Carbonite Classic (with all modules)

Carbonite Classic (with all modules)


Low FPS/Refresh rate in map

phonomania2 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I'm comparing the behaviour to a reference 3.3.5a client, running carbonite on a private server, the map zoom and drag work buttery smooth, in contrast to wrath classic where it seems to have a capped refresh rate

I've recorded 2 comparison videos to show this

Original 3.3.5a client running carbonmite on a private server:
Wrath classic running carbonite downloaded from curse:


Had a look in to this a few days ago myself. Primary cause seems to be the following lines:
which limits the OnUpdate function (called every frame) to once every 50ms (which is around 20fps). I've calculated the duration of the whole OnUpdate function and it seems to be negligible to do this early return.

Also animation durations are quite long which adds to the perceived lagginess, specifically mouse wheel:


Had a look in to this a few days ago myself. Primary cause seems to be the following lines: which limits the OnUpdate function (called every frame) to once every 5ms (at least). I've calculated the duration of the whole OnUpdate function and it seems to be negligible to do this early return.

Also animation durations are quite long which adds to the perceived lagginess, specifically mouse wheel:

Wow you're amazing, thank you. I changed the value to .00606 (cause my screen is 165hz) and it completely fixed the issue. Thank you


@phonomania2 I mentioned this earlier... WOTLK client has nothing similar to 3.3.5a ... its based on Shadowlands client. So comparing those makes no sense.

@jamsch Thanks for those. I think ill make this "thick" value configurable, so every one can find the right value. Those thick value was added because without it some of the people complained about FPS ;) and i mean FPS of whole game not only the Carb Map.


@IrcDirk I'd change the default value to a lower number, 0.05 makes interactions with the map run at ~19fps. I'd change it to at most 0.016, 60fps.


Yeah... different computers need different values, that's why i made that configurable. Seems its hardware dependent...

I have steady 90FPS no matter what i set ;)