Carbonite Classic (with all modules)

Carbonite Classic (with all modules)


Flight Paths not Taken into consideration

noahgithub opened this issue · 27 comments


When calculating the fastest route between destinations the availability of flight paths is not taken into consideration. It now always gives you the route for walking only.


Is this as intended?


Yeah I gues we'll have to check every Flight Master there. Also I fount that localization too may discrupt everything as for some languages there are different localizations were made in the past and we have to find correct values too. darn.


Now, I've tested my theory about localizations and sadly it proven as true. Trouble is that database of accessible flightmasters filled with localized locations as they named by game localizations. Those are changed in some expansions and are not always correct. Even original names could be incorrect thus requiring us to check it too.


BTW are you playing with original locale or some other?


Should be fixed.


I am excited to see this working. I dowloaded the LUA file and replaced it on my machine. Will let you know how it works out.


Replaced both the Flightmaster and NXTravel LUA's... Initially this did not make a difference, attempting to fly to a flight point so that it will "see" the FP as one I know. Still seems to not track Flight points. Perhaps I am doing something wrong. Will wait for further updates.


Where exactly did you test it? Also I think that it won't show you FP if you have flying skill and your current position is somewhetre in Outlands


I'll be testing it now too.


Tested it in outlands, level 61, No Flying skill. Just between Shattrath and Honor Hold and Telhamat Temple. Going to IF to sell a few things, will test there to see if anything pops.


In Ironforge It still doesn't track FlightPoints fully. But there is imporvement. It ignored the FP in IF but then offered to run to the FP in LochModan and then fly to the Aerie Peak FP. So not everything is right, but its getting closer.


Well I tested myself and first you have to talk to FlightMaster on every continent on you character first so it could populate database of known and unrestricted flight masters to fly to, otherwise it doesn't know which flyght master is allowed to use and fly to.


Every time you talk to flymaster it goes and checks if there's any update for flight path available. But I thik that I need to check if some flightmasters are bugged.


Try Ironforge, I have talked to the FlightMaster and it definitely still will not suggest that FP as a start. If there is anything I can try for you guys let me know.


Original English


FlightMasters.lua should be OK now, but locales need to be updated to make it work in different languages.

@noahgithub Ironforge should be OK now ;)


Checked over PTR version (as it's the only way I can have my character with all Alliance FlightMasters open to check in English), everything seems fine except Wetlands FlightMaster location, fixed that up there with merge request.


@artscout Accepted your pull. My fault wrong algorithm for converting coordinates so i fixed it added new FilghtMaster.lua (only coordinates changed for some FlightMasters).


This seems to work for the FP I have now. I will let you know if I find any that are broken., Thanks you for the fix! It might be worth updating CurseForge for others who have this issue and don't realize it.


Will update curse and wowi ;)


Should we try to do something about this request or close it? I don't think there was any flight path route considered at any point of time. Yet there's maybe exists a possibility to find closest flight master but I'm not sure that we can calculate path considering that we don't know if flight master is available on other end of route unless we open flight master dialogue.


@artscout Just checked thats not the problem (line 453)... Saved flight master names are different then those in FlightMaster.lua file ;)


Ahhh ok I didn't check that part yet as I'm in raid currently


Yeah it was working... There are functions for it but if i remember they depend on something skill or some setting... Will check in spare time.


@artscout Here:

if riding >= 300 and self.FlyingMount then -- Epic flyer in flying area, don't route
So if riding skill is greater 300 and its a flying area it doesn't use Flight Masters ... But this needs to be checked.

Good solution would be to add setting for this ;) If u want u can fix it @artscout