Chinchilla Minimap

Chinchilla Minimap


Hotkeys for switching profiles

adrnde opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Ages ago, I asked the original author if multiple range circles could be supported.
He was doubtful, but offered this script snippet to switch profiles instead.

/run Chinchilla.db:SetProfile("Casting")
/run Minimap:EnableMouseWheel(true)

I added the second line because the first line also toggles mouse zoom off.

I have this set as a macro, with another addon keybinding it.
Would it be possible to, as some other addons do, include a built-in keybind for that?
Switching between 100 yd range circle (for gathering) and 40 yd (for combat) is quite handy.

Multiple range circles would still be nice if possible, for same reason as above, plus there are a number of shorter-ranged spells and effects.