = 'Mocking Blow',
rank = 1,
id = 694,
level = 16,
cost = 2000,
replaced_by = { 7400, 7402, 20559, 20560 }
['shield_block'] = {
name = 'Shield Block',
rank = 0,
id = 2565,
level = 16,
cost = 2000
[18] = {
['thunder_clap:2'] = {
name = 'Thunder Clap',
rank = 2,
id = 8198,
level = 18,
cost = 3000,
replaced_by = { 8204, 8205, 11580, 11581 }
['disarm'] = {
name = 'Disarm',
rank = 0,
id = 676,
level = 18,
cost = 3000
[20] = {
['Rend:3'] = {
name = 'Rend',
rank = 3,
id = 6547,
level = 20,
cost = 4000,
replaced_by = { 6548, 11572, 11573 }
['retaliation'] = {
name = 'Retaliation',
rank = 0,
id = 20230,
level = 20,
cost = 4000
['cleave:1'] = {
name = 'Cleave',
rank = 1,
id = 845,
level = 20,
cost = 4000,
replaced_by = { 7369, 11608, 11609, 20569 }
['intimidating_shout'] = {
name = 'Intimidating Shout',
rank = 0,
id = 5246,
level = 20,
cost = 6000
[22] = {
['battle_shout:3'] = {
name = 'Battle Shout',
rank = 3,
id = 6192,
level = 22,
cost = 6000,
replaced_by = { 11549, 11550, 11551 }
['sunder_armor:2'] = {
name = 'Sunder Armor',
rank = 2,
id = 7405,
level = 22,
cost = 6000,
replaced_by = { 8380, 11596, 11597 }
[24] = {
['heroic_strike:4'] = {
name = 'Heroic Strike',
rank = 4,
id = 1608,
level = 24,
cost = 8000,
replaced_by = { 11564, 11565, 11566, 11567, 25286 }
['demoralizing_shout:2'] = {
name = 'Demoralizing Shout',
rank = 2,
id = 6190,
level = 24,
cost = 8000,
replaced_by = { 11554, 11555, 11556 }
['execute:1'] = {
name = 'Execute',
rank = 1,
id = 5308,
level = 24,
cost = 8000,
replaced_by = { 20658, 20660, 20661, 20662 }
['revenge:2'] = {
name = 'Revenge',
rank = 2,
id = 6574,
level = 24,
cost = 8000,
replaced_by = { 7379, 11600, 11601, 25288 }
[26] = {
['charge:2'] = {
name = 'Charge',
rank = 2,
id = 6178,
level = 26,
cost = 10000,
replaced_by = { 11578 }
['mocking_blow:2'] = {
name = 'Mocking Blow',
rank = 2,
id = 7400,
level = 26,
cost = 10000,
replaced_by = { 7402, 20559, 20560 }
['challenging_shout'] = {
name = 'Challenging Shout',
rank = 0,
id = 1161,
level = 26,
cost = 10000
[28] = {
['overpower:2'] = {
name = 'Overpower',
rank = 2,
id = 7887,
level = 28,
cost = 11000,
replaced_by = { 11584, 11585 }
['thunder_clap:3'] = {
name = 'Thunder Clap',
rank = 3,
id = 8204,
level = 28,
cost = 11000,
replaced_by = { 8205, 11580, 11581 }
['shield_wall'] = {
name = 'Shield Wall',
rank = 3,
id = 871,
level = 28,
cost = 11000
[30] = {
['rend:4'] = {
name = 'Rend',
rank = 4,
id = 6548,
level = 30,
cost = 12000,
replaced_by = { 11572, 11573 }
['cleave:2'] = {
name = 'Cleave',
rank = 2,
id = 7369,
level = 30,
cost = 12000,
replaced_by = { 11608, 11609, 20569 }
['slam:1'] = {
name = 'Slam',
rank = 1,
id = 1464,
level = 30,
cost = 12000,
replaced_by = { 8820, 11604, 11605 }
['intercept:1'] = {
name = 'Intercept',
rank = 1,
id = 20252,
level = 30,
cost = 'quest',
replaced_by = { 20616, 20617 },
quest_name = 'Unknown'
[32] = {
['hamstring:2'] = {
name = 'Hamstring',
rank = 2,
id = 7372,
level = 32,
cost = 14000,
replaced_by = { 7373 }
['heroic_strike:5'] = {
name = 'Heroic Strike',
rank = 5,
id = 11564,
level = 32,
cost = 14000,
replaced_by = { 11565, 11566, 11567, 25286 }
['battle_shout:4'] = {
name = 'Battle Shout',
rank = 4,
id = 11549,
level = 32,
cost = 14000,
replaced_by = { 11550, 11551 }
['berserker_rage'] = {
name = 'Berserker Rage',
rank = 0,
id = 18499,
level = 32,
cost = 14000
['execute:2'] = {
name = 'Execute',
rank = 2,
id = 20658,
level = 32,
cost = 14000,
replaced_by = { 20660, 20661, 20662 }
['shield_bash:2'] = {
name = 'Shield Bash',
rank = 2,
id = 1671,
level = 32,
cost = 14000,
replaced_by = { 1672 }
[34] = {
['demoralizing_shout:3'] = {
name = 'Demoralizing Shout',
rank = 3,
id = 11554,
level = 34,
cost = 16000,
replaced_by = { 11555, 11556 }
['revenge:3'] = {
name = 'Revenge',
rank = 3,
id = 7379,
level = 34,
cost = 16000,
replaced_by = { 11600, 11601, 25288 }
['sunder_armor:3'] = {
name = 'Sunder Armor',
rank = 3,
id = 8380,
level = 34,
cost = 16000,
replaced_by = { 11596, 11597 }
[36] = {
['mocking_blow:3'] = {
name = 'Mocking Blow',
rank = 3,
id = 7402,
level = 36,
cost = 18000,
replaced_by = { 20559, 20560 }
['whirlwind'] = {
name = 'Whirlwind',
rank = 0,
id = 1680,
level = 36,
cost = 18000
[38] = {
['thunder_clap:4'] = {
name = 'Thunder Clap',
rank = 4,
id = 8205,
level = 38,
cost = 20000,
replaced_by = { 11580, 11581 }
['pummel:1'] = {
name = 'Pummel',
rank = 1,
id = 6552,
level = 38,
cost = 20000,
replaced_by = { 6554 }
['slam:2'] = {
name = 'Slam',
rank = 2,
id = 8820,
level = 38,
cost = 20000,
replaced_by = { 11604, 11605 }
[40] = {
['heroic_strike:6'] = {
name = 'Heroic Strike',
rank = 6,
id = 11565,
level = 40,
cost = 22000,
replaced_by = { 11566, 11567, 25286 }
['rend:5'] = {
name = 'Rend',
rank = 5,
id = 11572,
level = 40,
cost = 22000,
replaced_by = { 11573 }
['cleave:3'] = {
name = 'Cleave',
rank = 3,
id = 11608,
level = 40,
cost = 22000,
replaced_by = { 11609, 20569 }
['execute:3'] = {
name = 'Execute',
rank = 3,
id = 20660,
level = 40,
cost = 22000,
replaced_by = { 20661, 20662 }
[42] = {
['battle_shout:5'] = {
name = 'Battle Shout',
rank = 5,
id = 11550,
level = 42,
cost = 32000,
replaced_by = { 11551 }
['intercept:2'] = {
name = 'Intercept',
rank = 2,
id = 20616,
level = 42,
cost = 32000,
replaced_by = { 20617 }
[44] = {
['overpower:3'] = {
name = 'Overpower',
rank = 3,
id = 11584,
level = 44,
cost = 34000,
replaced_by = { 11585 }
['demoralizing_shout:4'] = {
name = 'Demoralizing Shout',
rank = 4,
id = 11555,
level = 44,
cost = 34000,
replaced_by = { 11556 }
['revenge:4'] = {
name = 'Revenge',
rank = 4,
id = 11600,
level = 44,
cost = 34000,
replaced_by = { 11601, 25288 }
[46] = {
['charge:3'] = {
name = 'Charge',
rank = 3,
id = 11578,
level = 46,
cost = 36000
['mocking_blow:4'] = {
name = 'Mocking Blow',
rank = 4,
id = 20559,
level = 46,
cost = 36000,
replaced_by = { 20560 }
['slam:3'] = {
name = 'Slam',
rank = 3,
id = 11604,
level = 46,
cost = 36000,
replaced_by = { 11605 }
['sunder_armor:4'] = {
name = 'Sunder Armor',
rank = 4,
id = 11596,
level = 46,
cost = 36000,
replaced_by = { 11597 }
[48] = {
['heroic_strike:7'] = {
name = 'Heroic Strike',
rank = 7,
id = 11566,
level = 48,
cost = 40000,
replaced_by = { 11567, 25286 }
['mortal_strike:2'] = {
name = 'Mortal Strike',
rank = 2,
id = 21551,
level = 48,
cost = 200,
replaced_by = { 21552, 21553 },
talent = 'mortal_strike:1'
['thunder_clap:5'] = {
name = 'Thunder Clap',
rank = 5,
id = 11580,
level = 48,
cost = 40000
replaced_by = { 11581 }
['bloodthirst:2'] = {
name = 'Bloodthirst',
rank = 2,
id = 23892,
level = 48,
cost = 2000,
replaced_by = { 23893, 23894 },
talent = 'bloodthirst:1'
['execute:4'] = {
name = 'Execute',
rank = 4,
id = 20661,
level = 48,
cost = 40000,
replaced_by = { 20662 }
['shield_slam:2'] = {
name = 'Shield Slam',
rank = 2,
id = 23923,
level = 48,
cost = 200,
replaced_by = { 23924, 23925 },
talent = 'shield_slam:1'
[50] = {
['rend:6'] = {
name = 'Rend',
rank = 6,
id = 11573,
level = 50,
cost = 42000
['cleave:4'] = {
name = 'Cleave',
rank = 4,
id = 11609,
level = 50,
cost = 42000,
replaced_by = { 20569 }
['recklessness'] = {
name = 'Recklessness',
rank = 0,
id = 1719,
level = 50,
cost = 42000
[52] = {
['battle_shout:6'] = {
name = 'Battle Shout',
rank = 6,
id = 11551,
level = 52,
cost = 54000
['intercept:3'] = {
name = 'Intercept',
rank = 3,
id = 20617,
level = 52,
cost = 54000
['shield_bash:3'] = {
name = 'Shield Bash',
rank = 3,
id = 1672,
level = 52,
cost = 54000
[54] = {
['hamstring:3'] = {
name = 'Hamstring',
rank = 3,
id = 7373,
level = 54,
cost = 56000
['mortal_strike:3'] = {
name = 'Mortal Strike',
rank = 3,
id = 21552,
level = 54,
cost = 2800,
replaced_by = { 21553 },
talent = 'mortal_strike:1'
['bloodthirst:3'] = {
name = 'Bloodthirst',
rank = 3,
id = 23893,
level = 54,
cost = 2800,
replaced_by = { 23894 },
talent = 'bloodthirst:1'
['demoralizing_shout:5'] = {
name = 'Demoralizing Shout',
rank = 5,
id = 11556,
level = 54,
cost = 56000
['slam:4'] = {
name = 'Slam',
rank = 4,
id = 11605,
level = 54,
cost = 56000
['revenge:5'] = {
name = 'Revenge',
rank = 5,
id = 11601,
level = 54,
cost = 56000,
replaced_by = { 25288 }
['shield_slam:3'] = {
name = 'Shield Slam',
rank = 3,
id = 23924,
level = 54,
cost = 2800,
replaced_by = { 23925 },
talent = 'shield_slam:1'
[56] = {
['heroic_strike:8'] = {
name = 'Heroic Strike',
rank = 8,
id = 11567,
level = 56,
cost = 58000,
replaced_by = { 25286 }
['mocking_blow:5'] = {
name = 'Mocking Blow',
rank = 5,
id = 20560,
level = 56,
cost = 58000
['execute:5'] = {
name = 'Execute',
rank = 5,
id = 20662,
level = 56,
cost = 58000
[58] = {
['thunder_clap:6'] = {
name = 'Thunder Clap',
rank = 6,
id = 11581,
level = 58,
cost = 60000
['pummel:2'] = {
name = 'Pummel',
rank = 6,
id = 6554,
level = 58,
cost = 60000
['sunder_armor:5'] = {
name = 'Sunder Armor',
rank = 5,
id = 11597,
level = 58,
cost = 60000
[60] = {
['mortal_strike:4'] = {
name = 'Mortal Strike',
rank = 4,
id = 21553,
level = 60,
cost = 3100,
talent = 'mortal_strike:1'
['overpower:4'] = {
name = 'Overpower',
rank = 4,
id = 11585,
level = 60,
cost = 62000
['rend:7'] = {
name = 'Rend',
rank = 7,
id = 11574,
level = 60,
cost = 62000
['bloodthirst:4'] = {
name = 'Bloodthirst',
rank = 4,
id = 23894,
level = 60,
cost = 3100
['cleave:5'] = {
name = 'Cleave',
rank = 5,
id = 20569,
level = 60,
cost = 62000
['shield_slam:4'] = {
name = 'Shield Slam',
rank = 4,
id = 23925,
level = 60,
cost = 3100,
talent = 'shield_slam:1'

-- @see;1;0
local WarriorClassTomes = {
['heroic_strike_ix'] = {
item_id = 21297,
name = 'Manual of Heroic Strike IX',
spell = 'Heroic Strike',
spell_id = 25286,
rank = 9,
source = 'drop',
source_drop = 'raid',
source_drop_raid = 'AQ20',
level = 60
['battle_shout_vii'] = {
item_id = 21298,
name = 'Manual of Battle Shout VII',
spell = 'Battle Shout',
spell_id = 25289,
rank = 7,
source = 'drop',
source_drop = 'raid',
source_drop_raid = 'AQ20',
level = 60
['revenge_vi'] = {
item_id = 21299,
name = 'Manual of Revenge VI',
spell = 'Revenge',
spell_id = 25288,
rank = 6,
source = 'drop',
source_drop = 'raid',
source_drop_raid = 'AQ20',
level = 60

local WarriorTalentSpells = {
['mortal_strike:1'] = {
tree = 'arms',
points = 1,
points_prereq = 30,
name = 'Mortal Strike',
spell_id = 12294,
rank = 1
['bloodthirst:1'] = {
tree = 'fury',
points = 1,
points_prereq = 30,
name = 'Bloodthirst',
spell_id = 23881,
rank = 1
['concussion_blow:1'] = {
tree = 'protection',
points = 1,
points_prereq = 20,
name = 'Concussion Blow',
spell_id = 12809,
rank = 0
['shield_slam:1'] = {
tree = 'protection',
points = 1,
points_prereq = 30,
name = 'Shield Slam',
spell_id = 23922,
rank = 1

_G['Broker_Classic_Training_WARRIOR'] = WarriorClassSpells
_G['Broker_Classic_Training_WARRIOR_Tomes'] = WarriorClassTomes
_G['Broker_Classic_Training_WARRIOR_Talents'] = WarriorTalentSpells


merged these changes in, took a little while due to having to fix the formatting, if you find any more things please either submit a pull request or just let me know which lines need what added etc :D thanks again! great additions


fixing rend too:

-- @see:

local WarriorClassSpells = {
[1] = {
['battle_shout:1'] = {
name = 'Battle Shout',
rank = 1,
id = 6673,
level = 1,
cost = 10,
replaced_by = { 5242, 6192, 11549, 11550, 11551 }
[4] = {
['charge:1'] = {
name = 'Charge',
rank = 1,
id = 100,
cost = 100,
level = 4,
replaced_by = { 6178, 11578 }
['rend:1'] = {
name = 'Rend',
rank = 1,
id = 772,
level = 4,
cost = 100,
replaced_by = { 6546, 6547, 6548, 11572, 11573, 11574 }
[6] = {
['thunder_clap:1'] = {
name = 'Thunder Clap',
rank = 1,
id = 6343,
level = 6,
cost = 100,
replaced_by = { 8198, 8204, 8205, 11580, 11581 }
['parry'] = {
name = 'Parry',
rank = 1,
id = 3127,
level = 6,
cost = 100,
[8] = {
['hamstring:1'] = {
name = 'Hamstring',
rank = 1,
id = 1715,
level = 8,
cost = 200,
replaced_by = { 7372, 7373 }
['heroic_strike:2'] = {
name = 'Heroic Strike',
rank = 2,
id = 284,
level = 8,
cost = 200,
replaced_by = { 285, 1608, 11564, 11565, 11566, 11567, 25286 }
[10] = {
['rend:2'] = {
name = 'Rend',
rank = 2,
id = 6546,
level = 10,
cost = 600,
replaced_by = { 6547, 6548, 11572, 11573, 11574 }
['bloodrage'] = {
name = 'Bloodrage',
rank = 0,
id = 2687,
level = 10,
cost = 600
['sunder_armor:1'] = {
name = 'Sunder Armor',
rank = 1,
id = 7386,
level = 10,
cost = 'quest',
replaced_by = { 7405, 8380, 11596, 11597 },
quest_name = 'Path of Defense'
['defensive_stance'] = {
name = 'Defensive Stance',
rank = 1,
id = 71,
level = 10,
cost = 'quest',
quest_name = 'Path of Defense'
['taunt'] = {
name = 'Taunt',
rank = 1,
id = 355,
level = 10,
cost = 'quest',
quest_name = 'Path of Defense'
[12] = {
['overpower:1'] = {
name = 'Overpower',
rank = 1,
id = 7384,
level = 12,
cost = 1000,
replaced_by = { 7887, 11584, 11585 }
['battle_shout:2'] = {
name = 'Battle Shout',
rank = 2,
id = 5242,
level = 12,
cost = 1000,
replaced_by = { 6192, 11549, 11550, 11551 }
['shield_bash:1'] = {
name = 'Shield Bash',
rank = 1,
id = 72,
level = 12,
cost = 1000,
replaced_by = { 1671, 1672 }
[14] = {
['demoralizing_shout:1'] = {
name = 'Demoralizing Shout',
rank = 1,
id = 1160,
level = 14,
cost = 1500,
replaced_by = { 6190, 11554, 11555, 11556 }
['revenge:1'] = {
name = 'Revenge',
rank = 1,
id = 6572,
level = 14,
cost = 1500,
replaced_by = { 6574, 7379, 11600, 11601, 25288 }
[16] = {
['heroic_strike:3'] = {
name = 'Heroic Strike',
rank = 3,
id = 285,
level = 16,
cost = 2000,
replaced_by = { 1608, 11564, 11565, 11566, 11567, 25286 }
['mocking_blow:1'] = {
name = 'Mocking Blow',
rank = 1,
id = 694,
level = 16,
cost = 2000,
replaced_by = { 7400, 7402, 20559, 20560 }
['shield_block'] = {
name = 'Shield Block',
rank = 0,
id = 2565,
level = 16,
cost = 2000
[18] = {
['thunder_clap:2'] = {
name = 'Thunder Clap',
rank = 2,
id = 8198,
level = 18,
cost = 3000,
replaced_by = { 8204, 8205, 11580, 11581 }
['disarm'] = {
name = 'Disarm',
rank = 0,
id = 676,
level = 18,
cost = 3000
[20] = {
['Rend:3'] = {
name = 'Rend',
rank = 3,
id = 6547,
level = 20,
cost = 4000,
replaced_by = { 6548, 11572, 11573, 11574 }
['retaliation'] = {
name = 'Retaliation',
rank = 0,
id = 20230,
level = 20,
cost = 4000
['cleave:1'] = {
name = 'Cleave',
rank = 1,
id = 845,
level = 20,
cost = 4000,
replaced_by = { 7369, 11608, 11609, 20569 }
['intimidating_shout'] = {
name = 'Intimidating Shout',
rank = 0,
id = 5246,
level = 20,
cost = 6000
[22] = {
['battle_shout:3'] = {
name = 'Battle Shout',
rank = 3,
id = 6192,
level = 22,
cost = 6000,
replaced_by = { 11549, 11550, 11551 }
['sunder_armor:2'] = {
name = 'Sunder Armor',
rank = 2,
id = 7405,
level = 22,
cost = 6000,
replaced_by = { 8380, 11596, 11597 }
[24] = {
['heroic_strike:4'] = {
name = 'Heroic Strike',
rank = 4,
id = 1608,
level = 24,
cost = 8000,
replaced_by = { 11564, 11565, 11566, 11567, 25286 }
['demoralizing_shout:2'] = {
name = 'Demoralizing Shout',
rank = 2,
id = 6190,
level = 24,
cost = 8000,
replaced_by = { 11554, 11555, 11556 }
['execute:1'] = {
name = 'Execute',
rank = 1,
id = 5308,
level = 24,
cost = 8000,
replaced_by = { 20658, 20660, 20661, 20662 }
['revenge:2'] = {
name = 'Revenge',
rank = 2,
id = 6574,
level = 24,
cost = 8000,
replaced_by = { 7379, 11600, 11601, 25288 }
[26] = {
['charge:2'] = {
name = 'Charge',
rank = 2,
id = 6178,
level = 26,
cost = 10000,
replaced_by = { 11578 }
['mocking_blow:2'] = {
name = 'Mocking Blow',
rank = 2,
id = 7400,
level = 26,
cost = 10000,
replaced_by = { 7402, 20559, 20560 }
['challenging_shout'] = {
name = 'Challenging Shout',
rank = 0,
id = 1161,
level = 26,
cost = 10000
[28] = {
['overpower:2'] = {
name = 'Overpower',
rank = 2,
id = 7887,
level = 28,
cost = 11000,
replaced_by = { 11584, 11585 }
['thunder_clap:3'] = {
name = 'Thunder Clap',
rank = 3,
id = 8204,
level = 28,
cost = 11000,
replaced_by = { 8205, 11580, 11581 }
['shield_wall'] = {
name = 'Shield Wall',
rank = 3,
id = 871,
level = 28,
cost = 11000
[30] = {
['rend:4'] = {
name = 'Rend',
rank = 4,
id = 6548,
level = 30,
cost = 12000,
replaced_by = { 11572, 11573, 11574 }
['cleave:2'] = {
name = 'Cleave',
rank = 2,
id = 7369,
level = 30,
cost = 12000,
replaced_by = { 11608, 11609, 20569 }
['slam:1'] = {
name = 'Slam',
rank = 1,
id = 1464,
level = 30,
cost = 12000,
replaced_by = { 8820, 11604, 11605 }
['intercept:1'] = {
name = 'Intercept',
rank = 1,
id = 20252,
level = 30,
cost = 'quest',
replaced_by = { 20616, 20617 },
quest_name = 'Unknown'
[32] = {
['hamstring:2'] = {
name = 'Hamstring',
rank = 2,
id = 7372,
level = 32,
cost = 14000,
replaced_by = { 7373 }
['heroic_strike:5'] = {
name = 'Heroic Strike',
rank = 5,
id = 11564,
level = 32,
cost = 14000,
replaced_by = { 11565, 11566, 11567, 25286 }
['battle_shout:4'] = {
name = 'Battle Shout',
rank = 4,
id = 11549,
level = 32,
cost = 14000,
replaced_by = { 11550, 11551 }
['berserker_rage'] = {
name = 'Berserker Rage',
rank = 0,
id = 18499,
level = 32,
cost = 14000
['execute:2'] = {
name = 'Execute',
rank = 2,
id = 20658,
level = 32,
cost = 14000,
replaced_by = { 20660, 20661, 20662 }
['shield_bash:2'] = {
name = 'Shield Bash',
rank = 2,
id = 1671,
level = 32,
cost = 14000,
replaced_by = { 1672 }
[34] = {
['demoralizing_shout:3'] = {
name = 'Demoralizing Shout',
rank = 3,
id = 11554,
level = 34,
cost = 16000,
replaced_by = { 11555, 11556 }
['revenge:3'] = {
name = 'Revenge',
rank = 3,
id = 7379,
level = 34,
cost = 16000,
replaced_by = { 11600, 11601, 25288 }
['sunder_armor:3'] = {
name = 'Sunder Armor',
rank = 3,
id = 8380,
level = 34,
cost = 16000,
replaced_by = { 11596, 11597 }
[36] = {
['mocking_blow:3'] = {
name = 'Mocking Blow',
rank = 3,
id = 7402,
level = 36,
cost = 18000,
replaced_by = { 20559, 20560 }
['whirlwind'] = {
name = 'Whirlwind',
rank = 0,
id = 1680,
level = 36,
cost = 18000
[38] = {
['thunder_clap:4'] = {
name = 'Thunder Clap',
rank = 4,
id = 8205,
level = 38,
cost = 20000,
replaced_by = { 11580, 11581 }
['pummel:1'] = {
name = 'Pummel',
rank = 1,
id = 6552,
level = 38,
cost = 20000,
replaced_by = { 6554 }
['slam:2'] = {
name = 'Slam',
rank = 2,
id = 8820,
level = 38,
cost = 20000,
replaced_by = { 11604, 11605 }
[40] = {
['heroic_strike:6'] = {
name = 'Heroic Strike',
rank = 6,
id = 11565,
level = 40,
cost = 22000,
replaced_by = { 11566, 11567, 25286 }
['rend:5'] = {
name = 'Rend',
rank = 5,
id = 11572,
level = 40,
cost = 22000,
replaced_by = { 11573, 11574 }
['cleave:3'] = {
name = 'Cleave',
rank = 3,
id = 11608,
level = 40,
cost = 22000,
replaced_by = { 11609, 20569 }
['execute:3'] = {
name = 'Execute',
rank = 3,
id = 20660,
level = 40,
cost = 22000,
replaced_by = { 20661, 20662 }
[42] = {
['battle_shout:5'] = {
name = 'Battle Shout',
rank = 5,
id = 11550,
level = 42,
cost = 32000,
replaced_by = { 11551 }
['intercept:2'] = {
name = 'Intercept',
rank = 2,
id = 20616,
level = 42,
cost = 32000,
replaced_by = { 20617 }
[44] = {
['overpower:3'] = {
name = 'Overpower',
rank = 3,
id = 11584,
level = 44,
cost = 34000,
replaced_by = { 11585 }
['demoralizing_shout:4'] = {
name = 'Demoralizing Shout',
rank = 4,
id = 11555,
level = 44,
cost = 34000,
replaced_by = { 11556 }
['revenge:4'] = {
name = 'Revenge',
rank = 4,
id = 11600,
level = 44,
cost = 34000,
replaced_by = { 11601, 25288 }
[46] = {
['charge:3'] = {
name = 'Charge',
rank = 3,
id = 11578,
level = 46,
cost = 36000
['mocking_blow:4'] = {
name = 'Mocking Blow',
rank = 4,
id = 20559,
level = 46,
cost = 36000,
replaced_by = { 20560 }
['slam:3'] = {
name = 'Slam',
rank = 3,
id = 11604,
level = 46,
cost = 36000,
replaced_by = { 11605 }
['sunder_armor:4'] = {
name = 'Sunder Armor',
rank = 4,
id = 11596,
level = 46,
cost = 36000,
replaced_by = { 11597 }
[48] = {
['heroic_strike:7'] = {
name = 'Heroic Strike',
rank = 7,
id = 11566,
level = 48,
cost = 40000,
replaced_by = { 11567, 25286 }
['mortal_strike:2'] = {
name = 'Mortal Strike',
rank = 2,
id = 21551,
level = 48,
cost = 200,
replaced_by = { 21552, 21553 },
talent = 'mortal_strike:1'
['thunder_clap:5'] = {
name = 'Thunder Clap',
rank = 5,
id = 11580,
level = 48,
cost = 40000,
replaced_by = { 11581 }
['bloodthirst:2'] = {
name = 'Bloodthirst',
rank = 2,
id = 23892,
level = 48,
cost = 2000,
replaced_by = { 23893, 23894 },
talent = 'bloodthirst:1'
['execute:4'] = {
name = 'Execute',
rank = 4,
id = 20661,
level = 48,
cost = 40000,
replaced_by = { 20662 }
['shield_slam:2'] = {
name = 'Shield Slam',
rank = 2,
id = 23923,
level = 48,
cost = 200,
replaced_by = { 23924, 23925 },
talent = 'shield_slam:1'
[50] = {
['rend:6'] = {
name = 'Rend',
rank = 6,
id = 11573,
level = 50,
cost = 42000,
replaced_by = { 11574 }
['cleave:4'] = {
name = 'Cleave',
rank = 4,
id = 11609,
level = 50,
cost = 42000,
replaced_by = { 20569 }
['recklessness'] = {
name = 'Recklessness',
rank = 0,
id = 1719,
level = 50,
cost = 42000
[52] = {
['battle_shout:6'] = {
name = 'Battle Shout',
rank = 6,
id = 11551,
level = 52,
cost = 54000
['intercept:3'] = {
name = 'Intercept',
rank = 3,
id = 20617,
level = 52,
cost = 54000
['shield_bash:3'] = {
name = 'Shield Bash',
rank = 3,
id = 1672,
level = 52,
cost = 54000
[54] = {
['hamstring:3'] = {
name = 'Hamstring',
rank = 3,
id = 7373,
level = 54,
cost = 56000
['mortal_strike:3'] = {
name = 'Mortal Strike',
rank = 3,
id = 21552,
level = 54,
cost = 2800,
replaced_by = { 21553 },
talent = 'mortal_strike:1'
['bloodthirst:3'] = {
name = 'Bloodthirst',
rank = 3,
id = 23893,
level = 54,
cost = 2800,
replaced_by = { 23894 },
talent = 'bloodthirst:1'
['demoralizing_shout:5'] = {
name = 'Demoralizing Shout',
rank = 5,
id = 11556,
level = 54,
cost = 56000
['slam:4'] = {
name = 'Slam',
rank = 4,
id = 11605,
level = 54,
cost = 56000
['revenge:5'] = {
name = 'Revenge',
rank = 5,
id = 11601,
level = 54,
cost = 56000,
replaced_by = { 25288 }
['shield_slam:3'] = {
name = 'Shield Slam',
rank = 3,
id = 23924,
level = 54,
cost = 2800,
replaced_by = { 23925 },
talent = 'shield_slam:1'
[56] = {
['heroic_strike:8'] = {
name = 'Heroic Strike',
rank = 8,
id = 11567,
level = 56,
cost = 58000,
replaced_by = { 25286 }
['mocking_blow:5'] = {
name = 'Mocking Blow',
rank = 5,
id = 20560,
level = 56,
cost = 58000
['execute:5'] = {
name = 'Execute',
rank = 5,
id = 20662,
level = 56,
cost = 58000
[58] = {
['thunder_clap:6'] = {
name = 'Thunder Clap',
rank = 6,
id = 11581,
level = 58,
cost = 60000
['pummel:2'] = {
name = 'Pummel',
rank = 6,
id = 6554,
level = 58,
cost = 60000
['sunder_armor:5'] = {
name = 'Sunder Armor',
rank = 5,
id = 11597,
level = 58,
cost = 60000
[60] = {
['mortal_strike:4'] = {
name = 'Mortal Strike',
rank = 4,
id = 21553,
level = 60,
cost = 3100,
talent = 'mortal_strike:1'
['overpower:4'] = {
name = 'Overpower',
rank = 4,
id = 11585,
level = 60,
cost = 62000
['rend:7'] = {
name = 'Rend',
rank = 7,
id = 11574,
level = 60,
cost = 62000
['bloodthirst:4'] = {
name = 'Bloodthirst',
rank = 4,
id = 23894,
level = 60,
cost = 3100
['cleave:5'] = {
name = 'Cleave',
rank = 5,
id = 20569,
level = 60,
cost = 62000
['shield_slam:4'] = {
name = 'Shield Slam',
rank = 4,
id = 23925,
level = 60,
cost = 3100,
talent = 'shield_slam:1'

-- @see;1;0
local WarriorClassTomes = {
['heroic_strike_ix'] = {
item_id = 21297,
name = 'Manual of Heroic Strike IX',
spell = 'Heroic Strike',
spell_id = 25286,
rank = 9,
source = 'drop',
source_drop = 'raid',
source_drop_raid = 'AQ20',
level = 60
['battle_shout_vii'] = {
item_id = 21298,
name = 'Manual of Battle Shout VII',
spell = 'Battle Shout',
spell_id = 25289,
rank = 7,
source = 'drop',
source_drop = 'raid',
source_drop_raid = 'AQ20',
level = 60
['revenge_vi'] = {
item_id = 21299,
name = 'Manual of Revenge VI',
spell = 'Revenge',
spell_id = 25288,
rank = 6,
source = 'drop',
source_drop = 'raid',
source_drop_raid = 'AQ20',
level = 60

local WarriorTalentSpells = {
['mortal_strike:1'] = {
tree = 'arms',
points = 1,
points_prereq = 30,
name = 'Mortal Strike',
spell_id = 12294,
rank = 1
['bloodthirst:1'] = {
tree = 'fury',
points = 1,
points_prereq = 30,
name = 'Bloodthirst',
spell_id = 23881,
rank = 1
['concussion_blow:1'] = {
tree = 'protection',
points = 1,
points_prereq = 20,
name = 'Concussion Blow',
spell_id = 12809,
rank = 0
['shield_slam:1'] = {
tree = 'protection',
points = 1,
points_prereq = 30,
name = 'Shield Slam',
spell_id = 23922,
rank = 1

_G['Broker_Classic_Training_WARRIOR'] = WarriorClassSpells
_G['Broker_Classic_Training_WARRIOR_Tomes'] = WarriorClassTomes
_G['Broker_Classic_Training_WARRIOR_Talents'] = WarriorTalentSpells