Carbonite Classic (with all modules)

Carbonite Classic (with all modules)


FPS drop when quest module initializes

Jamminmon opened this issue ยท 12 comments



This evening while loading in for about the 3rd time today, my FPS dropped substantially when the quest module initialized.

I did re install the addon, deleted settings and no changes. I can just disable the quest module and then everything is fine, so it is indeed the quest module causing the issue.



So what FPS do u have without and with Quest module enabled?


Enabled 77 FPS / Disabled 120FPS(Native)


Doesnt happen to me. How many quest u have in quest log? Do u have mining/herb nodes show on map?


I've disabled everything, and have just the quests running and it lags a lot less, like up to 90 FPS but its still there. I'm not sure whats going on. Been fine for years and now its not. LoL. Maybe the next update will fix it ^_^


Weird. I got 120FPS with 10 quests on map, but nodes disabled.


This last comment of yours gave me an idea.
So everything is now running with all modules initialized.
I'm standing at the flight point at Gadgetzan, and I have 7 quests being tracked on the mini-map, with 0 FPS drop, as soon as I start tracking the quests I've got in Ungoro Crater, the FPS starts to drop. This would explain why I've been fine up until Ungoro and this all started when I went into Ungoro. Makes sense as there is a lot happening on the mini-map in Ungoro. The lag increases more if there are more quests being tracked. With each quest a little more lag happens. 1 quest tracked = 2-3 FPS with only the Quests in Ungoro. The rest of the quests do not seem to drop the FPS when tracked on the mini-map.


Im in Ungoro now, Im not sure what I've done, but my FPS is Native and Im tracking 11 quests on mini-map, I think it had something to do with a specific quest, because I've completed some. But Im not sure which one :/


Show me a screenshot of your Ungoro map with quests watched.




It seems its because one quest has big quest area on map. When u finished it when to normal.


Made some changes to quest areas, should be better now => 8531576


Its much better now.. Im in blasted lands now with alot of quest tracking on the mini map and its great. Thank you for your help, Im glad a resolution was found :) I'll let you know if it happens again, though I don't think it will :)