Carbonite Quests

Carbonite Quests


WOTLK classic - Quest watch window is double windowed and only 1 can be adjusted ( the useless one)

Leonardpana01 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


On the quest watch window when you want to freely adjust the size is just adjusting a darker window on the background but the actual quest watch window shows the same with couple of quests in it that always changes the number (sometimes shows 2 quests and I have to scroll long way to the 10th quest for example by showing the last two , 9th and 10th) and has a scroll bar on it. What I want to have is freely adjustable window that as big as you make it more quests shows in it. For example if I have 10 quests, and i want to see all of them in same time I want to make the window bigger , but when I do that , the window gets bigger , right, but only the background and shows like 2-3 quests, or in this screen shot i managed to show 6 quests, but I don't know how as is always chaging the number and I have to scroll in order to see the last quest for example, will drop a screen shot to show you what I mean. I checked all the option and still seems buggy and dooesn't work.. In TBC classic was working perfectly fine. I will show 2 examples 1 how should be ( basically how was before in 3.3.4 and 1 how is now). and yes I selected the option in setting for fixed sized window on and off but I can't make it work like it was before . Thanks


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