Butter Quest Tracker

Butter Quest Tracker


Quest Proximity lag

FourOne opened this issue · 7 comments


If i use "Quest Proximity" for sorting, tested with Questie and ClassicCodex, game starts to lag. Had around 16 Quest, as soon as i set other options for sorting lag was gone.


This is because we redraw the tracker every 4 seconds given the player has actually moved.

Ideally we'd instead do a partial update and just reorder the existing items, however it's a limitation in how the Tracker is currently written.

I'll try and come up with a workaround for 1.9, but not sure if I'll be successful.


Hey @FourOne this issue should either be resolved or at the very least mitigated in 1.9.5
as sorting no longer requires the entire frame to be redrawn.

Let me know if you're still hitting performance issues with the new version.


Working now, ty for your great and fast work :D

Proximity was the only thing i was rly missing, im so used to it from retail.


I didn’t realize retail had sorting by quest proximity.

I’ve been trying to figure out how to get it to work on multiple maps on retail.


Its not in the options anymore, they removed it with Legion. But u can enable it with "/console trackQuestSorting proximity".


Thanks for the information! I’ve seen a few dumps of blizzards native frame source code lying around so this should help in narrowing down the code making it work!

I really appreciate it!


I think even before Legion most ppl didn't know this option exists, u had to right click the top of the objective tracker - kinda hidden, and then they removed because it was not used by that many players :D