Buffomat Classic

Buffomat Classic


Repository is incompatible with WoWUp

KevinTyrrell opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Installing BuffomatClassic for TBC using WoWUp by inputting the URL of this repository yields the following error:


Given the popularity of WoWUp and the lack of Curseforge as an option, it is highly recommended you make this repository compatible with WoWUp in order to allow ease-of-use when installing. It appears the project is also hosted on WoWInterface but ideally users should be able to install from either source.


WoWup literally got destroyed by detaching from Curseforge.
The problem is that i did not find a good guide how to make the repository compatible with WoWup. Good guide is like those you find on Github documentation: Need to do X? Do 1, 2, 3, done!


You must create a release that contains a .zip file whose filename ends in -bcc. For example, the addon Atlasloot and its release has the following file: AtlasLootClassic-v2.4.4-bcc.zip.