Chore Tracker

Chore Tracker


[Bug] Not all tasks visible all the time

Closed this issue · 3 comments


When I first loaded in the addon, the alchemy header wasn't visible at all.
I reloaded, now the header is visible, but not the tasks underneath:

Only after reloading again it shows the tasks properly.


Supporting multiple expansions for professions kinda broke the method for checking your skill level - you can only get the current skill level for your highest expansion for each profession without having data loaded, and the only way that I've found to actually load the data is to open the profession window. In theory opening any profession once should force ChoreTracker to update.


I guess you could cache the info? Save the highest recorded value returned by C_TradeSkillUI.GetProfessionInfoBySkillLineID(skillLineID).skillLevel 🤔


This should be better in v11.0.2.6:

  • can get the latest skill level once again
  • puts an annoying pink message when it needs you to open a profession (mostly enabling Dragonflight profession chores)
  • doesn't overwrite the known skill level for a pre-current profession