Classic Castbars

Classic Castbars



Ulidan opened this issue ยท 1 comments


What happened?

LUA error

Is there any errors?

2x ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:523: attempt to concatenate local 'srcNpcID' (a nil value)
[string "@ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua"]:523: in function <ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:501>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?

self = ClassicCastbars {
 NAME_PLATE_UNIT_REMOVED = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:457
 StoreCast = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:177
 CreateOrUpdateSecureFocusButton = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:557
 PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:329
 SkinPlayerCastbar = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:453
 ToggleUnitEvents = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:299
 DeleteCast = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:222
 NAME_PLATE_UNIT_ADDED = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:445
 DisplayCastbar = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:310
 SetBorderShieldStyle = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:106
 AnchorManager = <table> {
 SetFocusDisplay = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:605
 StartCast = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:131
 SetCastbarFonts = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:254
 CheckCastModifiers = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:61
 SetCastbarIconAndText = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:83
 ADDON_LOADED = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:410
 CastPushback = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:239
 StopCast = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:147
 GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:468
 GetCastbarFrame = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:34
 LibClassicDurationsInitialized = true
 SetTargetCastbarPosition = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:47
 ClearFocus = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:588
 UNIT_AURA = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:423
 db = <table> {
 PLAYER_GUID = "Player-5220-01A80110"
 activeTimers = <table> {
 SetCastbarStatusColorsOnDisplay = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:297
 StopAllCasts = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:168
 CreateFadeAnimationGroup = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:282
 0 = <userdata>
 activeFrames = <table> {
 ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:344
 SetLSMBorders = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:229
 SetCastbarStyle = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:154
 StartAllCasts = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:158
 defaultConfig = <table> {
 HideCastbar = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:352
 COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:501
 GetUnitType = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:50
 PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:438
_ = 1693943524.508000
eventType = "SPELL_CAST_START"
_ = false
srcGUID = "Player-5220-01B48D18"
_ = "Deezlegtyg"
srcFlags = 4680
_ = 0
dstGUID = ""
_ = nil
dstFlags = -2147483648
_ = -2147483648
_ = 0
spellName = "Healing Wave"
_ = 8
missType = nil
spellID = 10396
castTime = 3000
icon = 136052
isSrcPlayer = false
_ = "Player"
_ = "5220"
_ = "01B48D18"
_ = nil
_ = nil
srcNpcID = nil
(*temporary) = <table> {
 Black Dragon WhelpFireball = 3050.000000
 9523Lightning Bolt = 6426.000000
 2990Lesser Heal = 1997.000000
 3269Fireball = 3004.000000
 15989Frost Breath = 7000

Game Version

Classic Era

Game Language


Does the issue still occur when all other addons are temporarily disabled?


Any additional info?

No response


fixed in v1.6.6, sorry for the delay.