Carbonite Maps

Carbonite Maps


Maps goes into perpetual LUA errors on toons with Draenor Garrisons

Fl1pp3d0ff opened this issue ยท 3 comments


The title says it all.

If I login on a toon that has a Draenor Garrison, LUA errors are constantly generated - sometimes.
If I login on a toon that has never initiated the Garrison questline, no errors are kicked out - ever.

Can't copy the error text because it locks the interface up, necessitating killing the WOW client using task manager.


until there's a fix for this, you can comment out NxMap.lua ln: 2525 by placing a -- infront of it
-- or C_Garrison.IsPlayerInGarrison(Enum.GarrisonType.Type_7_0) -- Order Halls

and everything seems to work with the minimap integrated.



Separating the Blizz minimap from the Carbonite map seems to stop the errors, However, it makes for a less-satisfying experience.


fix confirmed on my side