Carbonite Classic (with all modules)

Carbonite Classic (with all modules)


Error loading instance map

geezerbahl opened this issue ยท 8 comments


I get the following error when I right click and try to load instance map:

Message: ...lizzard_MapCanvas\MapCanvas_ScrollContainerMixin.lua:428: attempt to index local 'layers' (a nil value)
Time: Sat Sep 3 16:50:02 2022
Count: 2
Stack: ...lizzard_MapCanvas\MapCanvas_ScrollContainerMixin.lua:428: attempt to index local 'layers' (a nil value)
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@interface\AddOns\Blizzard_MapCanvas\MapCanvas_ScrollContainerMixin.lua"]:428: in function CreateZoomLevels' [string "@Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_MapCanvas\MapCanvas_ScrollContainerMixin.lua"]:415: in function OnCanvasSizeChanged'
[string "@interface\AddOns\Blizzard_MapCanvas\MapCanvas_ScrollContainerMixin.lua"]:407: in function SetMapID' [string "@Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_MapCanvas\Blizzard_MapCanvas.lua"]:35: in function SetMapID'
[string "@interface\AddOns\Carbonite\NxMap.lua"]:256: in function SetMapByID' [string "@Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\NxMap.lua"]:9419: in function SetCurrentMap'
[string "@interface\AddOns\Carbonite\NxMap.lua"]:5183: in function SetInstanceMap' [string "@Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\NxMap.lua"]:2962: in function Func'
[string "@interface\AddOns\Carbonite\NxUI.lua"]:4968: in function <Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\NxUI.lua:4938>



Hmmm... sorry but im not sure what u are talking about... Give me a screenshot or something :)


U are not providing enough information. What was the instance?


I was in The Stockade. Eventually when I went in far enough into the instance the map just went blank.

This error came up when I right-clicked on instance and tried to load it manually (as it wasn't popping up when I was in the instance).


Can u show me what do u mean by "tried to load it manually"?


On the map you rlight click on the instance and select load (or or show or something similar - don't have it up now).


i never get a dungeon map when i go into one do you need a mod to get the instance map in the carbo map?


INSTANCE/DUNGEONS MAPS are ONLY available for Northend Dungeons (ill test them when WOTLK releases).

So sorry no instance maps in WOTLK Classic, they are just not available...
