


Error and Spells

Voidmenull opened this issue ยท 11 comments


the line 336 gives an error for non-delay users:
pending[effect] = {target=target, time=GetTime() + aurae_DELAYS[effect] or 0}

this can be fixed by useing brackets for the "or"
pending[effect] = {target=target, time=GetTime() + (aurae_DELAYS[effect] or 0)}


Hunters missing scorpid sting
Rogues missing exposed armor + the rapture timer is wrong independent from used rank

hope you can fix this :)


The precedence bug I fixed last night already. As for scorpid sting/exposed armor, they're not really missing, just like probably quite many spells not tracked because they didn't seem important enough. But there's no harm in adding them I guess.


i guess you cant add hunter traps? seems like its not possible to determinate the trap caster?


In pvp (combat log events) they work. The caster can't be detected that way but the real problem for pve is that the target can't be detected. Like I said in the PMs a while ago this is not as big an issue if you need the timers for the current target only so you could use the pvp mechanic for pve too.


any updates with the spells?


Only that I added scorpid sting.


I've changed the pvp tracking to only include the player's own spells now. It uses the same mechanic as pvp with a minor change so that it doesn't have a delay.

I've also made a branch "target" with what I think would be the best tracking (combat log for pvp and pve) for target only as you're using it. (Well, it may not even work, I can't test it well because there are no bars included, but, you know, in principle.)


ty, i will check that out :) what about the rapture timers? you took a look on that?


rupture* should be fixed


nice :D


I also removed the bars from that version. I would suggest you rename it and the handful of globals (which all start in "aurae") so they can run side by side


thats a good idea, i will do this! ty for your effort!