Carbonite Classic (with all modules)

Carbonite Classic (with all modules)


Carbonite experiences large amount of errors when exiting a battleground

wiesshund opened this issue · 6 comments


Pasting a lua error below.
When you exit a BG like Arathi Basin, the game drops to single digit FPS
and carbonite experiences a constant slew of LUA errors

Message: Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\NxMap.lua:4327: attempt to call global 'GetCurrencyInfo' (a nil value)
Time: Fri Mar 13 03:20:01 2020
Count: 1918
Stack: Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\NxMap.lua:4327: attempt to call global 'GetCurrencyInfo' (a nil value)
Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\NxMap.lua:4327: in function Update' Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\NxMap.lua:3922: in function OnUpdate'
Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\NxMap.lua:1387: in function MainOnUpdate' Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\Carbonite.lua:1332: in function NXOnUpdate'
[string ":OnUpdate"]:1: in function <[string ":OnUpdate"]:1>

Locals: self =

MiniBlks = 6
IconScale = 3
Scale = 5.200019
MenuIShowWorld =
TextFrm = {
Targets =
ArchAlpha = 0.300000
TrackETA = false
GIconMenuITogInst =
BackgndAlpha = 0.400000
TrackDir = false
ArrowPulse = 1
DotRaidScale = 1
PlyrY = 807.894323
MenuIShowMine =
PlyrRZY = 89.213759
MMScalesC =
MapPosY = 807.894323
LOpts =
Guide =
PlyrLastDir = 0
WorldHotspots =
MapId = 1455
TargetNextUniqueId = 1
Size1 = 0.750000
MMOwn = false
TextFStrs =
Scrolling = false
ShowUnexplored = false
EffScale = 1
Menu =
ScaleDrawW = 0.192307
InstanceId = false
Zone = 1455
CurMapBG = false
Cont = 2
PIconMenu =
MMChkDelay = 24
WorldAlpha = 0
Level = 3
StartupShown = false
LocTipFrm = NxMapTip {
ScaleDraw = 5.200019
PlyrSpeedY = 807.894323
MapIndex = 1
StepTime = 5
BackgndAlphaFade = 0.400000
PlyrFrm = {
GIconMenu =
IconWQFrms =
MoveLastX = 2253.272670
IconStaticFrms =
UpdateTrackingDelay = 0
IconNavScale = 1
MapPosYDraw = 807.894323
PlyrSpeedX = 2253.272670
PlyrSpeed = 0
IconFrms =
DebugAdjustScale = 0.100000
MiniFrms =
PlyrDir = 0
InCombat = false
MapScale = 0.518964
PlyrSpeedCalcTime = 6179.666000
Win =
PadX = 0
MenuIInstanceMaps =
RealScale = 5.200019
Data =
LastDungeonLevel = 0
BGIncNum = 0
MenuIMonitorZone =
MapW = 245.539993
ViewSavedData =
MMGathererUpdateDelay = 1
MenuIShowTimber =
CurOverlays = false
LClickTime = 0
MouseEnabled = true
LocTipFStrs =
TrackPlyrs =
ButAutoScaleOn =
BGIconMenu =
TextScFrm = {
MMOwnedFrms =
GIconMenuIFindNote =
MapH = 204.399994
MMScales =
WorldHotspotsCity =
W = 150
CurWorldUpdateMapId = 1461
MapPosXDraw = 2253.272670
Tracking =
MapPosX = 2253.272670
BackgndAlphaTarget = 0.400000
ContFrms =
TileFrms =
MoveDir = 180
BGGrowBars = true
TransMenu =
MapsDrawnOrder =
ArrowScroll = 0.400000
MapsDrawnFade =
H = 141
ScaleW = 0.192307
UpdateTargetDelay = 0
CurOpts =
MenuIPlyrFollow =
TitleH = 0
BaseScale = 1
ToolBar =
MoveLastY = 807.894323
MenuIShowHerb =
Tick = 25460
DotPartyScale = 1
PlyrRZX = 69.915855
PlyrX = 2253.272670
QuestAlpha = 0.300000
NeedWorldUpdate = false
IconNIFrms =
BackgndAlphaFull = 1
Frm = {
DotZoneScale = 1
KillShow = false
CurWorldUpdateOverlayNum = 0
DotPalScale = 1
elapsed = 0.487000
Nx =
GetDataToolBar = defined @interface\AddOns\Carbonite\Carbonite.lua:1878
modules =
CancelTimer = defined @interface\AddOns\Carbonite\Libs\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:147
Quest =
OnUnit_spellcast_sent = defined @interface\AddOns\Carbonite\Carbonite.lua:1108
IsGathering = defined @interface\AddOns\Carbonite\Carbonite.lua:3011
prt = defined @interface\AddOns\Carbonite\NxUI.lua:133
BarData =
prtVar = de


Message: Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\NxMap.lua:4355: attempt to call global 'GetCurrencyInfo' (a nil value)
Time: Fri Mar 13 02:39:30 2020
Count: 1
Stack: Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\NxMap.lua:4355: attempt to call global 'GetCurrencyInfo' (a nil value)
Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\NxMap.lua:4355: in function Update' Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\NxMap.lua:3922: in function OnUpdate'
Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\NxMap.lua:1387: in function MainOnUpdate' Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\Carbonite.lua:1332: in function NXOnUpdate'
[string ":OnUpdate"]:1: in function <[string ":OnUpdate"]:1>

Locals: self =

MiniBlks = 6
IconScale = 3
Scale = 5.200019
MenuIShowWorld =
Targets =
ArchAlpha = 0.300000
TextFrm = {
TrackETA = false
GIconMenuITogInst =
BackgndAlpha = 0.400000
TrackDir = false
ArrowPulse = 1
DotRaidScale = 1
PlyrY = 807.894323
TargetNextUniqueId = 1
MenuIShowMine =
MapId = 1461
ScaleDrawW = 0.192307
MMOwn = false
TextFStrs =
PlyrLastDir = 0
Scrolling = false
MMScalesC =
InstanceId = false
Menu =
LOpts =
Guide =
WorldHotspots =
ShowUnexplored = false
EffScale = 1
CurMapBG = true
Cont = 4
Size1 = 0.750000
Zone = 1461
PlyrRZY = 89.213759
MMChkDelay = 1
PIconMenu =
Level = 3
WorldAlpha = 0
MenuIInstanceMaps =
StartupShown = false
ScaleDraw = 5.200019
LastDungeonLevel = 0
IconFrms =
LocTipFrm = NxMapTip {
StepTime = 0
PlyrSpeedX = 2253.272670
PlyrFrm = {
W = 150
DebugAdjustScale = 0.100000
MoveLastX = 2253.272670
PlyrDir = 0
PlyrSpeedCalcTime = 6179.666000
IconNavScale = 1
MapPosYDraw = 807.894323
PlyrSpeedY = 807.894323
PlyrSpeed = 0
CurWorldUpdateMapId = 947
BackgndAlphaFade = 0.400000
MiniFrms =
MMOwnedFrms =
InCombat = false
MapScale = 0.518964
IconWQFrms =
Win =
PadX = 0
IconStaticFrms =
RealScale = 5.200019
Data =
UpdateTrackingDelay = 0
BGIncNum = 0
ViewSavedData =
MapW = 245.539993
MapPosY = 807.894323
MMGathererUpdateDelay = 1
BGIconMenu =
CurOverlays = false
LClickTime = 0
MouseEnabled = true
LocTipFStrs =
TrackPlyrs =
ButAutoScaleOn =
MapPosXDraw = 2253.272670
MapH = 204.399994
MapIndex = 1
GIconMenuIFindNote =
TextScFrm = {
MMScales =
WorldHotspotsCity =
MenuIMonitorZone =
MenuIShowTimber =
ContFrms =
MapPosX = 2253.272670
TileFrms =
BackgndAlphaTarget = 0.400000
DotZoneScale = 1
GIconMenu =
MapsDrawnOrder =
BGGrowBars = true
MapsDrawnFade =
Tracking =
ArrowScroll = 0.830000
TransMenu =
H = 141
ScaleW = 0.192307
Tick = 85
CurOpts =
IconNIFrms =
TitleH = 0
BaseScale = 1
ToolBar =
MoveLastY = 807.894323
MenuIShowHerb =
MoveDir = 180
DotPartyScale = 1
PlyrRZX = 69.915855
PlyrX = 2253.272670
QuestAlpha = 0.300000
NeedWorldUpdate = false
MenuIPlyrFollow =
BackgndAlphaFull = 1
Frm = {
KillShow = false
UpdateTargetDelay = 0
CurWorldUpdateOverlayNum = 0
DotPalScale = 1
elapsed = 0.068000
Nx =
GetDataToolBar = defined @interface\AddOns\Carbonite\Carbonite.lua:1878
modules =
CancelTimer = defined @interface\AddOns\Carbonite\Libs\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:147
Quest =
OnUnit_spellcast_sent = defined @interface\AddOns\Carbonite\Carbonite.lua:1108
IsGathering = defined @interface\AddOns\Carbonite\Carbonite.lua:3011
prt = defined @interface\AddOns\Carbonite\NxUI.lua:133
BarData =
prtVar = defined @in


reloading UI clears it until you enter and exit another battleground.

Carbonite has all its modules enabled


Duplicate #113 ... update from here.


Thats becouse i dont have time lately to update Carbonite/Carbonite Classic.


Hi, i dont want to reopen this, as grabbing source from here cured it.
But do you know why curse/twitch does not use your proper updated stuff?

Heh, it wants to go "update" carbonite with one that is outdated and would just give the problem back, which is probably how i wound up suddenly having the issue to begin with
