BtWQuests: Dragonflight

BtWQuests: Dragonflight


[BUG] BtWQuests: Dragonflight Doesn't Load in Dragonflight Beta 10.0.2 (46144)

Calesta opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I have the latest BtWQuests (2.20.0) and the latest BTWQuests: Dragonflight (.03beta) installed on the Dragonflight Beta (10.0.2 (46144)).

In previous Dragonflight beta builds, both were working fine. In the latest build, I noticed the BTWQuest: Dragonflight addon doesn't load.

Addon List

When I open BTWQuests from the minimap icon, then it shows the interface but there are buttons labeled 'Load Addon' & 'View All' and checkboxes labeled 'Auto Load'. I tried clicking / checking them all and nothing happened.

BTW Quests Dragonflight

Reporting this for awareness and hoping that it's an easy fix.


One of the recent beta builds broke everything, there is a new version (v2.22.0) of the core addon on the way but it may take a while before it becomes available due to prepatch release. Please let me know if it persists.