


6 Error messages on startup, nothing works

Tiiara opened this issue ยท 3 comments


On startup today baudbag was not working at all.
Using v11.0.0.1 8/11/24

Error Msg 1

[string "@BaudBag/Overrides.lua"]:105: in function <BaudBag/Overrides.lua:100>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Blizzard_SharedXMLBase/CallbackRegistry.lua"]:144: in function <...eBlizzard_SharedXMLBase/CallbackRegistry.lua:143>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Blizzard_SharedXMLBase/CallbackRegistry.lua"]:147: in function `TriggerEvent'
[string "@Blizzard_UIPanels_Game/Mainline/ContainerFrame.lua"]:2025: in function <...s/Blizzard_UIPanels_Game/Mainline/ContainerFrame.lua:2008>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `CloseAllBags'
[string "@Blizzard_UIParentPanelManager/Mainline/UIParentPanelManager.lua"]:1128: in function <...ParentPanelManager/Mainline/UIParentPanelManager.lua:1127>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `securecall'
[string "@Blizzard_UIParent/Mainline/UIParent.lua"]:2853: in function <...rfaceBlizzard_UIParent/Mainline/UIParent.lua:2792>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `ToggleGameMenu'
[string "@Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_SettingsPanel.lua"]:253: in function `TransitionBackOpeningPanel'
[string "@Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_SettingsPanel.lua"]:242: in function `ExitWithCommit'
[string "@Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_SettingsPanel.lua"]:211: in function `Close'
[string "@Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_SettingsPanel.lua"]:54: in function <.../Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_SettingsPanel.lua:53>

(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 5
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = 5
(*temporary) = 5
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)"
AddOnTable = <table> {
 Cache = <table> {
 Backgrounds = <table> {
 Functions = <table> {
 Config = <table> {
 Events = <table> {
 ContainerIdOptionsIndexMap = <table> {
 SubBags = <table> {
 Sets = <table> {
 State = <table> {
 BlizzAPI = <table> {
 BlizzConstants = <table> {
 Localized = <table> {

Error Msg 2

[string "@BaudBag/config/ConfigOptions.lua"]:38: in main chunk

AddOnName = "BaudBag"
AddOnTable = <table> {
 ContainerIdOptionsIndexMap = <table> {
 Functions = <table> {
 State = <table> {
 Events = <table> {
 BlizzAPI = <table> {
 BlizzConstants = <table> {
 Localized = <table> {
_ = nil
Localized = <table> {
 ScaleTooltip = "Scale of the container."
 OptionsResetAllPositions = "Reset all container positions"
 RarityIntensityTooltip = "Set the intensity of the rarity color"
 Free = " Free"
 Scale = "Scale - %d%%"
 ShowItemLevelTooltip = "Shows item levels on equipable items (small yellow number on the top)"
 KeyRing = "Key Ring"
 RarityColoring = "Rarity Coloring"
 ContainerName = "Container Name:"
 UnlockPosition = "Unlock Position"
 Transparent = "Transparent"
 UseMasqueUnavailable = "Masque not found"
 MenuCatSpecific = "Container Specifics"
 RarityColoringTooltip = "When enabled, the borders of items will be colored according to their rarity (green, blue, etc)."
 EnableFadeAnimation = "Enable container fade animation"
 SellJunkTooltip = "Automatically sell all junk in the bag when visiting a merchant."
 OptionsGroupGlobal = "Basic Settings"
 UseMasqueReloadPopupAccept = "yes"
 Transparent2 = "Transparent ElvUI"
 AutoOpen = "Auto Open"
 CloseAllTooltip = "Close all bags of this set when the first container (bank or backpack) is closed."
 BankBox = "Bank Box"
 UseMasque = "Enable Masque Support"
 CloseAll = "Close all"
 LockPosition = "Lock Position"
 OptionsResetContainerPositionTooltip = "Use this if you dragged the selected container of screen by accident."
 ColumnsTooltip = "Width of the container in slots."
 ReagentBankBox = "Reagent Bank"
 UseMasqueReloadPopupDecline = "no"
 AutoOpenTooltip = "When enabled, automaticaly opens this bag at the mailbox, vendor, or bank (if possible)."
 ShowItemLevel = "Show item level"
 FeatureFrameName = "BaudBag Options"
 Columns = "Columns - %d"
 FeatureFrameTooltip = "BaudBag Options"
 SellJunk = "Sell Junk"
 BagSet = "Bag Set"
 Of = "'s "
 Offline = " (Offline)"
 AddMessage = "Baud Bag: AddOn loaded. Type /baudbag or /bb for options."
 ShowNewItems = "New Items Highlight"
 Inventory = "Inventory"
 BlizBank = "Bliz Bank"
 AutoClose = "Auto Close"
 MenuCatGeneral = "General"
 BlankOnTop = "Blank on top"
 BlizKeyring = "Bliz Keyring"
 OptionsGroupContainer = "Container Settings"
 OptionsResetAllPositionsTooltip = "Mainly helpful if you moved a container off screen by accident. If you only want to reset the position for a specific container, use the option further down instead!"
 Background = "Background"
 EnableFadeAnimationTooltip = "Controls wether the containers have a fade in/out animation uppon opening/closing"
 ShowNewItemsTooltip = "When enabled, the borders of items will flash to highlight the new item until hovered with the mouse."
 Enabled = "Enabled"
 UseMasqueReloadPopupText = "You seem to have enabled or disabled Masque support within Baud Bag. For changes to take effect you will need to reload your ui. Do you want to do that now?"
 TooltipScanReagent = "Crafting Reagent"
 OptionsResetContainerPosition = "Reset container position"
 UseMasqueTooltip = "This will tell Baud Bag to register item buttons with masque, so it can skin those buttons."
 SearchBagTooltip = "Search Items"
 ShowBank = "Show Bank"
 BlizInventory = "Bliz Inventory"
 Solid = "Solid"
 ReagentBag = "Reagents"
 EnabledTooltip = "Enable or disable BaudBag for this bag set."
 AutoCloseTooltip = "When enabled, automatically closes this bag when leaving mailbox, vendor or bank. (Only if Auto Open is active!)"
 CheckTooltip = "Joined bags"
 BlankOnTopTooltip = "When enabled, any leftover blank space will be put on the top, instead of the bottom."
 RarityIntensity = "Rarity Color Intensity - %g"
 Options = "Options"
(*temporary) = <table> {
(*temporary) = <table> {
(*temporary) = <table> {
(*temporary) = <table> {
 UnavailableText = ""
 Default = true
 TooltipText = "When enabled, the borders of items will flash to highlight the new item until hovered with the mouse."
 Text = "New Items Highlight"
 CanBeSet = true
 SavedVar = "ShowNewIte

Error Msg 3

[string "@BaudBag/frames/Options.lua"]:387: in function <BaudBag/frames/Options.lua:377>

self = Frame {
 NameInput = EditBox {
 EnabledCheck = CheckButton {
 BackgroundSelection = Frame {
 ResetPositionButton = Button {
 CloseAllCheck = CheckButton {
 BagFrame = Frame {
 CheckButton3 = BaudBagOptionsCheckButton3 {
 CheckButton1 = BaudBagOptionsCheckButton1 {
 Slider2 = Slider {
 Background = Texture {
 CheckButton2 = BaudBagOptionsCheckButton2 {
 Slider1 = Slider {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "Close all"
(*temporary) = "Close all bags of this set when the first container (bank or backpack) is closed."
(*temporary) = CheckButton {
 settingsType = "BagSet"
 savedVar = "CloseAll"
 tooltipText = "Close all bags of this set when the first container (bank or backpack) is closed."
 Text = FontString {
(*temporary) = 73.133333
(*temporary) = FontString {
(*temporary) = 42.133335
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'ConfigOptions' (a nil value)"
Localized = <table> {
 ScaleTooltip = "Scale of the container."
 OptionsResetAllPositions = "Reset all container positions"
 RarityIntensityTooltip = "Set the intensity of the rarity color"
 Free = " Free"
 Scale = "Scale - %d%%"
 ShowItemLevelTooltip = "Shows item levels on equipable items (small yellow number on the top)"
 KeyRing = "Key Ring"
 RarityColoring = "Rarity Coloring"
 ContainerName = "Container Name:"
 UnlockPosition = "Unlock Position"
 Transparent = "Transparent"
 UseMasqueUnavailable = "Masque not found"
 MenuCatSpecific = "Container Specifics"
 RarityColoringTooltip = "When enabled, the borders of items will be colored according to their rarity (green, blue, etc)."
 EnableFadeAnimation = "Enable container fade animation"
 SellJunkTooltip = "Automatically sell all junk in the bag when visiting a merchant."
 OptionsGroupGlobal = "Basic Settings"
 UseMasqueReloadPopupAccept = "yes"
 Transparent2 = "Transparent ElvUI"
 AutoOpen = "Auto Open"
 CloseAllTooltip = "Close all bags of this set when the first container (bank or backpack) is closed."
 BankBox = "Bank Box"
 UseMasque = "Enable Masque Support"
 CloseAll = "Close all"
 LockPosition = "Lock Position"
 OptionsResetContainerPositionTooltip = "Use this if you dragged the selected container of screen by accident."
 ColumnsTooltip = "Width of the container in slots."
 ReagentBankBox = "Reagent Bank"
 UseMasqueReloadPopupDecline = "no"
 AutoOpenTooltip = "When enabled, automaticaly opens this bag at the mailbox, vendor, or bank (if possible)."
 ShowItemLevel = "Show item level"
 FeatureFrameName = "BaudBag Options"
 Columns = "Columns - %d"
 FeatureFrameTooltip = "BaudBag Options"
 SellJunk = "Sell Junk"
 BagSet = "Bag Set"
 Of = "'s "
 Offline = " (Offline)"
 AddMessage = "Baud Bag: AddOn loaded. Type /baudbag or /bb for options."
 ShowNewItems = "New Items Highlight"
 Inventory = "Inventory"
 BlizBank = "Bliz Bank"
 AutoClose = "Auto Close"
 MenuCatGeneral = "General"
 BlankOnTop = "Blank on top"
 BlizKeyring = "Bliz Keyring"
 OptionsGroupContainer = "Container Settings"
 OptionsResetAllPositionsTooltip = "Mainly helpful if you moved a container off screen by accident. If you only want to reset the position for a specific container, use the option further down instead!"
 Background = "Background"
 EnableFadeAnimationTooltip = "Controls wether the containers have a fade in/out animation uppon opening/closing"
 ShowNewItemsTooltip = "When enabled, the borders of items will flash to highlight the new item until hovered with the mouse."
 Enabled = "Enabled"
 UseMasqueReloadPopupText = "You seem to have enabled or disabled Masque support within Baud Bag. For changes to take effect you will need to reload your ui. Do you want to do that now?"
 TooltipScanReagent = "Crafting Reagent"
 OptionsResetContainerPosition = "Reset container position"
 UseMasqueTooltip = "This will tell Baud Bag to register item buttons with masque, so it can skin those buttons."
 SearchBagTooltip = "Search Items"
 ShowBank = "Show Bank"
 BlizInventory = "Bliz Inventory"
 Solid = "Solid"
 ReagentBag = "Reagents"
 EnabledTooltip = "Enable or disable BaudBag for this bag set."

Error Msg 4

[string "@BaudBag/external/Masque.lua"]:90: in main chunk

AddOnName = "BaudBag"
AddOnTable = <table> {
 Backgrounds = <table> {
 Functions = <table> {
 Config = <table> {
 Events = <table> {
 ContainerIdOptionsIndexMap = <table> {
 SubBags = <table> {
 Sets = <table> {
 State = <table> {
 BlizzAPI = <table> {
 BlizzConstants = <table> {
 Localized = <table> {
Localized = <table> {
 ScaleTooltip = "Scale of the container."
 OptionsResetAllPositions = "Reset all container positions"
 RarityIntensityTooltip = "Set the intensity of the rarity color"
 Free = " Free"
 Scale = "Scale - %d%%"
 ShowItemLevelTooltip = "Shows item levels on equipable items (small yellow number on the top)"
 KeyRing = "Key Ring"
 RarityColoring = "Rarity Coloring"
 ContainerName = "Container Name:"
 UnlockPosition = "Unlock Position"
 Transparent = "Transparent"
 UseMasqueUnavailable = "Masque not found"
 MenuCatSpecific = "Container Specifics"
 RarityColoringTooltip = "When enabled, the borders of items will be colored according to their rarity (green, blue, etc)."
 EnableFadeAnimation = "Enable container fade animation"
 SellJunkTooltip = "Automatically sell all junk in the bag when visiting a merchant."
 OptionsGroupGlobal = "Basic Settings"
 UseMasqueReloadPopupAccept = "yes"
 Transparent2 = "Transparent ElvUI"
 AutoOpen = "Auto Open"
 CloseAllTooltip = "Close all bags of this set when the first container (bank or backpack) is closed."
 BankBox = "Bank Box"
 UseMasque = "Enable Masque Support"
 CloseAll = "Close all"
 LockPosition = "Lock Position"
 OptionsResetContainerPositionTooltip = "Use this if you dragged the selected container of screen by accident."
 ColumnsTooltip = "Width of the container in slots."
 ReagentBankBox = "Reagent Bank"
 UseMasqueReloadPopupDecline = "no"
 AutoOpenTooltip = "When enabled, automaticaly opens this bag at the mailbox, vendor, or bank (if possible)."
 ShowItemLevel = "Show item level"
 FeatureFrameName = "BaudBag Options"
 Columns = "Columns - %d"
 FeatureFrameTooltip = "BaudBag Options"
 SellJunk = "Sell Junk"
 BagSet = "Bag Set"
 Of = "'s "
 Offline = " (Offline)"
 AddMessage = "Baud Bag: AddOn loaded. Type /baudbag or /bb for options."
 ShowNewItems = "New Items Highlight"
 Inventory = "Inventory"
 BlizBank = "Bliz Bank"
 AutoClose = "Auto Close"
 MenuCatGeneral = "General"
 BlankOnTop = "Blank on top"
 BlizKeyring = "Bliz Keyring"
 OptionsGroupContainer = "Container Settings"
 OptionsResetAllPositionsTooltip = "Mainly helpful if you moved a container off screen by accident. If you only want to reset the position for a specific container, use the option further down instead!"
 Background = "Background"
 EnableFadeAnimationTooltip = "Controls wether the containers have a fade in/out animation uppon opening/closing"
 ShowNewItemsTooltip = "When enabled, the borders of items will flash to highlight the new item until hovered with the mouse."
 Enabled = "Enabled"
 UseMasqueReloadPopupText = "You seem to have enabled or disabled Masque support within Baud Bag. For changes to take effect you will need to reload your ui. Do you want to do that now?"
 TooltipScanReagent = "Crafting Reagent"
 OptionsResetContainerPosition = "Reset container position"
 UseMasqueTooltip = "This will tell Baud Bag to register item buttons with masque, so it can skin those buttons."
 SearchBagTooltip = "Search Items"
 ShowBank = "Show Bank"
 BlizInventory = "Bliz Inventory"
 Solid = "Solid"
 ReagentBag = "Reagents"
 EnabledTooltip = "Enable or disable BaudBag for this bag set."
 AutoCloseTooltip = "When enabled, automatically closes this bag when leaving mailbox, vendor or bank. (Only if Auto Open is active!)"
 CheckTooltip = "Joined bags"
 BlankOnTopTooltip = "When enabled, any leftover blank space will be put on the top, instead of the bottom."
 RarityIntensity = "Rarity Color Intensity - %g"
 Options = "Options"
Masque = nil
useMasque = false
staticPopupName = "BaudBag_Masque_Reload"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "Masque"
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'IsAddOnLoaded' (a nil value)"

Error Msg 5

[string "@BaudBag/BaudBagConfig.lua"]:56: in function `RestoreConfigToObject'
[string "@BaudBag/BaudBagConfig.lua"]:157: in function `BaudBagRestoreCfg'
[string "@BaudBag/frames/Options.lua"]:70: in function <BaudBag/frames/Options.lua:62>

configObject = <table> {
 1 = <table> {
 2 = <table> {
 3 = <table> {
 UseMasque = false
 RarityIntensity = 1
 SellJunk = false
 RarityColor = true
 ShowItemLevel = false
 EnableFadeAnimation = false
 ShowNewItems = false
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "table"
(*temporary) = <table> {
(*temporary) = "- basic config object damaged or missing, creating now"
(*temporary) = "table"
(*temporary) = <table> {
 1 = <table> {
 2 = <table> {
 3 = <table> {
 UseMasque = false
 RarityIntensity = 1
 SellJunk = false
 RarityColor = true
 ShowItemLevel = false
 EnableFadeAnimation = false
 ShowNewItems = false
(*temporary) = "table"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'ConfigOptions' (a nil value)"
AddOnTable = <table> {
 Cache = <table> {
 Backgrounds = <table> {
 Functions = <table> {
 Config = <table> {
 Events = <table> {
 ContainerIdOptionsIndexMap = <table> {
 SubBags = <table> {
 Sets = <table> {
 State = <table> {
 BlizzAPI = <table> {
 BlizzConstants = <table> {
 Localized = <table> {
Localized = <table> {
 ScaleTooltip = "Scale of the container."
 OptionsResetAllPositions = "Reset all container positions"
 RarityIntensityTooltip = "Set the intensity of the rarity color"
 Free = " Free"
 Scale = "Scale - %d%%"
 ShowItemLevelTooltip = "Shows item levels on equipable items (small yellow number on the top)"
 KeyRing = "Key Ring"
 RarityColoring = "Rarity Coloring"
 ContainerName = "Container Name:"
 UnlockPosition = "Unlock Position"
 Transparent = "Transparent"
 UseMasqueUnavailable = "Masque not found"
 MenuCatSpecific = "Container Specifics"
 RarityColoringTooltip = "When enabled, the borders of items will be colored according to their rarity (green, blue, etc)."
 EnableFadeAnimation = "Enable container fade animation"
 SellJunkTooltip = "Automatically sell all junk in the bag when visiting a merchant."
 OptionsGroupGlobal = "Basic Settings"
 UseMasqueReloadPopupAccept = "yes"
 Transparent2 = "Transparent ElvUI"
 AutoOpen = "Auto Open"
 CloseAllTooltip = "Close all bags of this set when the first container (bank or backpack) is closed."
 BankBox = "Bank Box"
 UseMasque = "Enable Masque Support"
 CloseAll = "Close all"
 LockPosition = "Lock Position"
 OptionsResetContainerPositionTooltip = "Use this if you dragged the selected container of screen by accident."
 ColumnsTooltip = "Width of the container in slots."
 ReagentBankBox = "Reagent Bank"
 UseMasqueReloadPopupDecline = "no"
 AutoOpenTooltip = "When enabled, automaticaly opens this bag at the mailbox, vendor, or bank (if possible)."
 ShowItemLevel = "Show item level"
 FeatureFrameName = "BaudBag Options"
 Columns = "Columns - %d"
 FeatureFrameTooltip = "BaudBag Options"
 SellJunk = "Sell Junk"
 BagSet = "Bag Set"
 Of = "'s "
 Offline = " (Offline)"
 AddMessage = "Baud Bag: AddOn loaded. Type /baudbag or /bb for options."
 ShowNewItems = "New Items Highlight"
 Inventory = "Inventory"
 BlizBank = "Bliz Bank"
 AutoClose = "Auto Close"
 MenuCatGeneral = "General"
 BlankOnTop = "Blank on top"
 BlizKeyring = "Bliz Keyring"
 OptionsGroupContainer = "Container Settings"
 OptionsResetAllPositionsTooltip = "Mainly helpful if you moved a container off screen by accident. If you only want to reset the position for a specific container, use the option further down instead!"
 Background = "Background"
 EnableFadeAnimationTooltip = "Controls wether the containers have a fade in/out animation uppon opening/closing"
 ShowNewItemsTooltip = "When enabled, the borders of items will flash to highlight the new item until hovered with the mouse."
 Enabled = "Enabled"
 UseMasqueReloadPopupText = "You seem to have enabled or disabled Masque support within Baud Bag. For changes to take effect you will need to reload your ui. Do you want to do that now?"
 TooltipScanReagent = "Crafting Reagent"
 OptionsResetContainerPosition = "Reset container position"
 UseMasqueTooltip = "This will tell Baud Bag to register item buttons with masque, so

Error Msg 6

[string "@BaudBag/lib/Container.lua"]:59: in function `UpdateFromConfig'
[string "@BaudBag/lib/BagSet.lua"]:92: in function `RebuildContainers'
[string "@BaudBag/BaudBag.lua"]:172: in function `?'
[string "@BaudBag/BaudBag.lua"]:258: in function <BaudBag/BaudBag.lua:254>

self = <table> {
 Name = "BaudBagContainer1_1"
 Menu = Frame {
 Id = 1
 Frame = BaudBagContainer1_1 {
 BagSet = <table> {
 SubContainers = <table> {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "BaudBagContainer1_1"
(*temporary) = "Container"
(*temporary) = "Updating container from config (name)"
(*temporary) = false
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)"
AddOnTable = <table> {
 Cache = <table> {
 Backgrounds = <table> {
 Functions = <table> {
 Config = <table> {
 Events = <table> {
 ContainerIdOptionsIndexMap = <table> {
 SubBags = <table> {
 Sets = <table> {
 State = <table> {
 BlizzAPI = <table> {
 BlizzConstants = <table> {
 Localized = <table> {

Should you not be reporting this to Baud Bag? https://legacy.curseforge.com/wow/addons/baud-bag/issues


Nothing to do with BugSack.


Holy Crap, yes ... wtf. Sorry, clicked on the wrong link in curseforge. I'm so done with this heatwave.
Sorry again.