Carbonite Quests

Carbonite Quests



Palonblade opened this issue ยท 7 comments


I often get lag when grouped for world quests etc. If I unload Carb Quests the lag goes away. Is there any setting I can adjust or a possible fix for this? I already have changed my Broadcast after number of changes to 999, Watch delay time to 1000 and also in the Database section only load quests for 101-110. Doesn't make a difference but thought I would try.


This is the same issue as mikepauer/Carbonite#61, update to latest Alpha versions (Carbonite + Modules) then try using this settings and tell me if this makes a difference:



Im searching for fix, but it not allways lags for me. Someone knows how to simulate it, that it will lag every time?


Unfortunately it's the same for me, it lags a bit then stops, lags a bit then stops.


I already had those 2 options disabled. Also for me it isn't necessarily when killing a mob although possibly the same underlying problem. As an example, it was happening today when doing the "Aw, Nuts!" WQ. As I was simply right clicking stuff on the ground I would occasionally lag so maybe when killing x of y or collecting x of y the quest objective updating is causing issues.


What about disabling this? Does this make a difference? And yes its all about completing objectives, something lags but only in party...



Already disabled. I have only 101-110 and Level 0 enabled :(.


@Palonblade it might be SavedInstances here too!!! Check without SavedInstances.