Carbonite Classic (with all modules)

Carbonite Classic (with all modules)


Wotlk Classic - Disappearing Minimap when using "Combine Blizzard Minimap with Carbonite Minimap" option

Mugafo opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I just started playing classic for the first time so I had a fresh install of this through curseforge.

I noticed when I went to Dalaran the minimap would disappear unless I mouse over the carbonite map far enough outside the city. I saw this behavior in Iron Forge and the Death Knight starter area as well. Dungeons and Raids don't seem to have this problem.

I was able to repeat this behavior with the only addon enabled being carbonite and with fresh settings (deleted the SavedVariables). I loaded the game in the Death Knight area with no SavedVariables, I clicked yes to combine the maps, then once the reload happened, the minimap was hidden unless I mouse far enough to the west on the map outside of the instance map. None of the settings in the options appeared to fix the problem, maybe I am missing some setting.

As a local fix for myself, I commented out the following code and it stops the minimap from disappearing. Though this forces it to stay visible when the full size map is open.

if (self:IsInstanceMap(Nx.Map.UpdateMapID) or self:IsBattleGroundMap(Nx.Map.UpdateMapID)) and self.CurOpts.NXInstanceMaps then
if self.Win:IsSizeMax() and Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.HideOnMax
or self.MMFScale < .02
or Nx.Map.NInstMapId ~= nil -- Instance
or info.City and not info.MMOutside -- Cites
mm:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", 1, 0)
mm:SetScale (.02)
mm:SetFrameLevel (1)
-- mm:Hide()
for n, f in ipairs (self.MMModels) do
f:SetScale (.001)


Cant reproduce this issue :/ Seems its a normal behaviour if u want Minimap to be always visible u need to change it in the options Carbonite => Map => MiniMap Options => Always dock minimap


@Mugafo Ohh and "Hide The Minimap when Fullsize" then u will have what u want ;) Checked and it works with those options without problem.


@IrcDirk okay, strange I still get it no matter what I try, but I came up with a code change that made it work for me so I'll stick with that. Thanks for taking a look.