Wrong cast times with Curse of Tongues, wrongly applied new cast time to the current casting spell
millanzarreta opened this issue · 22 comments
I'm using the last ClassicCastbars version atm, v1.1.2, but these bugs also occur in previous versions.
What is the problem? Is there any Lua errors?
No Lua errors. The problem are two bugs related with cast times when some cast speed reduction debuff is present. I only test this with "Curse of Tongues (rank 1)" (I don't have the rank 2 yet), what is a 50% cast speed reduction, I don't know if this also happens with rank 2 and other similar spells as rogue poisons. The two bugs:
1.- The new cast time calculated seems to be wrong, the addon calculates a slower casting time than it really is.
2.- The addon wrongly readjust the cast time of the current casting spell when the debuff is applied, this behaviour is wrong, when some is casting a spell and receive a cast speed modifier it doesn't apply to the current casting spell.
I think some short clips are very explanatory:
The addon works well without debuffs:
The addon calculating wrongs cast times with Curse of Tongues (rank 1), 50% cast speed reduction:
The addon readjusting the cast time of current casting spell when receive a Curse of Tongues debuff:
What steps will reproduce the problem?
Put a cast speed reduction debuff in a player/mob and let it cast something.
Does the issue still occur when all addons except ClassicCastbars are disabled?
Was it working in a previous version? If yes, which was the last good one?
No, I have not tried all versions, but it didn't work well in sine other older versions of the addon.
Any additional info? If you play on a non english client, please include your locale:
I play in Spanish language, I have not tried if these bugs also happens with a other client/locale languages.
It's calculated always using highest rank, so 60% for Curse of Tongues.
Will look more into it after this weekend.
Hi. I have investigated a little.
I am only a lvl 43, so I can't test the rank 2 of Curse of Tongues (earned at lvl 50). I modified this line in Data.lua temporally only with test purposes:
[GetSpellInfo(1714)] = 60, -- Curse of Tongues
to this:
[GetSpellInfo(1714)] = 50, -- Curse of Tongues
I did a reloadUI and the problem still happen, the new cast time calculated does not seem to be correct, it is still somewhat slower than expected. When I reach level 50 I will try the last rank of Curse of Tongues directly, but there seems to be something wrong.
Seeing the code I have seen another bug, in Data.lua only found one rank of Mind-Numbing Poison:
[GetSpellInfo(5760)] = 60, -- Mind-Numbing Poison
But the different ranks of Mind-Numbing Poisong have different spell names, so it should be:
[GetSpellInfo(5760)] = 40, -- Mind-Numbing Poison
[GetSpellInfo(8692)] = 50, -- Mind-Numbing Poison II
[GetSpellInfo(11398)] = 60, -- Mind-Numbing Poison III
I have seen that UnitAura is used to collect debuff information and also the SPELL_AURA_APPLIED of COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED. The spellId is not available for combat log, but it is often available for UnitAura. I think we can try to get spellId in UnitAura when available, but keep it working by taking the last rank in case this information (the spellId) is not available. I try this modifications and seems work well:
In Data.lua:
-- List of abilities that increases cast time (reduces speed)
-- Value here is the slow percentage, obtained from spellId.
-- TODO: check if these also affect Aimed Shot/Volley + bosses
namespace.castTimeIncreasesSpellId = {
[1714] = 50, -- Curse of Tongues (rank 1)
[11719] = 60, -- Curse of Tongues (rank 2)
[1098] = 30, -- Enslave Demon (rank 1)
[11725] = 30, -- Enslave Demon (rank 2)
[11726] = 30, -- Enslave Demon (rank 3)
[5760] = 40, -- Mind-Numbing Poison
[8692] = 50, -- Mind-numbing Poison II
[11398] = 60, -- Mind-numbing Poison III
[17331] = 10, -- Fang of the Crystal Spider
[7127] = 20, -- Wavering Will
[7102] = 25, -- Contagion of Rot
[3603] = 35, -- Distracting Pain
[8140] = 50, -- Befuddlement
[8272] = 20, -- Mind Tremor
[12255] = 15, -- Curse of Tuten'kash
[10651] = 20, -- Curse of the Eye
[14538] = 35, -- Aural Shock
[22247] = 80, -- Suppression Aura
[22642] = 50, -- Brood Power: Bronze
[23153] = 50, -- Brood Power: Blue
[24415] = 50, -- Slow
[19365] = 50, -- Ancient Dread
[28732] = 25, -- Widow's Embrace
[22909] = 50, -- Eye of Immol'thar
-- List of abilities that increases cast time (reduces speed)
-- Value here is the slow percentage, from highest spell rank.
-- TODO: check if these also affect Aimed Shot/Volley + bosses
namespace.castTimeIncreases = {
[GetSpellInfo(1714)] = 60, -- Curse of Tongues
[GetSpellInfo(1098)] = 30, -- Enslave Demon
[GetSpellInfo(5760)] = 40, -- Mind-Numbing Poison
[GetSpellInfo(8692)] = 50, -- Mind-Numbing Poison II
[GetSpellInfo(11398)] = 60, -- Mind-Numbing Poison III
[GetSpellInfo(17331)] = 10, -- Fang of the Crystal Spider
[GetSpellInfo(7127)] = 20, -- Wavering Will
[GetSpellInfo(7102)] = 25, -- Contagion of Rot
[GetSpellInfo(3603)] = 35, -- Distracting Pain
[GetSpellInfo(8140)] = 50, -- Befuddlement
[GetSpellInfo(8272)] = 20, -- Mind Tremor
[GetSpellInfo(12255)] = 15, -- Curse of Tuten'kash
[GetSpellInfo(10651)] = 20, -- Curse of the Eye
[GetSpellInfo(14538)] = 35, -- Aural Shock
[GetSpellInfo(22247)] = 80, -- Suppression Aura
[GetSpellInfo(22642)] = 50, -- Brood Power: Bronze
[GetSpellInfo(23153)] = 50, -- Brood Power: Blue
[GetSpellInfo(24415)] = 50, -- Slow
[GetSpellInfo(19365)] = 50, -- Ancient Dread
[GetSpellInfo(28732)] = 25, -- Widow's Embrace
[GetSpellInfo(22909)] = 50, -- Eye of Immol'thar
In ClassicCastBar.lua:
local bit_band = _G.bit.band
local castTimeIncreases = namespace.castTimeIncreases
local castTimeIncreasesSpellId = namespace.castTimeIncreasesSpellId
function addon:CheckCastModifier(unitID, unitGUID)
if not self.db.pushbackDetect then return end
for i = 1, 16 do
local name, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, spellId = UnitAura(unitID, i, "HARMFUL")
if not name then return end -- no more debuffs
local slowPercentage
if (spellId ~= nil and spellId > 0) then
slowPercentage = castTimeIncreasesSpellId[spellId]
if not slowPercentage then
slowPercentage = castTimeIncreases[name]
if slowPercentage then
return self:SetCastDelay(unitGUID, slowPercentage, nil, true)
No modification are maded in the SPELL_AURA_APPLIED section because we never have the spellId there.
Thank you for the detailed information, helps a lot.
The addon wrongly readjust the cast time of the current casting spell when the debuff is applied, this behaviour is wrong, when some is casting a spell and receive a cast speed modifier it doesn't apply to the current casting spell.
Is this only the case for players? In PvE im pretty sure it affects the currenct cast, atleast on yourself.
Do you know if the modifier calculates 50-60% slow of the base cast time (e.g 2.5sec for Frostbolt) or if it's 60% of the remaining cast time? I don't have access to a slow spell so hard for me to test.
Mmmm I will have to test these things to be sure. I will test these things tomorrow when I have some time and I'll let you know.
Try now in v1.1.4. I made a few changes that should hopefully fix both issues but im not 100% sure if it works. Thanks again for the help.
Is this only the case for players? In PvE im pretty sure it affects the currenct cast, atleast on yourself.
Do you know if the modifier calculates 50-60% slow of the base cast time (e.g 2.5sec for Frostbolt) or if it's 60% of the remaining cast time? I don't have access to a slow spell so hard for me to test.
I do not think so, I think cast time reduction debuffs never affects the ongoing casting spell, but the best way to know is to test it. I have made three clips where I compare the normal casting time, the casting time with tongues or similar curses and the casting time with a tongues while casting.
Player vs Player. In this clip the two players screens are shown. You can see how the casting time is not affected if you put a tongues while casting.
https://gfycat.com/felinedimdogfish -
NPC vs Player. In this clip a NPC put a -20% cast time debuff in player (Curse of the Eye). You can see how the casting time is not affected by the curse debuff while casting.
https://gfycat.com/sprycanineantelope -
Player vs NPC. In this clip the player puts curse of tongues in NPC. I choose a NPC with one spell of 7.0 seconds of cast time (Flame Blast) to make it more noticeable. You can see how the casting time is not affected if you put a tongues while casting.
The conclusion is that reduction cast time debuffs never affect an ongoing spell, only the following castings. I have not test what happens to a slowed casting spell affected by tongues debuff if this debuff ends before the cast ends. I suppose that in the same way that a new debuff does not affect an ongoing cast, this would not affect either. Nor have I test how the addon handles this situation.
When making the clips I forgot to remove the changes I had made in the addon files. Therefore, the casting times that are calculated for Curse of Tongues are calculated by the addon as -50% of casting time and not as 60%, since the addon includes the changes I have shown in the previous message.
In summary, I think it is necessary to fix the two bugs that I mentioned in the first message: the bad calculation of cast times with cast speed reduction debuffs (the addon calculates slower cast times than they really are) and that the addon recalculates the cast time when a reduction cast time debuffs is applied over a player/npc while is casting a spell.
Mmm seems to work fine, but I noticed some strange behaviour occasionally. Let me test this a some more.
Ok, after some research I discovered some things:
1º [OK] The addon now calculates well the cast times when the target has a cast time reduction debuff like tongues
2º [OK] Now the addon no longer recalculates the cast timers for a ongoing cast if a cast time reduction debuff is applied in middle of the cast.
3º [OK] I test if debuffs like tongues affect to a [Hearthstone] and a [Summon Felsteed]. Indeed, it does affect, and the addon does the calculation of the new casting time well.
4º [--] Some mobs are immune to a reduction cast mechanics, like bosses and some big elites. Some regular mobs like "Fledgling Chillwind" in Winterspring are also immune to this mechanic. However, even if the NPC is immune, debuff can still be applied. So, for these cases, the recalculated times are wrong.
I believe that this is not a big problem, and it is not worth the effort to add a custom NPC list or something similar. We can deal with it.
5º [NOT OK] The addon uses a cache to store NPC cast times. This allows add to the cache the cast time of NPC spells, even if this spell has another preset duration. The problem is the addon ignores cast time reduction debuffs like tongues, and adds to the cache as the "good" cast time the cast time with the tongues debuff. After this happens, the cached cast time is incorrect, and the following castings will have an incorrect time.
Two possible solutions:
- Do not add the spell into the cache if a cast time reduction debuff is pressent
- Add the spell into the cache, but doing a reverse calculation to get the good cast time
I believe that solution number 1 is the best, because the solution number 2 will calculate bad times if the NPC is immune to cast time reduction mechanics. Is simple and better not to add the spell to the cache if a reduction cast debuff is present.
6º [NOT OK] The code has a bug in _Data.lua_ :
-- Store both spellID and spell name in this table since UnitAura returns spellIDs but combat log doesn't.
-- Order here is important so we only store highest rank for spell names
for spellID, slowPercentage in ipairs(namespace.castTimeIncreases) do
namespace.castTimeIncreases[GetSpellInfo(spellID)] = slowPercentage
You never get into this loop. The ipairs allows you to iterate in a table in an orderly manner. First the index 1, then 2, then 3, and so on until one of these indexes is nil (although the table has more elements). In this case, the indexes in the table are the spellIds. Therefore, an attempt will be made to access element [1] (spellId=1), but since this is nil, the loop ends and no element will be processed.
If the table is not an array with ordered indixes, you should use pairs to iterate the table, but no order is guaranteed. I know the order here is important to add to the table the times of the last rank, but this must be handled differently. I think somethink like this is a good solution:
-- Store both spellID and spell name in this table since UnitAura returns spellIDs but combat log doesn't.
-- Order here is important so we only store highest rank for spell names
for spellID, slowPercentage in pairs(namespace.castTimeIncreases) do
local spellIDsWithPriority = {
[11719] = true,
[11726] = true,
[11398] = true
local spellName = GetSpellInfo(spellID)
if (spellName and (not namespace.castTimeIncreases[spellName] or spellIDsWithPriority[spellID])) then
namespace.castTimeIncreases[spellName] = slowPercentage
Other solution is add a second element to the elements of the castTimeIncreases table that means the priority.
7º [MINOR] I get two new spellIds to add to this _castTimeIncreases_ list:
namespace.castTimeIncreases = {
[10653] = 20, -- Curse of the Eye
[20882] = 30, -- Enslave Demon
8º [NOT OK] At the moment, if two cast reduction debuffs are in the same target, the addon select only the slowest debuff. This is not how it works. If more than one debuff is present, a multiplicative time calculation will be made. Although it is true that this situation is extremely rare.
I personally test it with Curse of Tongues (-60%) and Curse of the Eye (-20%) in the same target. Some of the new cast times was:
- Hearthstone (10sec base): 10 x 1.6 x 1.2=19.2sec
- Frostbolt (2.5sec base with talents): 2.5 x 1.6 x 1.2=4.8sec
- Polymorph (1.5 sec base): 1.5 x 1.6 x 1.2=2.88sec
So, I wondered what happened in PvP with multiple Curse of Tongues and mutiple Mind-Numbing Poison. I only could test one of the three possible cases:
- Multiple Curse of Tongues: Multiple Curses of Tongues cannot be applied, when a second warlock applied a Curse of Tongues only one remains in the target
- Multiple Mind-Numbing Poison: It has not been tested. I suppose that, as in the previous case, multiple mind-numbing poisons cannot be applied.
- Curse of Tongues + Mind-Numbing Poison: It has not been tested.
I will try to investigate these other cases. But anyway, from what I've been able to observe so far, it seems that if there is more than one cast reduction debuff present in a target, the casting time is reduced in a multiplicative manner.
As a summary, I believe that points 5 and 6 are important and should be fixed. The point 7 is not important but is easy to implement, it is just adding two lines of code. You can also try to solve point 8 although it is somewhat uncommon. The point 4 is something for which I have not been able to find an easy solution and I think we can deal with it as is.
5º is already implemented actually but I forgot to rename a variable when changing some stuff in latest version, will have it fixed.
Good catch with 6º, I only tested it with pairs and changed to ipairs without retesting it. But order is actually not important anymore, so just doing pairs will be fine here for now.
Will have all of these fixed in next version besides maybe 4º. Thanks again for the help!
Edit: Do you happen to know if Curse of Tongues affect Grenades and Aimed Shot/Volley? Just curious.
I don't think this affects to Volley, since it is a channeled spell.
I don't have a hunter to test Aimed Shot, but I will try to test it. About Grenades I'm engineer, so I will test it soon when I have time.
Edit: I have tested the Grenades cast time (Ez-Thro Dynamite II, Big Bronze Bomb, Big Iron Bomb and a Mithril Frag Bomb specifically), and I can confirm that Curse of Tongues affects to their cast time, I also have tested it with the Curse of the Eye (curse from a NPC) and it also affects to the cast time. The normal cast time of these are 1.0sec, and with Curse of Tongues (-60%) was 1.6sec and with Curse of the Eye (-20%) was 1.2sec.
Uploaded a new version now that should hopefully fix most issues besides 8 and 4. I'll work more on 8 once I figure out how it works on players with i.e tongues and mind numbing both applied.
I will try to find out how it works when Tongues and Mind Numbing both applied when I have some more time, maybe this weekend... (I will try to convince a rogue to help me).
Hi! I still haven't been able to test the Tongues+Mind Numbing, but I have discovered something also useful anyway.
First, I have tested with a hunter if Tongues affects Aimed Shot, and as I suspected, it doesn't do it. Here (https://gfycat.com/sneakywellgroomedcondor) a clip with the test.
Later, while investigating the GetSpellInfo API function, I noticed that the castTime returned by function is affected by these cast speed reduction debuffs (if the player have one), even for other class spells or NPC spells, but not for spells that are not affected by these cast speed reduction debuffs. This is great, because I can perform a masive test of all spellIds included by the addon (in the castSpellIDs variable) and also other some spellIds from other sources.
For example, with any class, the castTime of Polymorph returned by GetSpellInfo is 1500, but if is affected by Tongues (60%) the castTime will be 2400. But if we test the Aimed Shot spell, the castTime will allways be 3000 even with Tongues.
Ok, then I test this and these was the results of what spellIds are unnafected by cast speed reduction debuffs:
unaffectedCastModsSpells = {
-- Player Spells
1464, -- Slam
8820, -- Slam
11604, -- Slam
11605, -- Slam
11202, -- Crippling Poison
3421, -- Crippling Poison II
13227, -- Wound Poison
13228, -- Wound Poison II
13229, -- Wound Poison III
13230, -- Wound Poison IV
5761, -- Mind-numbing Poison
8693, -- Mind-numbing Poison II
11399, -- Mind-numbing Poison III
8681, -- Instant Poison
8686, -- Instant Poison II
8688, -- Instant Poison III
11338, -- Instant Poison IV
11339, -- Instant Poison V
11343, -- Instant Poison VI
2835, -- Deadly Poison
2837, -- Deadly Poison II
11356, -- Deadly Poison IV
11355, -- Deadly Poison III
25347, -- Deadly Poison V
6651, -- Instant Toxin
1842, -- Disarm Trap
1804, -- Pick Lock
6461, -- Pick Lock
6463, -- Pick Lock
19434, -- Aimed Shot
20900, -- Aimed Shot
20901, -- Aimed Shot
20902, -- Aimed Shot
20903, -- Aimed Shot
20904, -- Aimed Shot
2641, -- Dismiss Pet
2480, -- Shoot Bow
7918, -- Shoot Gun
20549, -- War Stomp
20589, -- Escape Artist
-- NPCs and Others
3583, -- Deadly Poison
13582, -- Deadly Poison
21787, -- Deadly Poison
3131, -- Frost Breath
16094, -- Frost Breath
16099, -- Frost Breath
16340, -- Frost Breath
21099, -- Frost Breath
22479, -- Frost Breath
6917, -- Venom Spit
16552, -- Venom Spit
15664, -- Venom Spit
16866, -- Venom Spit
17158, -- Venom Spit
23862, -- Venom Spit
24011, -- Venom Spit
7068, -- Veil of Shadow
17820, -- Veil of Shadow
23224, -- Veil of Shadow
6909, -- Curse of Thorns
16247, -- Curse of Thorns
13608, -- Hooked Net
14030, -- Hooked Net
15609, -- Hooked Net
20716, -- Sand Breath
20717, -- Sand Breath
8806, -- Poisoned Shot
8275, -- Poisoned Shot
1980, -- Bombard
3015, -- Bombard II
1536, -- Longshot II
3007, -- Longshot III
1540, -- Volley
3013, -- Volley II
7355, -- Stuck
4164, -- Throw Rock
4165, -- Throw Rock II
3537, -- Minions of Malathrom
5567, -- Miring Mud
28352, -- Breath of Sargeras
7106, -- Dark Restore
4075, -- Large Seaforium Charge
17709, -- Summon Zergling
6619, -- Cowardly Flight Potion
12719, -- Explosive Arrow
10679, -- Summon White Kitten
30021, -- Crystal Infused Bandage
10687, -- Summon White Plymouth Rock
10695, -- Summon Dark Whelpling
10699, -- Summon Bronze Whelpling
13258, -- Summon Goblin Bomb
5106, -- Crystal Flash
10711, -- Summon Snowshoe Rabbit
10715, -- Summon Blue Racer
10719, -- Summon Ribbon Snake
22979, -- Shadow Flame
23530, -- Summon Tiny Red Dragon
24576, -- Chromatic Mount
16967, -- Inlaid Thorium Hammer
16983, -- Serenity
5669, -- Peon Disguise
23650, -- Ebon Hand
24696, -- Summon Murky
3611, -- Minion of Morganth
27794, -- Cleave
25247, -- Longsight
5208, -- Poisoned Harpoon
28505, -- Summon Poley
14532, -- Creeper Venom
3132, -- Chilling Breath
3650, -- Sling Mud
3651, -- Shield of Reflection
3143, -- Glacial Roar
23012, -- Summon Orphan
26086, -- Felcloth Bag
5264, -- South Seas Pirate Disguise
5266, -- Syndicate Disguise
5268, -- Dark Iron Dwarf Disguise
6296, -- Enchant: Fiery Blaze
16984, -- Volcanic Hammer
16992, -- Frostguard
24194, -- Uther's Tribute
17567, -- Summon Blood Parrot
21160, -- Eye of Sulfuras
24266, -- Gurubashi Mojo Madness
7364, -- Light Torch
12684, -- Kadrak's Flag
23811, -- Summon Jubling
22797, -- Force Reactive Disk
12720, -- Goblin "Boom" Box
16729, -- Lionheart Helm
10684, -- Summon Senegal
10688, -- Summon Cockroach
10696, -- Summon Azure Whelpling
10700, -- Summon Faeling
10704, -- Summon Tree Frog
23428, -- Summon Albino Snapjaw
7919, -- Shoot Crossbow
10716, -- Summon Brown Snake
22430, -- Refined Scale of Onyxia
21935, -- SnowMaster 9000
6907, -- Diseased Slime
3204, -- Sapper Explode
26234, -- Submerge Visual
26063, -- Ouro Submerge Visual
6925, -- Gift of the Xavian
7951, -- Toxic Spit
10788, -- Leopard
16058, -- Primal Leopard
16450, -- Summon Smolderweb
28738, -- Summon Speedy
16993, -- Masterwork Stormhammer
23652, -- Blackguard
24195, -- Grom's Tribute
16554, -- Toxic Bolt
12900, -- Mobile Alarm
12904, -- Gnomish Ham Radio
6470, -- Tiny Bronze Key
15495, -- Explosive Shot
17169, -- Summon Carrion Scarab
471, -- Palamino Stallion
19772, -- Summon Lifelike Toad
16746, -- Invulnerable Mail
15048, -- Summon Bomb
16082, -- Palomino Stallion
25018, -- Summon Murki
6530, -- Sling Dirt
30152, -- Summon White Tiger Cub
26072, -- Dust Cloud
5514, -- Darken Vision
11016, -- Soul Bite
22567, -- Summon Ar'lia
21050, -- Melodious Rapture
17481, -- Deathcharger
16978, -- Blazing Rapier
25162, -- Summon Disgusting Oozeling
4520, -- Wide Sweep
23653, -- Nightfall
4526, -- Mass Dispell
6576, -- Intimidating Growl
20627, -- Lightning Breath
28324, -- Forming Frame of Atiesh
22719, -- Black Battlestrider
25793, -- Demon Summoning Torch
23254, -- Redeeming the Soul
25849, -- Summon Baby Shark
18711, -- Forging
12198, -- Marksman Hit
8153, -- Owl Form
10673, -- Summon Bombay
10677, -- Summon Siamese
6626, -- Set NG-5 Charge (Blue)
6630, -- Set NG-5 Charge (Red)
10685, -- Summon Ancona
10697, -- Summon Crimson Whelpling
10701, -- Summon Dart Frog
10705, -- Summon Eagle Owl
23430, -- Summon Olive Snapjaw
30081, -- Retching Plague
10717, -- Summon Crimson Snake
10721, -- Summon Elven Wisp
6648, -- Chestnut Mare
22967, -- Smelt Elementium
6656, -- Remote Detonate
23510, -- Stormpike Battle Charger
10254, -- Stone Dwarf Awaken Visual
16987, -- Darkspear
16995, -- Heartseeker
2840, -- Creeping Anguish
2841, -- Creeping Torment
5169, -- Defias Disguise
8286, -- Summon Boar Spirit
3359, -- Drink Potion
22704, -- Field Repair Bot 74A
3363, -- Summon Riding Gryphon
17618, -- Summon Risen Lackey
15999, -- Summon Worg Pup
11923, -- Repair the Blade of Heroes
17235, -- Raise Undead Scarab
16724, -- Whitesoul Helm
8386, -- Attacking
19814, -- Masterwork Target Dummy
15049, -- Summon Robot
23431, -- Summon Leatherback Snapjaw
28311, -- Slime Bolt
26010, -- Summon Tranquil Mechanical Yeti
1698, -- Shockwave
15067, -- Summon Sprite Darter Hatchling
13548, -- Summon Farm Chicken
23008, -- Powerful Seaforium Charge
10703, -- Summon Wood Frog
6951, -- Decayed Strength
5265, -- Stonesplinter Trogg Disguise
5267, -- Dalaran Wizard Disguise
28732, -- Widow's Embrace
15648, -- Summon Corrupted Kitten
16980, -- Rune Edge
16988, -- Hammer of the Titans
23639, -- Blackfury
28487, -- Summon Terky
28995, -- Stoneskin
25146, -- Transmute: Elemental Fire
24706, -- Toss Stink Bomb
6257, -- Torch Toss
27829, -- Titanic Leggings
10682, -- Summon Hyacinth Macaw
7359, -- Bright Campfire
16590, -- Summon Zombie
9612, -- Ink Spray
28740, -- Summon Whiskers
23531, -- Summon Tiny Green Dragon
3436, -- Wandering Plague
9636, -- Summon Swamp Spirit
17707, -- Summon Panda
17204, -- Summon Skeleton
7896, -- Exploding Shot
10712, -- Summon Spotted Rabbit
10674, -- Summon Cornish Rex
12722, -- Goblin Radio
16741, -- Stronghold Gauntlets
23392, -- Boulder
10708, -- Summon Snowy Owl
10698, -- Summon Emerald Whelpling
10702, -- Summon Island Frog
10706, -- Summon Hawk Owl
10710, -- Summon Cottontail Rabbit
7920, -- Mebok Smart Drink
10718, -- Summon Green Water Snake
27830, -- Persuader
8682, -- Fake Shot
10678, -- Summon Silver Tabby
23638, -- Black Amnesty
10720, -- Summon Scarlet Snake
28614, -- Pointy Spike
8016, -- Spirit Decay
10709, -- Summon Prairie Dog
10686, -- Summon Prairie Chicken
2838, -- Creeping Pain
26102, -- Sand Blast
3477, -- Spirit Steal
5395, -- Death Capsule
5668, -- Peasant Disguise
5159, -- Melt Ore
12243, -- Summon Mechanical Chicken
5403, -- Crash of Waves
17460, -- Frost Ram
16965, -- Bleakwood Hew
16973, -- Enchanted Battlehammer
8256, -- Lethal Toxin
23632, -- Girdle of the Dawn
16970, -- Dawn's Edge
28739, -- Summon Mr. Wiggles
6441, -- Explosive Shells
27241, -- Summon Gurky
16986, -- Blood Talon
10675, -- Summon Maine Coon
23429, -- Summon Loggerhead Snapjaw
10850, -- Powerful Smelling Salts
3488, -- Felstrom Resurrection
30047, -- Crystal Throat Lozenge
27832, -- Sageblade
10346, -- Machine Gun
12740, -- Summon Infernal Servant
6469, -- Skeletal Miner Explode
6471, -- Tiny Iron Key
11397, -- Diseased Shot
30156, -- Summon Hippogryph Hatchling
27589, -- Black Grasp of the Destroyer
10683, -- Summon Green Wing Macaw
23432, -- Summon Hawksbill Snapjaw
4950, -- Summon Helcular's Puppets
17708, -- Summon Diablo
8363, -- Parasite
10707, -- Summon Great Horned Owl
16531, -- Summon Frail Skeleton
22027, -- Remove Insignia
10681, -- Summon Cockatoo
26443, -- Firework Cluster Launcher
6510, -- Blinding Powder
16991, -- Annihilator
10713, -- Summon Albino Snake
16072, -- Purify and Place Food
20629, -- Corrosive Venom Spit
10680, -- Summon Cockatiel
10676, -- Summon Orange Tabby
10714, -- Summon Black Kingsnake
28615, -- Spike Volley
19566, -- Salt Shaker
7901, -- Decayed Agility
7054, -- Forsaken Skills
24189, -- Force Punch
With this table should be easy to check if the spellId is in the exclusion list and never modify the casting time for these spells even though the unit has Tongues or similar debuffs.
While testing this, I noticed a minor "bug", in the variable castSpellIDs this spell is included:
local castSpellIDs = {
19799, -- Dark Iron Bomb
The 19799 is the spellId of craft Dark Iron Bombs, not the spellId of throw one (that is 19784), and the spellName is the same for the two spells (but castTime is not the same!), so I think is better to remove this and add the spellId of throw the Drak Iron Bomb:
local castSpellIDs = {
19784, -- Dark Iron Bomb
Now, one new problem appears with the discover that castTime returned by GetSpellInfo is affected by Tongues or similar debuffs (in the player). When in the addon this function is called to know the castTime of spells (twice in function addon:COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED()), this information will be wrong if the player is affected by these debuffs. I think this should be fixed with something like this (although I have not test the code directly):
local math_floor = math.floor
function addon:adjustCastTime(spellId, castTime)
if spellId == nil or castTime == nil then
return nil
if (unaffectedCastModsSpells[spellId]) then -- check if the spellId is in the exclusion list
return castTime
local _, _, _, hCastTime = GetSpellInfo(8690) -- Hearthstone spell (normal hCastTime should be 10000)
if (hCastTime and hCastTime ~= 0 and hCastTime ~= 10000) then
return math_floor(castTime * 10000 / hCastTime)
return castTime
local _, eventType, _, srcGUID, srcName, srcFlags, _, dstGUID, _, dstFlags, _, _, spellName = CombatLogGetCurrentEventInfo()
if eventType == "SPELL_CAST_START" then
local spellID = castedSpells[spellName]
if not spellID then return end
local _, _, icon, castTime = GetSpellInfo(spellID)
if not castTime then return end
castTime = self:adjustCastTime(spellID, castTime)
-- is player or player pet or mind controlled
local isPlayer = bit_band(srcFlags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_CONTROL_PLAYER) > 0
if srcGUID ~= self.PLAYER_GUID then
if isPlayer then
-- Use talent reduced cast time for certain player spells
local reducedTime = castTimeTalentDecreases[spellName]
if reducedTime then
castTime = reducedTime
local cachedTime = npc
Cache[srcName .. spellName]
if cachedTime then
-- Use cached time stored from earlier sightings for NPCs.
-- This is because mobs have various cast times, e.g a lvl 20 mob casting Frostbolt might have
-- 3.5 cast time but another lvl 40 mob might have 2.5 cast time instead for Frostbolt.
castTime = cachedTime
npcCastTimeCacheStart[srcGUID] = GetTime()
local _, _, _, startTime, endTime = CastingInfo()
if endTime and startTime then
castTime = endTime - startTime
-- Note: using return here will make the next function (StoreCast) reuse the current stack frame which is slightly more performant
return self:StoreCast(srcGUID, spellName, icon, castTime, isPlayer)
elseif eventType == "SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS" then
local channelCast = channeledSpells[spellName]
local spellID = castedSpells[spellName]
if not channelCast and not spellID then return end
local isPlayer = bit_band(srcFlags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_CONTROL_PLAYER) > 0
-- Auto correct cast times for mobs
if not isPlayer and not channelCast then
if not strfind(srcGUID, "Player-") then -- incase player is mind controlled by NPC
local cachedTime = npcCastTimeCache[srcName .. spellName]
if not cachedTime then
local cast = activeTimers[srcGUID]
if not cast or (cast and not cast.hasCastSlowModified and not cast.hasBarkskinModifier and not cast.hasFocusedCastingModifier and not cast.hasNaturesGraceModifier) then
local restoredStartTime = npcCastTimeCacheStart[srcGUID]
if restoredStartTime then
local castTime = (GetTime() - restoredStartTime) * 1000
local origCastTime = 0
if spellID then
local _, _, _, cTime = GetSpellInfo(spellID)
origCastTime = cTime or 0
origCastTime = self:adjustCastTime(spellID, origCastTime)
local castTimeDiff = abs(castTime - origCastTime)
if castTimeDiff <= 4000 and castTimeDiff > 250 then -- heavy lag might affect this so only store time if the diff isn't too big
npcCastTimeCache[srcName .. spellName] = castTime
elseif eventType == "SPELL_AURA_APPLIED" then
elseif eventType == "SPELL_AURA_REMOVED" then
elseif eventType == "SPELL_CAST_FAILED" then
elseif eventType == "PARTY_KILL" or eventType == "UNIT_DIED" or eventType == "SPELL_INTERRUPT" then
elseif eventType == "SWING_DAMAGE" or eventType == "ENVIRONMENTAL_DAMAGE" or eventType == "RANGE_DAMAGE" or eventType == "SPELL_DAMAGE" then
Heya, very interesting. I've changed the Dark Iron Bomb spellID and implemented a fix for the GetSpellInfo issue now, (untested) but im still hesitant about adding another large data table as the addon is already bloated with data as it is. I'll have to think about it, it might be possible to instead just modify the cast time auto correction feature to detect if a unit's cast are able to be slowed or not.
We are in 2019 (soon 2020!), I believe that adding a one more static table of 331 elements should not be a problem. Other addons uses several tables of more than 4000 elements and there is no problem.
These things adds up really fast, especially if more than 1 addon are doing it. Its 2019, but many people still dont even use SSDs.
Maybe I misunderstood. If you're slowed, does GetSpellInfo()'s return values also affect other spells, i.e NPC spells? I thought it only affected spells if you also happened to have them in your own spellbook. For player spells we could use a small table though.
Sorry I edit my previous comment to clarify some things, but yes, GetSpellInfo()'s return the value for all spells in the game as if you could cast them.
Ahh that explains things. I thought it worked like talent reductions where it only affects spells in your own spellbook and NPC spells that happen to have the exact same name for some reason. I'll most likely end up adding a table of spell ids then.
I guess I didn't explain myself well before, it's really a bit weird ... but it's how it works. I will try to take a look the next commit and test it in the game to verify that it works well. Although I still think that adding the table is not a problem, even for NPC spells! It also provides us a double function: it allows us to skip the castTime correction in the GetSpellCastTime function for non-slowable spells and allows us not to modify the cast time in the function CheckCastModifier for spells that are no-slowable. If you still want to reduce the table, we can purge some spells, since most spellIds in the table are pet/mount summons and item craft spells.
I have also tested whether Troll's racial affects in this way and does. You can create a Troll level 1 and use your racial to check all these things of GetSpellInfo behaviors. The racial troll grants 10% of haste with 100% of hp and up to 30% of haste to the less hp you have (I think 30% was achieved with a 40% hp). The same code that is used to correct the castTime of spells when character has a debuff like Tongues should work without modifications for the Troll haste buff. I comment this so you can perform quick checks if you wish.
Meanwhile, I will continue trying to find a collaborative rogue to help me in the other matter :)
Ok, here a reduced table with 177 elements (instead of 331). I remove the profession craft spells, summon mount spells and summon (non-combat)pets spells:
unaffectedCastModsSpells = {
-- Player Spells
1464, -- Slam
8820, -- Slam
11604, -- Slam
11605, -- Slam
6510, -- Blinding Powder
11202, -- Crippling Poison
3421, -- Crippling Poison II
13227, -- Wound Poison
13228, -- Wound Poison II
13229, -- Wound Poison III
13230, -- Wound Poison IV
5761, -- Mind-numbing Poison
8693, -- Mind-numbing Poison II
11399, -- Mind-numbing Poison III
8681, -- Instant Poison
8686, -- Instant Poison II
8688, -- Instant Poison III
11338, -- Instant Poison IV
11339, -- Instant Poison V
11343, -- Instant Poison VI
2835, -- Deadly Poison
2837, -- Deadly Poison II
11356, -- Deadly Poison IV
11355, -- Deadly Poison III
25347, -- Deadly Poison V
6651, -- Instant Toxin
1842, -- Disarm Trap
1804, -- Pick Lock
6461, -- Pick Lock
6463, -- Pick Lock
19434, -- Aimed Shot
20900, -- Aimed Shot
20901, -- Aimed Shot
20902, -- Aimed Shot
20903, -- Aimed Shot
20904, -- Aimed Shot
2641, -- Dismiss Pet
2480, -- Shoot Bow
7918, -- Shoot Gun
20549, -- War Stomp
20589, -- Escape Artist
22027, -- Remove Insignia
7355, -- Stuck
-- NPCs and Others
3583, -- Deadly Poison
13582, -- Deadly Poison
21787, -- Deadly Poison
3131, -- Frost Breath
16094, -- Frost Breath
16099, -- Frost Breath
16340, -- Frost Breath
21099, -- Frost Breath
22479, -- Frost Breath
6917, -- Venom Spit
16552, -- Venom Spit
15664, -- Venom Spit
16866, -- Venom Spit
17158, -- Venom Spit
23862, -- Venom Spit
24011, -- Venom Spit
7068, -- Veil of Shadow
17820, -- Veil of Shadow
23224, -- Veil of Shadow
6909, -- Curse of Thorns
16247, -- Curse of Thorns
13608, -- Hooked Net
14030, -- Hooked Net
15609, -- Hooked Net
20716, -- Sand Breath
20717, -- Sand Breath
8806, -- Poisoned Shot
8275, -- Poisoned Shot
1980, -- Bombard
3015, -- Bombard II
1536, -- Longshot II
3007, -- Longshot III
1540, -- Volley
3013, -- Volley II
4164, -- Throw Rock
4165, -- Throw Rock II
3537, -- Minions of Malathrom
5567, -- Miring Mud
28352, -- Breath of Sargeras
7106, -- Dark Restore
4075, -- Large Seaforium Charge
5106, -- Crystal Flash
22979, -- Shadow Flame
3611, -- Minion of Morganth
27794, -- Cleave
25247, -- Longsight
5208, -- Poisoned Harpoon
14532, -- Creeper Venom
3132, -- Chilling Breath
3650, -- Sling Mud
3651, -- Shield of Reflection
3143, -- Glacial Roar
6296, -- Enchant: Fiery Blaze
24194, -- Uther's Tribute
7364, -- Light Torch
12684, -- Kadrak's Flag
7919, -- Shoot Crossbow
6907, -- Diseased Slime
3204, -- Sapper Explode
26234, -- Submerge Visual
26063, -- Ouro Submerge Visual
6925, -- Gift of the Xavian
7951, -- Toxic Spit
24195, -- Grom's Tribute
16554, -- Toxic Bolt
15495, -- Explosive Shot
6530, -- Sling Dirt
26072, -- Dust Cloud
5514, -- Darken Vision
11016, -- Soul Bite
21050, -- Melodious Rapture
4520, -- Wide Sweep
4526, -- Mass Dispell
6576, -- Intimidating Growl
20627, -- Lightning Breath
25793, -- Demon Summoning Torch
23254, -- Redeeming the Soul
18711, -- Forging
12198, -- Marksman Hit
8153, -- Owl Form
6626, -- Set NG-5 Charge (Blue)
6630, -- Set NG-5 Charge (Red)
30081, -- Retching Plague
6656, -- Remote Detonate
10254, -- Stone Dwarf Awaken Visual
3359, -- Drink Potion
17618, -- Summon Risen Lackey
17235, -- Raise Undead Scarab
8386, -- Attacking
28311, -- Slime Bolt
1698, -- Shockwave
23008, -- Powerful Seaforium Charge
6951, -- Decayed Strength
28732, -- Widow's Embrace
28995, -- Stoneskin
24706, -- Toss Stink Bomb
6257, -- Torch Toss
7359, -- Bright Campfire
16590, -- Summon Zombie
9612, -- Ink Spray
3436, -- Wandering Plague
9636, -- Summon Swamp Spirit
17204, -- Summon Skeleton
7896, -- Exploding Shot
23392, -- Boulder
7920, -- Mebok Smart Drink
8682, -- Fake Shot
28614, -- Pointy Spike
8016, -- Spirit Decay
26102, -- Sand Blast
3477, -- Spirit Steal
5395, -- Death Capsule
5159, -- Melt Ore
5403, -- Crash of Waves
8256, -- Lethal Toxin
6441, -- Explosive Shells
10850, -- Powerful Smelling Salts
3488, -- Felstrom Resurrection
10346, -- Machine Gun
12740, -- Summon Infernal Servant
6469, -- Skeletal Miner Explode
11397, -- Diseased Shot
4950, -- Summon Helcular's Puppets
8363, -- Parasite
16531, -- Summon Frail Skeleton
16072, -- Purify and Place Food
20629, -- Corrosive Venom Spit
28615, -- Spike Volley
19566, -- Salt Shaker
7901, -- Decayed Agility
7054, -- Forsaken Skills
24189, -- Force Punch
We are in 2019 (soon 2020!), I believe that adding a one more static table of 331 elements should not be a problem. Other addons uses several tables of more than 4000 elements and there is no problem.
it might be possible to instead just modify the cast time auto correction feature to detect if a unit's cast are able to be slowed or not.
It is obvious that a method that can detect if a spell casted by a unit can be slowed or not is better than a fixed static table, but I have no idea how to detect if a unit's cast are able to be slowed or not, since the GetSpellInfo function only return the castTime value from your point of view (and depend only on your debuffs).
Think about it, but I believe that this table is necessary anyway (unless we discover another method for this), since it is necessary to know what spells can be slowed and which not, to be able to take as valid/invalid the castTime information returned by GetSpellInfo.
EDIT: I have seen the commit submited on this issue and I think I have not explained myself well:
local IsSpellKnown = _G.IsSpellKnown
local function GetSpellCastTime(spellID)
local _, _, icon, castTime = GetSpellInfo(spellID)
if not castTime then return end
if IsSpellKnown(spellID) then
local _, _, _, hCastTime = GetSpellInfo(8690) -- Hearthstone, normal cast time 10s
if hCastTime and hCastTime ~= 10000 then -- If current cast time is not 10s it means the player has a casting speed modifier debuff applied on himself.
-- Since the return values by GetSpellInfo() from spells that the player has learned in their spellbook are affected by the slow,
-- we need to remove so it doesn't give slow modified casttimes for other peoples casts.
return floor(castTime * (hCastTime / 10000)), icon
return castTime, icon
There are several things wrong with this code:
- This sentence is false:
--Since the return values by GetSpellInfo() from spells that the player has learned in their spellbook are affected by the slow,
The GetSpellInfo() function return a modified castTime for ALL spells in the game, not only the spells in your spellbook, so the IsSpellKnown(spellID) is not necessary. For exampe, with a any class, if you don't have Tongues or similar debuff the result returned by this code is:
local spellList = {
20904, -- Aimed Shot (hunter)
11605, -- Slam (warrior)
12826, -- Polymorph (mage)
17923, -- Searing Pain (warlock)
10955, -- Shackle Undead (priest)
5106, -- Crystal Flash (NPC spell)
184, -- Fire Shield II (NPC spell)
18431, -- Bellowing Roar (NPC spell)
for _, v in ipairs(spellList) do
local _, _, _, castTime = GetSpellInfo(v)
will be:
20904 -> 3000
11605 -> 1500
12826 -> 1500
17923 -> 1500
10955 -> 1500
5106 -> 2000
184 -> 1000
18431 -> 1500
If you have Tongues (60%) the result of execute the code below is:
20904 -> 3000
11605 -> 1500
12826 -> 2400
17923 -> 2400
10955 -> 2400
5106 -> 2000
184 -> 1600
18431 -> 2400
As you can see, the castTime for Aimed Shot (hunter) and Slam (warrior) and also for the NPC spell Crystal Flash remain the same because they are not slowable spells, but the cast time varies for Polymorph (mage), Searing Pain (warlock), Shackle Undead (priest), Fire Shield II (NPC spell) and Bellowing Roar (NPC spell) because these are slowable spells.
This is how I have managed to datamine the non slowable spells. I have a huge array of spellIds. Without any debuff, I get the castTime for all of them calling to GetSpellInfo() and save it in Table A. Now I put the Tongues debuff on the test character and I get the castTime for the entire spellIds list again and save it in Table B. Now there is only compare Table A with Table B. Those spells whose castTime is the same in both cases means that they are not affected by debuffs.
- This is also wrong:
return floor(castTime * (hCastTime / 10000)), icon
This should be:
return floor(castTime * 10000 / hCastTime), icon
Now a example. You are a mage with tongues (60%), and your enemy is a warlock without any cast reduction time debuff. You warlock start to cast Searing Pain (spellId=17923). In your code the COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED this code is executed, when we obtain for the first time the castTime from the GetSpellInfo(17923) the castTime is 2400 (normal is 1500, but with Tongues in you the result is 2400). This is wrong because the warlock is not affected by tongues, only you, so the addon should correct this. In the function, the hCastTime returned by GetSpellInfo(8690) is 16000. So, with your code:
return floor(castTime * (hCastTime / 10000)), icon
return floor(2400 * (16000/ 10000)), icon
return floor(3840), icon
3840 is obviously wrong, with the suggested code:
return floor(castTime * 10000 / hCastTime), icon
return floor(2400 * 10000 / 16000), icon
return floor(1500), icon
1500 is the good value for the Searing Pain castTime value. And if the warlock also had a tongues effect? It does not matter, this function would also return the original value of 1500, and the castTime arrangement for the Searing Pain spell of warlock with tongues will be corrected later in the same way that it was being performed until now.
- One more thing! we are not thinking about not slowable spells. Imagine that you are a mage again with tongues, and you have a enemy hunter (with or without tongues, it doesn't matter) casting a Aimed Shot (spellId=20904). The first castTime obtained with GetSpellInfo(20904) is 3000 (the castTime value for this spell will always be 3000 even if you have tongues because it is a non-slowable spell). With the suggested code the final result is:
return floor(castTime * 10000 / hCastTime), icon
return floor(3000 * 10000 / 16000), icon
return floor(1875), icon
But 1875 is obviously wrong. This is one of the reasons we need a table or something similar to know if a spell is slowable spell or not, and if this spell is non slowable no correction is necessary.
Ok, I have tested the changes and seems to work like a charm.
Taking a look at the code I suggest only a very small modification, in the function GetSpellCastInfo:
local function GetSpellCastInfo(spellID)
if hCastTime and hCastTime ~= 10000 then -- If current cast time is not 10s it means the player has a casting speed modifier debuff applied on himself.
-- Since the return values by GetSpellInfo() are affected by the modifier, we need to remove so it doesn't give modified casttimes for other peoples casts.
return floor(castTime * 10000 / hCastTime), icon
In this function I think is good to check that hCastTime is not 0 to prevent zero division error in the strange case that hCastTime is 0. It's just for be safe, I don't know anything that makes the Hearthstone instant cast:
local function GetSpellCastInfo(spellID)
if hCastTime and hCastTime ~= 10000 and hCastTime ~= 0 then -- If current cast time is not 10s it means the player has a casting speed modifier debuff applied on himself.
-- Since the return values by GetSpellInfo() are affected by the modifier, we need to remove so it doesn't give modified casttimes for other peoples casts.
return floor(castTime * 10000 / hCastTime), icon
I think the only thing that would remain pending is discover how Tongues+Mind Numbing works... I will keep trying to test it...
Found some interesting patch notes:
Patch 2.0.3 (09-Jan-2007): "Mind-Numbing Poison" will no longer stack with both "Curse of Tongues" and "Slow".
Since Classic runs on patch 1.12.1 im assuming they still stack so I have added a fix for this now. (Still not 100% sure about the calculations, especially if something like Berserking is active at the same time you have Curse+Mind Numbing Poision but I think it should work good enough.)