


Follower List seems to 'break' at max followers

ozwinn opened this issue ยท 0 comments


First, I just want to thank you for this add-on! I've used it for a long time and really love it!

I've copied a message from another player because it states very eloquently what I'm experiencing. (for a long time I thought it was something I'd messed up)

From: thepotentis
"After increasing my companions to a total of 22, the addon companions selection GUI now reverts back to the traditional Blizzard UI with the unfiltered, messy companions list. Is it possible that at a certain high number the companions are too many to be listed in the addon GUI so it has to revert back?

If If that's the cause, it would be great if in the future there is the possibility of adding a scroll option or a way to reduce the scale of the companion icons so that you can still utilize the addon GUI for companion selection. It's been really helpful to have a full overview of their levels in descending order along with the easy indicators for troops that can be upgraded."

Again, thank you SO much for all of your work on this!!
You are appreciated!!