


Addon crashes the game

AdrianDutu opened this issue ยท 0 comments


The addon doesn't work anymore. I can't see the probability of success on missions. If i open a specific mission and click on analyze parties then I can see some suggestions and rate of success. If i select a party it does not get assigned. If I click on the close button the game freezes and crashes.

This is the error I get when opening the mission table:

Date: 2020-04-27 12:15:40 ID: 5 Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: ..\AddOns\ChampionCommander\matchmaker.lua line 514: script ran too long Debug: [string "@ChampionCommander\matchmaker.lua"]:514: Build() [string "@ChampionCommander\matchmaker.lua"]:590: Match() [string "@ChampionCommander\matchmaker.lua"]:695: ?() [string "@ChampionCommander\missionlist.lua"]:598: ChampionCommander\missionlist.lua:582 [string "=(tail call)"]: ? [string "@ChampionCommander\missionlist.lua"]:420: ?() [string "@AzeriteTooltip\libs\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.lua"]:90: UpdateMissions() [string "@Blizzard_GarrisonUI\Blizzard_GarrisonMissionUI.lua"]:808: ...s\Blizzard_GarrisonUI\Blizzard_GarrisonMissionUI.lua:807 [string "=[C]"]: Show() [string "@..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua"]:2739: SetUIPanel() [string "@..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua"]:2545: ShowUIPanel() [string "@..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua"]:2452: ..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2448 [string "=[C]"]: SetAttribute() [string "@..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua"]:3306: ..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:3289 [string "=[C]"]: ShowUIPanel() [string "@..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua"]:1822: ..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:1164 Locals: self = <table> { baseXP = 450 candidatesIndex = <table> { } totalXP = 450 exhausting = false missionID = 2152 elite = false rewardXP = 0 numFollowers = 3 unique = 32 name = "Toxicity" candidates = <table> { } } missionID = 2152 followers = <table> { } troopcost = 0 xpGainers = 0 champions = 0 troops = 0 assigned = 3 (for index) = 1 (for limit) = 3 (for step) = 1 i = 1 s = "H|0x000000001087CA5E|124" fType = "H" followerID = "0x000000001087CA5E" value = 124 slot = nil rc = true res = true (*temporary) = true (*temporary) = true (*temporary) = true (*temporary) = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_GarrisonTemplates\Blizzard_GarrisonSharedTemplates.lua:189 (*temporary) = nil (*temporary) = nil (*temporary) = "script ran too long" G = <table> { GetBuildingSizes = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetFollowerActivationCost = <function> defined =[C]:-1 CloseTradeskillCrafter = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetShipDeathAnimInfo = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetFollowerClassSpecByID = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetFollowerLevelXP = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetBuffedFollowersForMission = <function> defined =[C]:-1 UpgradeGarrison = <function> defined =[C]:-1 IsFollowerCollected = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetFollowerAbilityIcon = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetFollowerClassSpecName = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetRecruitAbilities = <function> defined =[C]:-1 HasGarrison = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetNumFollowersOnMission = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetBuildingUpgradeInfo = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetFollowerQualityTable = <function> defined =[C]:-1 CastItemSpellOnFollowerAbility = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetMissionName = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetLandingPageGarrisonType = <function> defined =[C]:-1 RemoveFollowerFromBuilding = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetPartyBuffs = <function> defined =[C]:-1 AreMissionFollowerRequirementsMet = <function> defined =[C]:-1 RequestClassSpecCategoryInfo = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetFollowerInfo = <function> defined =[C]:-1 IsOnShipmentQuestForNPC = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetMissionSuccessChance = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetNumFollowerDailyActivations = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetFollowerMissionTimeLeftSeconds = <function> defined =[C]:-1 RequestShipmentCreation = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetNumActiveFollowers = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetShipmentReagentItemLink = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetMissionBonusAbilityEffects = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetCompleteTalent = <function> defined =[C]:-1 AddFollowerToMission = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetFollowerMissionCompleteInfo = <function> defined =[C]:-1 RequestLandingPageShipmentInfo = <function> defined =[C]:-1 CloseRecruitmentNPC = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetFollowerNameByID = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetCombatAllyMission = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetAvailableMissions = <function> defined =[C]:-1 SwapBuildings = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetBuildings = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetBuildingSpecInfo = <function> defined =[C]:-1 MissionBonusRoll = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetBuildingInfo = <function> defined =[C]:-1 RequestShipmentInfo = <function> defined =[C]:-1 IsInvasionAvailable = <function> defined =[C]:-1 AllowMissionStartAboveSoftCap = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetMissionCompleteEncounters = <function> defined =[C]:-1 RequestGarrisonUpgradeable = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GenerateRecruits = <function> defined =[C]:-1 IsEnvironmentCountered = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetBuildingsForPlot = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetFollowerQuality = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetFollowerClassSpecAtlas = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetRecruiterAbilityCategories = <function> defined =[C]:-1 CloseMissionNPC = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetFollowersSpellsForMission = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetFollowerShipments = <function> defined =[C]:-1 IsUsingPartyGarrison = <function> defined =[C]:-1 GetFollowerPortraitIconID = <function> defined =[C]:-1 SetUsingPartyGarrison = <function> defined =[C]:-1 RecruitFollower = <function> defined =[C]:-1 AddOns: KalielsTracker, v3.2.2 Swatter, v8.2.6511 (SwimmingSeadragon) AtlasLoot, vv8.12.00 AtlasLootBattleforAzeroth, vv8.12.00 AtlasLootBurningCrusade, vv8.12.00 AtlasLootCataclysm, vv8.12.00 AtlasLootClasses, vv3.1 AtlasLootClassic, vv8.12.00 AtlasLootLegion, vv8.12.00 AtlasLootMistsofPandaria, vv8.12.00 AtlasLootWarlordsofDraenor, vv8.12.00 AtlasLootWrathoftheLichKing, vv8.12.00 AzeritePowerWeights, v8.3.11 AzeriteTooltip, v2.0.8 BagBrother, v Bagnon, v8.3.5 Bartender4, v4.9.0 BasicBuffHide, vv8.2.0 BeanCounter, v8.2.6505 (SwimmingSeadragon) BestKeystone, v8.1.5 (v150019042020) CanIMogIt, v8.3.0v1.25 ChampionCommander, v1.2.4 80300 Chatter, v1.6.0 ColorPickerPlus, v DBMCore, v8.3.20 DBMDefaultSkin, v DBMStatusBarTimers, v Details, v DetailsEncounterDetails, v DetailsRaidCheck, v DetailsStreamer, v DetailsTinyThreat, v DetailsVanguard, v Gladius, v6.2.1 GottaGoFast, v31100 GottaGoFastHistory, v31000 GSE, v2.5.5 GSEGUI, v2.5.5 GSELDB, v2.5.5 GuildRosterManager, v1.871 HandyNotes, vv1.5.9 HandyNotesVisionsOfNZoth, v38 Informant, v8.2.6508 (SwimmingSeadragon) Kong, v Masque, v8.2.8 MethodDungeonTools, v3.0.4 MoveAnything, v17.1.0 OmniCC, v8.3.5 Pawn, v2.3.24 RaiderIO, v8.1.0 (v202004190600) RaiderIODBEUA, v RaiderIODBEUAR, v RareScanner, v8.0.3 SexyMap, vv8.3.0 ShadowedUnitFrames, vv4.2.9 Simulationcraft, v1.12.5 SlideBar, v8.2.6509 (SwimmingSeadragon) Stubby, v8.2.6510 (SwimmingSeadragon) TidyPlatesThreatPlates, v9.1.20 Titan, v5.18.6.80300 TitanBag, v5.18.6.80300 TitanClock, v5.18.6.80300 TitanGold, v5.18.6.80300 TitanLocation, v5.18.6.80300 TitanLootType, v5.18.6.80300 TitanPerformance, v5.18.6.80300 TitanRepair, v5.18.6.80300 TitanVolume, v5.18.6.80300 TitanXP, v5.18.6.80300 TomCats, v01.05.00 TomCatsMechagon, v01.04.06 TomCatsNazjatar, v01.04.06 TomCatsNzoth, v1.4.23 TomTom, vv80300-1.1.2 WeakAuras, v2.17.2 WorldQuestsList, v92 WorldQuestTracker, v Wyr3dIcyVeinsStats, v ZygorGuidesViewer, v7.0 BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v8.3.0.80300 <none> (ck=84b)