Carbonite Classic (with all modules)

Carbonite Classic (with all modules)


Quest watch window is double windowed and only 1 can be adjusted ( the useless one)

Leonardpana01 opened this issue ยท 25 comments


On the quest watch window when you want to freely adjust the size is just adjusting a darker window on the background but the actual quest watch window shows the same with couple of quests in it that always changes the number (sometimes shows 2 quests and I have to scroll long way to the 10th quest for example by showing the last two , 9th and 10th) and has a scroll bar on it. What I want to have is freely adjustable window that as big as you make it more quests shows in it. For example if I have 10 quests, and i want to see all of them in same time I want to make the window bigger , but when I do that , the window gets bigger , right, but only the background and shows like 2-3 quests, or in this screen shot i managed to show 6 quests, but I don't know how as is always chaging the number and I have to scroll in order to see the last quest for example, will drop a screen shot to show you what I mean. I checked all the option and still seems buggy and dooesn't work.. In TBC classic was working perfectly fine. I will show 2 examples 1 how should be ( basically how was before in 3.3.4 and 1 how is now). and yes I selected the option in setting for fixed sized window on and off but I can't make it work like it was before . Thanks


Cant reproduce everything works fine on my side. It might be another addon that causes that issue, try disabling all other addons leave only Carbonite + Modules enabled. U sure u are using latest version for WOTLK?


yes, you are right , was questie that was making carbonite to do that, but I had questie just to be able to share the quests with my mates in chat, as if I use carbonite for that just shares the text, not the clickable link to see details , am I doing something wrong there as well, or actually with Carbonite you basically can't share the quest links in order to be clicked by the people I share to to see details? ( not talking about actual quest share where the party member can accept quests shared by me, that works, the quest link in chat doesn't work)


Its the same code as it was in TBC... so nothing changed ;) Sorry that i cant help u more.


Thats another issue. Please dont mix them. Closing...


Disable all addons leave only Carbonite + Modules... I cant reproduce so it might be another addon.


nope, doesn't work , was a temporary fix looks like , now I even delete all my addons, I reset the settings in carbonite from courseforge, and I reinstalled the carbonite only and still the same thing is happening. only having carbonite in the addon folder... is just bugging me how well it works on the private warmane and how bad is working on the official server lol...


is not fixed same thing is happening


is no other addon installed, i restarted the game and still having same issue, more now shows me only 1 quest, and I have the scroll bar on the side so small that I have to use it in order to see the other quests,,,


i did that couple of times, and of course all the time i keep restarting the game and try again... I don't want to be a pain, but really doesn't work lol... let me submit another screen shot to show you


Got to Options => Profiles and Reset profile


I literally updated it around 1 hour ago


Works for me. If i cant reproduce then i cant fix it. U sure u are using latest version?


I tried to reproduce i just cant... Everything is fine with NOT Fixed Size window it normally resizes.



if can't be fixed, and can't be reproduced... i don't know, maybe is just an enviromental issue, maybe I am that unlucky one... thanks for trying though.. i might have to live with it, or try to find something similar.. Thanks again


Yes only carbonite and i saw its still doing it, I tried leave on quest and maps , and still ... so yes
bad 2


Try to delete all saved settings in WTF folder.


bad 3
I so if I extend it or reduce it, shows like this


I deleted the content in WTF folder , still , man, is fine, don't want to give u extra head aches for nothing as seems like nothing is changing, and if it works for others , that's it..


No one ever reported this issue :( Sorry seems its your WoW problem... really dont know what can it be.


I am ready to give up, so don't worry, thanks for trying


eh, it is what it is ... I will see . thanks again


I can manage if it shows me at least couple of quests, and not 2 or 1 like literally before, that I have to scroll because like I said when ever I log out and log in, the number of quests shown is different. when I log in, everytime it shows me 1 bar for quest watch and I always have to right-click and tap on reset layout to show me the quests, and when I do that the number changes everythime when I log in and out... well like I said, maybe is just an isolated issue, will deal with it..


Weird never seen such issues... and u are only one reporting it.


Try installing BugSack and BugGrabber maybe u are getting some errors but u dont see them.


I did, no bugs yay! , that's what it says... really thank you very much for your support, well, things are a bit weird here, but no probs , will manage it. Have a great one, cheers