Broker WorldQuests

Broker WorldQuests


(Suggestion) Add World Event Timers

shadofall opened this issue ยท 7 comments


I was thinking it might be nice to have Timers for World Event Timers for DragonFlight events Such as

Dragonbane keep
Community Feast
Grand Hunts

Pretty much any event that will Persist through the course of the expansion

These timers appear on the world map when an event is in progress or preparing to start. but sometimes are hidden by quest/world quest icons. would also mean not having to pull up wowhead to see the next start time

This maybe better served by a new addon rather than incorporating it in to this one, but so far i haven't found one. did find a Weak Auras that does this but i'd like to have it in a broker bar (the wa is a little over kill but figured its a good base example)


I strongly agree that this would be an excellent addition.