ChocolateBar Broker Display

ChocolateBar Broker Display


Lua error on login since patch 9.2

Closed this issue ยท 10 comments


Since path 9.2 I always get this Lua error on the first login with a just started client. Later relogs or UI reloads do not trigger the error.

2x ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime.lua:70: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
[string "=[C]"]: in function `format'
[string "@ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime.lua"]:70: in function <ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime.lua:65>
[string "@ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime.lua"]:78: in function <ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime.lua:77>

(*temporary) = "%s-%s"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "string expected, got nil"

Using ChocolateBar v3.8

A few debug infos:

Dump: value=GetPlayerInfoByGUID(UnitGUID("player"))
[6]="my char name",

Dump: value=GetNormalizedRealmName()
[1]="my realm name"

Since those values all look ok, and later relogs or UI reloads do not trigger the error, I assume it is just a timing error. The values are not yet available when the code is first executed.


I got this too so hopefully it's common enough to debug quickly.
No idea how you got the extra debug info but the rest of mine is the same.

[string "=[C]"]: in function `format'
[string "@ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime.lua"]:70: in function <ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime.lua:65>
[string "@ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime.lua"]:78: in function <ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime.lua:77>

(*temporary) = "%s-%s"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "string expected, got nil"

@Kiatra This is not fixed in v3.8.1!

2x ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime.lua:70: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
[string "=[C]"]: in function `format'
[string "@ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime.lua"]:70: in function <ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime.lua:65>
[string "@ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime.lua"]:78: in function <ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime.lua:77>

(*temporary) = "%s-%s"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "Blackmoore"
(*temporary) = "string expected, got nil"

ah yes apparently, this error pups up only first login...


Fixed with 3.8.2


@Kiatra Sorry, but this is still not fixed in v3.8.2:

1x ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime.lua:66: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
[string "=[C]"]: in function `format'
[string "@ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime.lua"]:66: in function <ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime.lua:60>
[string "@ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime.lua"]:74: in function <ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime.lua:73>

(*temporary) = "%s-%s"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "Blackmoore"
(*temporary) = "string expected, got nil"

You changed the function onEnteringWorld, but the error actually comes from the call in the function playedTimeEvent.


I'm getting the same error, I've gone back to the pull request icbat made.


@cremor, in 3.8.2 The function onEnteringWorld got a 2 second timer delay on the call for RequestTimePlayed() this triggers the playedTimeEvent. That fixed it for me.

I tried a different API in UnitFullName("player") for the getting the char name and realm, that seems more stable in the latest commit 1667113 can you tray that one out before I release it?


Sorry for not replying earlier, but I couldn't test until now.
I just tested 3.8.3 and it seems to fix the problem, thanks!


@Kiatra Bad news. While the error on login seems to be fixed, I just got a new - but similar - error when using my hearthstone.
This time it's the realm name that is nil.

1x ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime.lua:62: bad argument #3 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
[string "=[C]"]: in function `format'
[string "@ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime.lua"]:62: in function <ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime.lua:60>
[string "@ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime.lua"]:86: in function <ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime.lua:85>
[string "@ChocolateBar\modules\CB_PlayedTime.lua"]:98: in function `func'
[string "@BagSync\libs\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0-17.lua"]:57: in function <...ceBagSync\libs\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:50>

(*temporary) = "%s-%s"
(*temporary) = "Cremor"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "string expected, got nil"

Seems like this is now completely fixed in v3.8.4, thanks!