CharacterStatsPane Improved

CharacterStatsPane Improved


Gear Checks reports missing enchant on Thrown Items

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Gear Checks reports that ranged slot is missing an enchant if you're using a thrown item, but as far as I know there doesn't exist any enchants at all for thrown items. Could be the same for relics/wands but I don't have characters to test that.
CSP Improved version: 1.2.7


Thanks I'll fix that.
I started out with exception for all off-hands (except shield / weapon) but folks informed me there's enchants for frills.
It already excludes wands.
I should probably exclude relics from enchant checks and I'll add thrown.


I checked and I'm actually already excluding armor subtypes in ranged slot (so relics shouldn't need a change).
It's only thrown that need added to exclusions.


fixed with 60367cd