


Casts on the same target, same buff

MrSanar opened this issue · 2 comments


I play class Prist.
Faled any buff.
Its hapen on WoTLK
Error txt from "Swatter":

Date: 2022-10-30 19:05:08 ID: 6 Error occured in: Global Count: ∞ Message: ..\AddOns\Buffalo\Buffalo.lua line 1191: attempt to index local 'parentBuffInfo' (a nil value) Debug: [string "@buffalo\Buffalo.lua"]:1191: Buffalo\Buffalo.lua:902 [string "@buffalo\Buffalo.lua"]:2530: Buffalo_OnTimer() [string "*:OnUpdate"]:2: [string "*:OnUpdate"]:1 Locals: debug = nil roster = { player =
{ } party3 =
{ } party1 =
{ } party4 =
{ } party2 =
{ } } startNum = 0 endNum = 4 groupType = nil unitid = "party4" groupCount = 1 playername = "Санар" currentUnitid = "player" currentTime = 1353310.603000 assignedGroups =
{ 1 = 3 2 = 3 3 = 3 4 = 3 5 = 3 6 = 3 7 = 3 8 = 3 } binValue = nil unitname = "Гэхеджи-Пламегор" MissingBuffs =
{ 1 =
{ } } missingBuffIndex = 2 castingPlayerAndRealm = "Санар-Пламегор" (for index) = 1 (for limit) = 1 (for step) = 1 groupIndex = 1 groupMask = 3 (for generator) = defined =[C]:-1 (for state) =
{ Защита от темной магии =
{ } Божественный дух =
{ } Внутренний огонь =
{ } Слово силы: Стойкость =
{ } } (for control) = "Слово силы: Стойкость" buffName = "Слово силы: Стойкость" buffInfo =
{ PARENT = "Молитва стойкости" PRIORITY = 53 CLASSES = 1023 GROUP = false SPELLID = 2791 ICONID = 135987 BITMASK = 1 } buffMissingCounter = 3 groupMemberCounter = 5 MissingBuffsInGroup =
{ 1 =
{ } 2 =
{ } 3 =
{ } } parentBuffInfo = nil bufferUnitid = "player" (*temporary) = 4 (*temporary) = 1 (*temporary) = 4 (*temporary) =
{ BuffMask = 3 IsOnline = 1 Group = 1 Class = "HUNTER" IsDead = false ClassMask = 2 } (*temporary) = 7 (*temporary) = 1 (*temporary) = 3 (*temporary) = 1 (*temporary) = 1 (*temporary) = "Пламегор" (*temporary) = "Пламегор" (*temporary) = " " (*temporary) = nil (*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'parentBuffInfo' (a nil value)" DEBUG_FunctionList =
{ } IsBuffer = true Buffalo_InitializationComplete = true BUFFALO_ICON_COMBAT = "Interface\Icons\Ability_dualwield" BUFFALO_ICON_PLAYERDEAD = "Interface\Icons\Ability_rogue_feigndeath" Buffalo_PlayerClass = "PRIEST" CLASS_MASK_ALL = 1023 CLASS_MATRIX =
{ } MAGE =
{ } PRIEST =
{ } ROGUE =
{ } DRUID =
{ } SHAMAN =
{ } HUNTER =
{ } } CONFIG_AssignedBuffGroups =
{ 1 = 3 2 = 3 3 = 3 4 = 3 5 = 3 6 = 3 7 = 3 8 = 3 } Buffalo_CurrentRaidMode = 1 BUFFALO_RAIDMODE_PERSONAL = 1 CONFIG_AssignedRaidGroups =
{ } CONFIG_AssignedBuffSelf = 263 BUFF_MATRIX =
{ Защита от темной магии =
{ } Божественный дух =
{ } Внутренний огонь =
{ } Слово силы: Стойкость =
{ } } CONFIG_RenewOverlap = 100 A =
{ chatColorHot = "|c80F8F8F8" chatColorNormal = "|c80E0C020" addonVersion = "0.5.2" addonShortName = "BUFFALO" isDebugBuild = false addonExpansionLevel = 3 addonPrefix = "BuffaloV1" addonName = "Buffalo" buildVersion = 4 chatChannels =
{ } addonAuthor = "Mimma @ " } CONFIG_AssignedClasses =
{ DEATHKNIGHT = 5 WARRIOR = 5 PALADIN = 7 MAGE = 7 PRIEST = 7 WARLOCK = 7 HUNTER = 7 DRUID = 7 SHAMAN = 7 ROGUE = 5 } CONFIG_GroupBuffThreshold = 3 CONFIG_PlayerBuffPriority = 90 CONFIG_AnnounceMissingBuff = false lastBuffTarget = "" lastBuffStatus = "" BUFFALO_COLOUR_EXPIRING = "|c80F0F000" BUFFALO_COLOUR_MISSING = "|c80F05000"

Swatter, v3.4.6817 (SwimmingSeadragon)
alaTradeSkill, v304r.221018
AlreadyKnown, v1.47
Auctionator, v10.0.3
BagBrother, v
BagFreeSpaceCounter, v1.0.4
Bagnon, v10.0.3
BeanCounter, v3.4.6811 (SwimmingSeadragon)
Buffalo, v0.5.2
BuffOverlay, vv12.0.3
BuffTimers, vv1.7.0
ChatCopyPaste, v1.13
ChatLinkIcons, v2.13
Comix, v9.2.7.0
DeathNote, v30400.5-release
Details, v#Details.DF.Wrath.10205.146
DetailsEncounterDetails, v
DetailsRaidCheck, v
DetailsStreamer, v
DetailsTinyThreat, v
DetailsVanguard, v
DisenchantCraftedItems, v2.1.3
DoomCooldownPulse, v
Enchantrix, v3.4.6821 (SwimmingSeadragon)
EnchantrixBarker, v3.4.6813 (SwimmingSeadragon)
EnchantVellum, v1.3.2
ErrorMonster, vv10.0.0
FarmingBar, vv3.6.7
GatherMate2, v1.46.3-classic
HealBot, v3.4.0.16
HealBotData, v
HealBotOptions, v
HealBotTips, v
Mapster, v1.10.0
MinimapButtonButton, v1.8.6
MoveAny, v0.7.17
NameplateCooldowns, v30400.3-release
NoteworthyII, v2.4.0
Peddler, v
Quartz, v3.7.0
Questie, v7.4.2
SexyMap, vv10.0.3
SlideBar, v3.4.6815 (SwimmingSeadragon)
Stubby, v3.4.6816 (SwimmingSeadragon)
WhispList, v4.10
BlizRuntimeLib_ruRU v3.4.0.30400


Big, thx.



The problem has been resolved in release 0.5.3, turns out that when a character does not have a group buff learned the addon fails, and keep on failing on every scan. Let me hear if there are still problems after updating.

Thanks for the report.