Broker WorldQuests

Broker WorldQuests


LUA errors in patch 11.0.2

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1x Broker_WorldQuests/WorldQuests.lua:2461: attempt to call global 'IsAddOnLoaded' (a nil value)
[string "@Broker_WorldQuests/WorldQuests.lua"]:2461: in function <Broker_WorldQuests/WorldQuests.lua:2371>

self = Broker_WorldQuests {
totalAspectsDreamingCrest = 0
totalMysteriousFragment = 0
bountyCache =

totalHerbalism = 0
RightEdge = Texture {
totalWhelplingsAwakenedCrest = 0
totalFishing = 0
totalWhelplingsDreamingCrest = 0
totalDrakesAwakenedCrest = 0
buttonSettings = Button {
totalMarkOfHonor = 0
slider = Slider {
factionFramePool =
buttonBFA = Button {
PixelSnapDisabled = true
totalAspectsAwakenedCrest = 0
factionDisplay = Frame {
TopEdge = Texture {
totalPolishedPetCharms = 0
BottomRightCorner = Texture {
LeftEdge = Texture {
totalDragonIslesSupplies = 0
totalArtifactPower = 0
totalGold = 0
totalMining = 0
totalHonor = 0
totalLegionfallSupplies = 0
totalResources = 0
totalGear = 0
totalSkinning = 0
totalBloodOfSargeras = 0
totalWakeningEssences = 0
WorldQuestsBroker =
totalCyphersOfTheFirstOnes = 0
BottomEdge = Texture {
buttonShadowlands = Button {
totalBloodyTokens = 0
totalElementalOverflow = 600
mapTextures = BWQ_MapTextures {
totalFlightstones = 0
totalDrakesDreamingCrest = 0
totalWyrmsDreamingCrest = 0
totalWyrmsAwakenedCrest = 0
totalPrismaticManapearl = 0
totalGratefulOffering = 0
BottomLeftCorner = Texture {
Center = Texture {
totalWarResources = 0
buttonDragonflight = Button {
TopLeftCorner = Texture {
totalServiceMedals = 0
bountyDisplay = BWQ_BountyDisplay {
backdropInfo =
TopRightCorner = Texture {
buttonLegion = Button {
event = "ADDON_LOADED"
arg1 = "Broker_WorldQuests"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "Blizzard_SharedMapDataProviders"
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'IsAddOnLoaded' (a nil value)"
skipNextUpdate = false
BWQ = Broker_WorldQuests {
totalAspectsDreamingCrest = 0
totalMysteriousFragment = 0
bountyCache =
totalHerbalism = 0
RightEdge = Texture {
totalWhelplingsAwakenedCrest = 0
totalFishing = 0
totalWhelplingsDreamingCrest = 0
totalDrakesAwakenedCrest = 0
buttonSettings = Button {
totalMarkOfHonor = 0
slider = Slider {
factionFramePool =
buttonBFA = Button {
PixelSnapDisabled = true
totalAspectsAwakenedCrest = 0
factionDisplay = Frame {
TopEdge = Texture {
totalPolishedPetCharms = 0
BottomRightCorner = Texture {
LeftEdge = Texture {
totalDragonIslesSupplies = 0
totalArtifactPower = 0
totalGold = 0
totalMining = 0
totalHonor = 0
totalLegionfallSupplies = 0
totalResources = 0
totalGear = 0
totalSkinning = 0
totalBloodOfSargeras = 0
totalWakeningEssences = 0
WorldQuestsBroker =
totalCyphersOfTheFirstOnes = 0
BottomEdge = Texture {
buttonShadowlands = Button {
totalBloodyTokens = 0
totalElementalOverflow = 600
mapTextures = BWQ_MapTextures {
totalFlightstones = 0
totalDrakesDreamingCrest = 0
totalWyrmsDreamingCrest = 0
totalWyrmsAwakenedCrest = 0
totalPrismaticManapearl = 0
totalGratefulOffering = 0
BottomLeftCorner = Texture {
Center = Texture {
totalWarResources = 0
buttonDragonflight = Button {
TopLeftCorner = Texture {
totalServiceMedals = 0
bountyDisplay = BWQ_BountyDisplay {
backdropInfo =
TopRightCorner = Texture {
buttonLegion = Button {
defaultConfig =
showDrakesAwakenedCrest = true
alwaysShowOrderOfEmbers = false
showWhelplingsDreamingCrest = true
brokerShowElementalOverflow = true
alwaysShowDragonscaleExpedition = false
showWyrmsDreamingCrest = true
brokerShowServiceMedals = true
showHonor = true
showGear = true
brokerShowLegionfallSupplies = true
showAspectsAwakenedCrest = true
hideFactionColumn = false
showArtifactPower = true
alwaysShowValdrakkenAccord = false
hideFactionParagonBars = false
brokerShowFlightstones = true
brokerShowAspectsDreamingCrest = true
brokerShowWyrmsAwakenedCrest = true
alwaysShowRustboltResistance = false
brokerShowWhelplingsAwakenedCrest = true
expansion = "DRAGONFLIGHT"
alwaysShowAscended = false
showBloodyTokens = true
showGratefulOffering = true
alwaysShowTortollanSeekers = false