Carbonite Quests

Carbonite Quests


World Quest group finder

Cherioz opened this issue ยท 3 comments


No interaction between quest watch list and WQGF , no option to click or right click to find groups or relaunch WQGF addon to look for world quests group.. Blizzard default quest watch list is only way now and is always up on my screen while questing , which defies the idea of having a Carbonite quest addon :/ not fully but for a good part


I use the "middle mouse button" click method from WQGF. Just open BlizzMap with Alt+M und click the quest you want to search with your mousewheel.

It is not optimal, but it works perfectly fine.

Would be nice to get this interaction on CarbMap as well, but could be a bit hard?


It wouldn't be hard, but it should be the other way around, that WQGF adds support for Carb if they feel it's worthwhile, and not that Carb supports it.. there are just too many mapping and quest helping addons for us to be making code modifications to add checks for each one and special routines for them


I totally agree with @mikepauer i did already made some changes to make other addon work with Carb, but this developer implemented them. Better way is to make those changes on WQGF side.