Korthia: Map overlay
codegain opened this issue ยท 9 comments
I tried adding the korthia map overlay to Carbonite because currently its just the "unexplored" map and does not appear next to the maw on the worldmap, but now I'm stuck.
I think I got the overlay config right, but can't figure out why no map texture is displayed:
Map.MapWorldInfo = {
[1543] = {
Scale = 8.279166,
X = -1733.3332,
Y = -1146.6666,
Name = L["The Maw"],
Overlay = "themaw",
[1648] = {
BaseMap = 1543
[1961] = { -- my korthia implementation, X/Y not adjusted currently
Scale = 8.279166,
X = -1733.3332,
Y = -646.6666,
Name = L["Korthia"],
Overlay = "korthia",
Map.ZoneOverlays = {
["korthia"] = {
["4074917,4074918,4074919,4074920,4074921,4074922,4074923,4074924,4074925"] = "958,997,766,637",
["4075007,4075011,4075012,4075013,4075014,4075015,4075016,4075017,4075018,4075008,4075009,4075010"] = "1500,0,834,696",
["4074961,4074969,4074970,4074971,4074972,4074973,4074974,4074975,4074976,4074962,4074963,4074964,4074965,4074966,4074967,4074968"] = "2113,0,844,875",
["4074977,4074988,4074999,4075001,4075002,4075003,4075004,4075005,4075006,4074978,4074979,4074980,4074981,4074982,4074983,4074984,4074985,4074986,4074987,4074989,4074990,4074991,4074992,4074993,4074994,4074995,4074996,4074997,4074998,4075000"] = "945,0,1362,1088",
["4075019,4075026,4075027,4075028,4075029,4075030,4075031,4075032,4075033,4075020,4075021,4075022,4075023,4075024,4075025"] = "1841,645,1264,715",
["4075034,4075045,4075051,4075052,4075053,4075054,4075055,4075056,4075057,4075035,4075036,4075037,4075038,4075039,4075040,4075041,4075042,4075043,4075044,4075046,4075047,4075048,4075049,4075050"] = "1474,891,1412,792",
["4075090,4075098,4075099,4075100,4075101,4075102,4075103,4075104,4075105,4075091,4075092,4075093,4075094,4075095,4075096,4075097"] = "597,1053,929,817",
["4075058,4075069,4075080,4075084,4075085,4075086,4075087,4075088,4075089,4075059,4075060,4075061,4075062,4075063,4075064,4075065,4075066,4075067,4075068,4075070,4075071,4075072,4075073,4075074,4075075,4075076,4075077,4075078,4075079,4075081,4075082,4075083"] = "1231,1429,1871,1010",
["4074926,4074937,4074948,4074955,4074956,4074957,4074958,4074959,4074960,4074927,4074928,4074929,4074930,4074931,4074932,4074933,4074934,4074935,4074936,4074938,4074939,4074940,4074941,4074942,4074943,4074944,4074945,4074946,4074947,4074949,4074950,4074951,4074952,4074953,4074954"] = "153,0,1612,1268",
-- this did work, but the tiles are somewhat randomly placed and don't fit nice together
--["sanctuaryofguidance"] = "1500,0,834,696",
--["keepersrespite"] = "2113,0,844,875",
--["maulersoutlook"] = "945,0,1362,1088",
--["scholarsden"] = "1841,645,1264,715",
--["seekersquorum"] = "1474,891,1412,792",
--["windsweptaerie"] = "597,1053,929,817",
--["vaultofsecrets"] = "1231,1429,1871,1010",
--["estuaryofawakening"] = "958,997,766,637",
--["hopesascent"] = "153,0,1612,1268",
[1543] = L["The Maw"] .. "|110|120|2|13||",
[1648] = L["The Maw"] .. "|110|120|2|13||",
[1961] = L["Korthia"] .. "|110|120|2|13||", -- my korthia implementation
[1565] = L["Ardenweald"] .. "|110|120|2|13||",
Nx.Map.MapZones = {
[13] = {1525,1533,1536,1543,1565,1648,1670,1671,1672,1673,1961}, -- added 1961 for korthia map
[90] = {91,92,93,112,128,169,206,275,397,417,423,519,623},
[100] = {},
Am I missing something? If I hover over some place on the map (where korthia should be) I can see the inner title on the top right saying "The Shadowlands, Korthia" but no overlays are drawn (with the fixed IDs - I got the idea from ab7620e).
@codegain Thanks for PR.
I did comment the code which was making non converted overlays work thats why it didnt worked. Also u had wrong position and scale in NxMapData ;)
Ill convert overlays in spare time.. but the map should be working now. Please check on your side.
I did convert the Korthia overlay to one BLP ;) Pushed release. Korthia map should be working fine.
Correction, i used Necrolords and did add Seat of the Primus in Zones.lua, other Covenant cites should work just by adding them to Zones.lua.
@IrcDirk Can confirm, Korthia is now shown on the world map, positioning looks good!
I stated in the PR that the scale, X and Y was not adjusted (and just copied from the maw) because I couldn't get it to show on my map, making this rather difficult :)
I know that X/Y are just simply trial/error based, but how do normally calulcate the scale
value? I'm currently also working on a PR for the map for "heart of the forest" on the world map (and possible the other covenant cities in the future), but I don't see any changes going over scale 1 (just that my X/Y positioning is wrong after that).
@IrcDirk I forgot to mention that Korthia is now on the world map, but I think the maw blp needs updating since Korthia was added later in the game:
The connection to korthia in the maw is missing on the map
Yeah, the Maw need update.
As to X,Y and Scale they are taken from https://wow.tools/dbc/?dbc=uimapassignment but they need recalculation before use.