Butter Quest Tracker

Butter Quest Tracker


TomTom arrow integration

holdenco opened this issue · 4 comments



Hi team, I have been trying to get the tomtom arrow to integrate with Butter but nop luck so far. Can I request this feature, as it is the only thing questie does better


Hey @holdenco thanks for the feature request!

I presume what you mean by TomTom integration is the right click action within Questie that automatically tells TomTom the waypoint to direct you to?


Any update on this suggestion? Seems like it's the only thing I can think of in terms of suggestions.


Hey @tybrink.

At this point I can't really give an ETA regarding when this will be completed. I've been doing a pretty big rewrite of the GUI and as such ended up putting this project into maintenance mode (bug fixes only).

Feel free to check out my issue regarding the status of Butter Quest Tracker for more information. (#91)