Ulidan opened this issue ยท 1 comments
What happened?
LUA error
Is there any errors?
2x ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:523: attempt to concatenate local 'srcNpcID' (a nil value)
[string "@ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua"]:523: in function <ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:501>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
self = ClassicCastbars {
NAME_PLATE_UNIT_REMOVED = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:457
StoreCast = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:177
CreateOrUpdateSecureFocusButton = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:557
PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:329
SkinPlayerCastbar = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:453
ToggleUnitEvents = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:299
DeleteCast = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:222
NAME_PLATE_UNIT_ADDED = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:445
DisplayCastbar = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:310
SetBorderShieldStyle = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:106
AnchorManager = <table> {
SetFocusDisplay = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:605
StartCast = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:131
SetCastbarFonts = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:254
CheckCastModifiers = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:61
SetCastbarIconAndText = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:83
ADDON_LOADED = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:410
CastPushback = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:239
StopCast = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:147
GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:468
GetCastbarFrame = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:34
LibClassicDurationsInitialized = true
SetTargetCastbarPosition = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:47
ClearFocus = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:588
UNIT_AURA = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:423
db = <table> {
PLAYER_GUID = "Player-5220-01A80110"
activeTimers = <table> {
SetCastbarStatusColorsOnDisplay = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:297
StopAllCasts = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:168
CreateFadeAnimationGroup = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:282
0 = <userdata>
activeFrames = <table> {
ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:344
SetLSMBorders = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:229
SetCastbarStyle = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:154
StartAllCasts = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:158
defaultConfig = <table> {
HideCastbar = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/Core/Frames.lua:352
COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:501
GetUnitType = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:50
PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED = <function> defined @ClassicCastbars/ClassicCastbars.lua:438
_ = 1693943524.508000
eventType = "SPELL_CAST_START"
_ = false
srcGUID = "Player-5220-01B48D18"
_ = "Deezlegtyg"
srcFlags = 4680
_ = 0
dstGUID = ""
_ = nil
dstFlags = -2147483648
_ = -2147483648
_ = 0
spellName = "Healing Wave"
_ = 8
missType = nil
spellID = 10396
castTime = 3000
icon = 136052
isSrcPlayer = false
_ = "Player"
_ = "5220"
_ = "01B48D18"
_ = nil
_ = nil
srcNpcID = nil
(*temporary) = <table> {
Black Dragon WhelpFireball = 3050.000000
9523Lightning Bolt = 6426.000000
2990Lesser Heal = 1997.000000
3269Fireball = 3004.000000
15989Frost Breath = 7000
Game Version
Classic Era
Game Language
Does the issue still occur when all other addons are temporarily disabled?
Any additional info?
No response