Buffomat Classic

Buffomat Classic


Request: Add spirit tap config item and logic change

Grokii-coder opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Request: Add spirit tap config item and logic change

The 'Spirit Tap' talent for priest doubles spirit, but the return is greatly diminished while inside the 5 second rule. I'm leveling a priest and love the addon, but once combat is done I get Spirit Tap and also see a popup from Buffomat that I need to recast a buff. I usually immediately do cast the buff, but then regret it since Spirit Tap is running. It would be wonderful to give a config option to Buffomat to not prompt to cast buffs while under the effects of Spirit Tap.


Added a quick option, please have a look at 2022.2.1


I updated the addon, enabled the setting, and it works as requested. Thank you!


Sorry for the feature creep, but after using it I'm encountering the opposite issue: Full mana with Spirit Tap active and wishing BOM would allow me to cast buffs. I need to click Spirit Tap off to allow BOM to prompt me to rebuff Inner Fire.

I propose modifying the configuration from a checkbox to a slider from 0 to 100 with the default value at 0. Then modify the spirit tap if statement in TaskScan.lua to compare % of current mana to the value chosen in the slider. If current mana % is less than slider, then return false.

Default value of the slider would be 0, and then people could choose the mana % to suppress BOM while under spirit tap.

I see that you already collect bomCurrentPlayerMana which is compared to spell cost to see if spells can be cast. Would it cause overhead to also collect max player mana and calculate the percentage?


I had a thought that I should really check the mana. I forgor ๐Ÿ’€


The current options code is the legacy code from the original addon creator, it is easy to add a checkbox but slider would take more effort. I am dreading the need to go and add a slider. Shall we just hardcode it at 90% or something?


Yes, hardcode 90 would be great.


Another thought... Give a text box with default value of 90.

We expect values from 0 to 100, but If people put in a value that isn't an int or not an int in that range, then ignore their value and use 90.

This way you don't need to develop the slider, people could change the default without needing to edit the lua, and should minimize support requests.


I have entirely reworked the options page and options menu is using some new tech too, and added a slider. I will upload a beta preview soon, feel free to test it. I raided last night with it, having only 1 script error but that was since fixed.